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Posts posted by Ariurotl

  1. 2 minutes ago, Kawasumi said:

    anything else has been said that I hate, apart from the obvious mindless protagonist, thank god I almost only read vns with proactive protags. I had more than enough dense motherfuckers in harem animees.

    I used to hate donkan protags, but recently I found myself preferring them to most "proactive" protags, because being "proactive" more often than not means also being a complete and utter twat. I'd rather have another donkan than another Yuuji.

  2. ...I totally forgot to include the ubercool dude on my avatar in the list, but that'd make it THREE Overdrive chars, which is a bit overkill. I do love their supporting characters in general (more than most heroines even). Weirdly, no matter who writes them, Overdrive VNs tend to have superb side characters.


  3. Lists seem to be a thing today, and this area is still not covered. List your favorite weird friends / parents / relatives and similar side characters!

    *NOTE: It says "male" in the title, but it's not intended to be gender-limiting. What I wanted to exclude was the usual "I wish this totally best girl had a route" stuff. Female characters are allowed as long as they're not in that category.

    My personal favorites are:

    Suginami from Da Capo, and from DC2 in particular, cause the DC2 incarnation is vastly superior to DC1. The dude is just too cool and funny. I'd totally buy and read a no-homo Suginami side story!


    Murakami from KiraKira. Is it even possible not to like the guy?


    Jack from Dengeki Stryker. I wish she had a route.


    Akio (and Sanae, but she falls dangerously close to the MILF category) from Clannad. As far as I'm concerned, they're one of the few redeeming qualities of the VN, even though Akio's "route" sucked.


  4. What's with these threads today? :P

    I'm gonna set some kind of record by using one picture to represent my favorite heroine, my favorite protag and my favorite OST:


    Although as far as protags go, I also liked the whatshisname dude from Canvas 2 (because I had too fucking much in common with him) and Takumi from Chaos;Head (who is just an amazing character).

    Least favorite heroine, like I said in the other thread, is Elis from Canvas 2. Least favorite protags are Tomoya from Clannad, Shirou from FSN and Yuuji from Grisaia (If I had to pick one, it's probably Shirou). It's difficult to choose the least favorite OST, but I seem to remember Harukoi Otome having some annoying BGM.

  5. 20 minutes ago, VirginSmasher said:

    That's weird. I thought Sakura's route was boring and I absolutely hated Rin's route. I still love both of them in the original VN.

    /me shrugs

    Sakura's route was just sweet, and I found Rin's hilarious. Both (especially Rin) had tangible character growth, which I also appreciated. The only thing I hated was the final mini-route, cause it was so unnecessary.

  6. 3 minutes ago, TexasDice said:

    4.  Every romancable character in Shuffle (except Mayumi, who's fandisk only...)


    Sometimes, a character is just cardboard cutout of a trope. And sometimes, a character is even less than that. That's what think about all the shuffle heroines. Not once did I think "wow, that's cute" or "how could this character do that, I'm so mad"! 

    I just felt nothing. And that's what shuffle is at it's core, nothing.

    This, in its entirety, so much. Popularity of Shuffle! is something I can't even rationalize. I *did* like Kareha though, to a degree. At least she had a quirk, SOMETHING to set her apart from the rest. I don't remember much about Mayumi's personality... probably because she was sorta paired with the protag's annoying friend, and I didn't give her a second look. I haven't read Essence for obvious reasons though.

  7. I generally didn't care much about the original Edelweiss' heroines and their routes, and I also hated Ran's route in particular. Loved both routes in Eiden Fantasia though.

    I'm also genuinely surprised to see Yumiko on people's lists (worst girl imo). But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

  8. 17 minutes ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    Hmmm top 5 hated this time? Challenge accepted!

    1. Housen Elis (Canvas 2) - OH EM GEE! I SWEAR WHEN I SEE THIS GIRL IRL I WILL KICK HER FACE AND STOMP ON HER STOMACH UNTIL SHE DIES! :saber: Avoid her route at all costs when you decide to play Canvas 2. She gets jealous at everything that moves , acts all helpless like a baby, and clings to you like a leech.... It's like fucking cancer. Heck, I think a leech eventually stops once it sucks out enough of your blood, but Elis, this bitch will suck you dry and chew up on your withered skin.



    Ahh, it's nice to know I'm not the only member of the Elis Appreciation Society. :makina:

  9. Weirdly, I haven't seen any of those (and I watch a lot of live-action TV). It's like you deliberately chose well-received TV shows I haven't seen. :wacko:

    P.S. I would like to nominate this reply as an early contender for The Least Helpful Forums Reply of the Year Award, 2016.

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