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Posts posted by Ariurotl

  1. The way it happened is that at some point during development Type-Moon realized that if Shirou were to have sex with a dude that'd be pretty gay, and not what most otaku are looking for, so they made him a cute grill.

    Narp.  The original "Shirou" was a girl named Ayaka Sajyou, and Saber was originally a dude.  They switched to a male protag and female Saber because dudes would be more likely to read it if the main character was male.


    Hah. Didn't know that. Now I've got the mental image of a Girlshirou protecting Dudesaber because "guys shouldn't fight".

  2. Got a bit further into Pillars of Eternity, I'm enjoying it, more or less, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to whine:

    How in the world did they manage to make an Infinity engine game so visually uninformative? The combat is a huge pain in the ass, unless you spend ages pausing every two seconds and peering into the combat log. The animations tell fuck all, which is really baffling cause in BG I'd been able to tell what my party and the enemies were doing at a glance. And don't get me started on the floating damage numbers... whose bright idea was it to display them only when you hit an enemy or you get healed? HOW ABOUT SHOWING THEM WHEN YOUR PARTY MEMBERS GET HIT? There's not even an option to tweak this shit, so all you have left is the aforementioned combat log and character portraits. Obsidian made a ton of monies on this game, it's time to let Infinity die and make a new engine.

    Also, I like the dialogues and all that, and the option to turn on dialogue choices you can't make because you don't meet the prerequisites (and list those prerequisites) gives me a boner. Loving the unique responses and/or NPC reactions you get based on your backstory, but sometimes it gets weird. Like, the character I eventually ended up using as a main is from Old Vailia, but I get absolutely zero unique dialogue options with characters from the Vailian Republics, into which Vailia crumbled before the game starts. Um, why? If anything, it gives me more to talk about with them, but nope. Okay, okay, I admit I just wanted to bond a bit more with Pallegina the bird waifu.

    Pillars of Eternity isn't on the infinity engine but a whole new one coded from scratch for their project.

    Incidentally, Torment will use that same engine.

    So it is, thanks for the correction. That... makes it even worse.

  3. Got a bit further into Pillars of Eternity, I'm enjoying it, more or less, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to whine:

    How in the world did they manage to make an Infinity engine game so visually uninformative? The combat is a huge pain in the ass, unless you spend ages pausing every two seconds and peering into the combat log. The animations tell fuck all, which is really baffling cause in BG I'd been able to tell what my party and the enemies were doing at a glance. And don't get me started on the floating damage numbers... whose bright idea was it to display them only when you hit an enemy or you get healed? HOW ABOUT SHOWING THEM WHEN YOUR PARTY MEMBERS GET HIT? There's not even an option to tweak this shit, so all you have left is the aforementioned combat log and character portraits. Obsidian made a ton of monies on this game, it's time to let Infinity die and make a new engine.

    Also, I like the dialogues and all that, and the option to turn on dialogue choices you can't make because you don't meet the prerequisites (and list those prerequisites) gives me a boner. Loving the unique responses and/or NPC reactions you get based on your backstory, but sometimes it gets weird. Like, the character I eventually ended up using as a main is from Old Vailia, but I get absolutely zero unique dialogue options with characters from the Vailian Republics, into which Vailia crumbled before the game starts. Um, why? If anything, it gives me more to talk about with them, but nope. Okay, okay, I admit I just wanted to bond a bit more with Pallegina the bird waifu.

    EDIT: Lore check fail, Old Vailia is in fact quite a ways away from the Republics.

  4. I loved Torment so much more than Baldur's Gate. I just felt so immersed in the characters and the setting. I wish they had made more games in the Planescape setting.

    Indeed. Too bad it'll never happen for a bunch of reasons. Maybe Tides of Numenera will be good, but some people clearly expect too much of it, considering that it won't include ANY of the places, characters and stuff from the old game.

    On topic: I don't think I need anything right now, got most of the stuff I wanted during the previous sale.

  5. wouldnt be surprised if they´re the same ones, with whom they´ve already worked together on sakura angels.
    but nah, still not fond of the practice when oelvn´s are start getting themselves a jp-dub to appeal pseudo authentic the more.

    It's just a by-product of the ridiculous "if it's Japanese, it's automatically better!" mentality.

  6. Here's what I've been thinking recently:

    Who else here thinks that "waifu" != "best girl"? I don't take the whole waifu thing too seriously, but I can occasionally allow myself to imagine being in a relationship with a VN heroine, and how it would or wouldn't work, compatibility-wise. I take the term "waifu" to be restricted to characters I feel I'd have decent compatibility with, and a "best girl" could be literally anyone, and a good few of my personal favorites would probably hate me with the intensity of a thousand suns in real life.

    But I wouldn't be surprised if it's just me massively overthinking everything as usual. :amane:

  7. Early on Kanae's route Nemu asks you whether you enjoyed having your way with Kanae. If you say yes, you get an additional bunch of choices throughout the route. Keep picking the most horrible ones and you end up on the evil route.

    As for the rest, wait for Decay or someone else with better memory. It all made sense (well... more or less) to me, but I can't really be sure I'd remember it right by now.

  8. I see someone hasn't played the evil route. :devil:

    The "blonde" is Natsuki. The game was not in VR. Nemu never forgot about Keisuke, actually. He was the one whose memories had been tampered with... I think. I'm already starting to forget some details, so that last one I'm not sure about.

  9. Been trolling Bottom-of-the-barrel Casual lately with this deck. Borderline unplayable, yes, but every win is glorious in some way or another. Thaurissan is a misfit here, but it's too much of a masochistic adventure without him.


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