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Posts posted by Ariurotl

  1. in a romance novel the main person always never release that the girl is in love with him  :jinpou: . i am like 4 steps ahead of him but that guy never change until the ending (i give him bad endings first  :wahaha: ). so its rare to find one that lets me dumb the girl and find a new one.

    I've read this post five times now, and I still have no idea what it means or how it applies.

  2. Huh, I actually got that on Steam when I purchased M&M X, which really wasn't all that great compared to the M&M I played, which was Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer. I should play VI at some point.

    MM8 was the first dying gasp of New World Computing (the last one was MM9, but we don't talk about MM9), and it's been poorly received compared to 6 and 7. I'd say try MM7, in which they fixed some things that didn't make much sense in MM6 and streamlined it somewhat, but it's not as expansive as MM6. MM8 really was a poor man's MM7. Just a reshuffle of classes and races (hireable party and dragon party members were pretty much the only big new things) with nearly zero improvement.

  3. The best game I've ever played is probably Planescape: Torment, but my personal favorite will always be Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven.


    It had a HUGE open world for its time, tons of things to do, places to visit and monsters to kill. Sure, it barely even qualified as an RPG (no dialogue to speak of, no moral choices, linear main story) and monsters weren't even 3D, just horribly pixellated sprites. But man, it was ridiculously awesome and fun to play. The four huge castles in the game were gigantic and you could get lost in them easily. I struggle to think of any modern RPG with dungeons that expansive. Dragons and titans (ESPECIALLY THE FREAKING TITANS) were properly awe-inspiring. And yeah, the music was great. I still occasionally listen to the soundtrack.


    Funniest thing is: I never finished it. I got lost in the Tomb of VARN and couldn't find a skull thingy that prevents magic damage in some areas... then I kind of drifted away from it, then my PC died. I got back into it a few times, but never managed to play long enough to get that far. :rolleyes:

  4. Endless Legend is at -50% again today. GOTY in my book (and it's on quite a few critics' top 10s of 2014 too), every 4X player owes it to himself to at least try it imo. ;)


    (DISCLAIMER: Amplitude Studios don't pay me for hyping it everywhere I go. I wish they did though!)

  5. Re: reading order - If there's a specific order implied by the authors (i.e., the routes "branch off", like for example in Sharin, G-Sen and, to some extent, Grisaia), I usually go along with it. In other cases, I read the routes in order from the least interesting heroine to the most interesting one to save the best for last. Only very rarely do I like a heroine so much that I go straight for her route. Did that with Riho from DEARDROPS, which was a mistake in hindsight, considering how short and insignificant other routes turned out to be.


    As for choosing the favorites, personality trumps everything else.

  6. I often compare it with G-senjou no Maou, obviously, and that's how I find some griefs against it: notably, G-senjou makes me realize how the author became more polished in his later works, whereas SnK feels a bit rough around the edges.

    I had an opposite impression. SnK was amazing, G-sen felt really rather stale.


    Although my opinion is skewed against G-sen primarily because of the utterly hapless way the Maou identity thing was handled. It's hard to believe the same person was behind THAT TWIST in SnK. Really made me upset, that.

  7. I like tsundere, but I don't particularly like twintails. It's an eternal struggle. (On a side note, I also like older, emotionally mature characters, but I don't like huge boobs, and older characters have huge boobs every. single. time., even when it doesn't make much sense.)


    The only archetype that's in perfect harmony with my tastes is sporty/tomboyish characters and short hair. I happen to like both!

  8. Looks like no one else is playing it, oh well.


    Here's a fun custom faction I've done. Took Roving Clans as a base (for their moveable cities), added the Cultists' OP conversion mechanic, big armies and fast travel, and offset it by adding every possible negative resource-related trait.




    The end result is a Mongol horde-like faction that is terrible at resource-gathering and makes up for it with army size and taking "tribute" from minor factions. I'd have added the "once city only" mechanic from Cultists, too, but sadly it's faction-locked.

  9. I would recommend waiting for a bit though, until they fix some of the more pressing problems. It's notoriously unstable on some systems (not on mine though). People have been reporting crashes every 2-3 turns, on my system I regularly get a CTD every 200-300 turns (more often on bigger maps), but the game autosaves every turn, so it's mostly been a non-issue for me.

  10. I'm currently wasting ridiculous amounts of time on this game. It's everything I wanted from a 4X, including some things I didn't know I wanted from a 4X. Sure, it borrows very heavily from Civ, but I love the direction they took with it. Everything is a lot less clunky, mechanics are streamlined without getting dumbed down too much, resource management is infinitely more sensible, and the fact that it's set in a curious mix of high fantasy, low fantasy and sci-fi world, and therefore not tied down by ostensible realism of Civ, allowed them to cater to pretty much every gameplay style.


    It is still rather bugged and unstable though, plus the AI is a mess and faction balance is questionable at best, but it looks like patches are on the way that will hopefully fix that. A really great game nonetheless.

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