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Everything posted by TexasDice

  1. Picking the other choices literally changes 10 lines of text, so suck it up and click the choice box. You will surely survive that ordeal.
  2. Don't expect to wait that much longer. It has been sitting at 100%/100% for a good two months now, so I would expect it to hit the shop in august.
  3. "The cafeteria food is mediocre! We need to stop this at once!" This VN is basically "first world problems"- the novel. Which is kind of nice, because it's a really mundane plot for a change. Just what I needed after 200 hours of Persona 5.
  4. Holy cow fellas, Konosora is becoming reality right before my eyes! brb, searching the nearby hills for a crying wheelchair waifu.
  5. -> Oh boy, it's been a while huh? Yeah, Kira☆Kira is definitely darker than Deardrops. Most likely because of the subject matter (Deardrops is about convening the spirit of music, while Kira☆Kira is about a bunch of kids leaving their childhood behind in a last, bright spark). They play out in the same universe, and have the music thing, but both VNs are vastly differing in tone and themes. Awh, really? The ending for Riho's route is my favorite part of it. It's one of those open endings that would normally make people go "wait, what happened to them afterwards?", but all I could think and feel was that they'll be alright. I also loved the entire setup with the location, the whole "I shouldn't be able to hear, but I do"-thing and the song itself is my favorite track in the entire game. I actually still listen to Noisy Sweet Home casually, almost two years after finishing DearDrops. But I'm glad you liked it and I'm happy to see that you weren't disappointed by how much I and select others have hyped Riho up as the "finale" of this VN. I most likely would not like Deardrops as much as I do now, had I read Riho first or second.
  6. The music. By that I mean thrice the bgm, the actual songs and how "music" is basically the seventh main character in and of itself. Most visual novels (or stories in general for that matter) have a theme, be it coming of age, redemption or plain old revenge and use various settings like highschool demon fighting or getting into a band as vehicles to drive the plot along. Deardrops however, is about music more than anything else. Music goes through every fiber of the writing and I love it. Music is the setting, plot and tone, everything else is along for the ride. Not having an enforced play order actually; Not reading Riho last will feel very underwhelming. And while Kanade's and even Yayoi's stories gave more things about universe and plot away, Rimu's route is pretty pointless? I didn't even like it as a fun "side-dish", like the Majikoi side routes for the boys. If I was put on the spot on what to improve immediately about this VN? Rimu's route. I adore jaded, cynical adult figures, especially when they come in the body of a 9 year old girl. I would say it's immersive for first time readers, because it forces you to follow along with the music (even more so for japanese readers, since they can actually understand the lyrics). People who are rereading Deardrops however, are most likely annoyed. ... Oh wait, I'm not a member. Who cares, I love rattling on about Deardrops. Just in case anyone reading this thinks about going for the fandisk afterwards: Don't bother unless you've read Kira*Kira. You'll be utterly lost.
  7. My absolute favorite? Sayori, without a doubt. That woman is probably closest to what humans consider perfect drawing. It also was a fun trip to follow her development on those skills ever since the first nekopara concept art came out, way before the actual release of volume 1 (back then, she most likely had a goth phase, which was spilling into her art) I just wish we got more than just Nekopara from her in the west. I heard Koikuma is super good. In terms of art that intrigues me, I have to give a shout out to Ray-kbys. Not only are his subjects really bizarre most of the time, but he also has a really fascinating way of drawing eyes, colors, shades and is integrating visible emotions into the motives. Fans theorize that Ray might actually just be Cthulhu's pen name for girl drawings. Who knows. I have to mention though, that I also follow both of them for non-game art as well. If I had to pick artists strictly from a Visual Novel basis, the Yuzusoft gang (Kobuichi, Muririn and Komowata for the SDs) do good work (and they are actually getting better with every game). An urgently necessary shout out goes out to all the background artists who rarely get their work praised. I wholeheartedly thank them for providing us with fantastic scenery, since I rarely come across bad backgrounds in VNs. Even if the sprites look terrible/outdated, backgrounds usually salvageable.
  8. Grisaia is a mix between SoL comedy (which is quite masterful) and shifts gears into serious drama (which it still nails more often than not). Majikoi at it's core, is a comedy and also a parodic celebration of everything anime; It Lampshades tropes, points out it's own absurdities and breaks the fourth wall frequently for entertainment. Since this thread is asking purely for preference, I go with Majikoi simply because I enjoy Comedies more than Drama. I have to note though, that the Majikoi series stopped/slowed the parody elements down with S, A, the anime and whatever how many spin-offs there were. In the original Majikoi, the fighting stuff wasn't actually all that important to the tone, it just served as a vehicle to push the script (speaking; characters and comedy) along. Majikoi 1 wouldn't feel any different if you replaced the martial arts setting with sports, music or even a trading card game. With S, the series started to take the fighting seriously , which is kind of lost me. I don't harbor as high of an opinion towards S and A because of that (and other, more objective factors). Also can't talk for the other two Grisaia games. One isn't translated yet and the other one I haven't finished (and probably won't anytime soon), due to how little the actual plot of Grisaia interests me personally. The incredibly well received anime adaptation reveals that Hermit Crabs are in fact the absolute and true ending to the series.
  9. I actually dropped money on Neko-nin exheart, because of how much the production value impressed me. Nothing world breaking story or character wise, since it's just another one of those short, fluffy kinetic novels, like Nekopara, KaraKara or strictly speaking even the Sakura titles. Other than to those lazy Sakura Xs however, it feels like all the money for Neko-nin Exheart was on the screen: Great UI, lots of flashy overlay effects, excellent audio in all areas (background moans, spriteless characters with actual voices, etc), little animations in the static sprites and really high quality art (even the SDs look great). Also, top-notch decensoring which always wins me over. This actually beats a lot of longer VNs I've read in terms of raw technicalities (which isn't fair, since Neko-nin was made 2 months ago). I would say Nekopara is still ahead due to the animation quality and how beastly Sayori draws everything, but I was still thoroughly impressed from a technical standpoint. I would actually recommend this to everyone who likes this genre of short-vns without much substance. Which, since we're on Elitistnovel.net shouldn't be that many people, but hey.
  10. A little over a year ago, my mother was working for a small, local version of amazon. They moved to a different state and because of that, had to fire all employees and empty their warehouses in a big employee-only sale. Probably to write off some taxes. My mom snatched herself a PS4, an Xbox One and a Wii U for ~20 Bucks each. The xbox was gifted to my sister's husband, I got the Wii U and my mom used the PS4 as a DVD player. Until now.
  11. By the way and to stay on topic: This Persona 5 sure is one of them great video games. I'm really glad my mom had a spare PS4 I could kidnap just for this game.
  12. This was and will always be always the case.
  13. Very basic cover shooter gameplay, reduced role playing elements, a basic script with more holes than a swizz cheese, template characters without much depth, a tone of bugs (even after five patches), not the best graphics, outdated/broken (facial) animations, bad voice acting and an obvious lack of quality control / interested both during, after and before release by Bioware. Those are things I can shit on somewhat objectively. On a personal level, I despise everyone working for Bioware for shoehorning their political agenda both into their games and every facet of social media, even if it's unrelated to said media. Look, if you are anti-trump, you can make an anti-trump post on your facebook. That's fair and no one should stop you, because it's your facebook. But if I visit the OFFICIAL Mass Effect Twitter, I don't want to see a lazy photoshop with Mass Effect characters telling me to vote against Trump. Keep this bullshit out of my fucking video games, you desperate, pathetic tools. Politics aside, I despite (the mass effect section of) Bioware for stubbornly refusing/accepting any kind of criticism against Mass Effect 3. They not only never apologized for the ending everyone on the planet hated, no they hired the same guy who wrote it for their next game. I hated Dragon Age Inquisition and have a LOT of issues with Dragon Age, but those teams actually listened to some of the feedback with some modesty and intrigue. The Mass Effect team(s) haven't learned a single god damn thing. Furthermore, EA is still EA and selling a 300$ special edition of a game without actually putting the game into it, is laughably EA. Not even Ubisoft could do something that EA. Purely on a technical level, I consider Andromeda as unacceptable in the same day and age as The Witcher 3. Fuck, I consider it unacceptable in the time-frame as Fallout 4. And everyone hates Fallout 4. On the plus side, the alien worlds and weapons/technology designs are kind of pretty, I'll give it that.
  14. You people picked one of my all time favorites, I hope you have a blast. Makes me itch to just reread it too. Just in case it's not too late for some of you: Please listen to this man.
  15. Great, now I can finally thank the girl who sent me No, Thank You!!! for Valentines by gifting her a copy too. You're the best, MagnaMaymer.
  16. Being grumpy is all I have left. The age of porn game threads is over.
  17. The pleb taste in here is going off the charts!
  18. I guess I'm due for an update, since I've lost 20 kilos between this and the last picture I posted of me. Feel free to PM me with dank meme photo shops.
  19. I hate them too. But according to outside sources, I turn dere whenever I play with little kids or animals. Getting really tired of these "aaaaw"s from bystanders, don't they have anything better to do?
  20. You have to consider the context I wrote this in.
  21. Numeric scores are an obvious indicator of reviewers either being lazy frauds which can't be bothered to think outside of their own, comfortable shoe box or opportunists which know that review scores clickbait the average internet browsing doofus into creating traffic for their badly written and barely researched articles. (here you can find plenty examples of both). In order to reach enlightenment, scrap all your scores and tell everyone who uses them (especially for business purposes) to fuck off. There are better ways of getting your thoughts of joy or discomfort across than with an arbitrary number.
  22. I didn't expect my gurl to show up in the ratings at all. Praise Kaori-sama, we didn't come last!
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