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Everything posted by Kelebek1

  1. Well you didn't specify that it needed to be in English, so: https://vndb.org/v1967- Sangoku rather than Sengoku, but you should still like it, it's the same sort of deal. Has some gameplay in the form of battles, but you can't lose them and they don't take too long. There's a translation on this forum which should be out in some months. I really like it. Ryo Fu <3 https://vndb.org/v13188- Sengoku Koihime. Made by BaseSon, same as above, but set in the Sengoku era. Main char in this one is the nephew of the protag in the above. Just as his uncle time-slipped to Sangoku era, the protag here time slips to the Sengoku era. You follow Oda, and Konami is the best girl. Doesn't have any gameplay. Really nice VN. Hope they make a sequel, and not go down the Moeshouden route of Sengoku, because those are pointless. https://vndb.org/v16629- Newest release in the Sengoku Hime series. I personally don't think it's that great (I think Sengoku Rance was terrible, as an fyi), but it is popular, and it's basically just like Rance, in that you start off with territories, and you expand out taking more areas. You can choose your starting faction from many of the biggest clans at the time. All SLG gameplay here. https://vndb.org/v12260- Again, not specifically the Sengoku era, it's set in the 1800s. ChuuShingura is a famous story, you can read about it here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty-seven_Ronin. No gameplay. It follows the real story very well, but also throws in some time-slipping stuff. It is pretty faithful to the original for what it does, and does throw some really interesting connections to the real story. Hashimoto's story for instance with Ohatsu, compared to their real versions (don't want to spoilerz it). And I have to say, the pacing and the story are amazing. I rate this as the best VN I've ever played actually. I was really blown away at how they managed to keep the story interesting throughout, without it getting boring, pacing very well done. It's entirely kinetic, very long, and there's very few H-scenes in it, which is really a plus in my opinion, as it didn't really "corrupt" the story (too much) for the sake of sex. Really really well-made. Again, it's old-timey Japan, all about samurai and the code of the samurai, and seeking revenge. https://vndb.org/v12033- This one is a bit more of a stretch maybe. It's an SLG like Sengoku Rance, but set on the world stage, not just Japan. You go around conquering the world, and each faction has heroes from all times in it. The English faction has King Arthur and the Round Table for instance. America has Christopher Columbus and Billy the Kid. EU has Napoleon, Da Vinci and Marie Antoinette. China has Lu Bu and Sun Tzu etc etc. So it goes all over, it's not just swords, there's magic and everything too. Again, all SLG gameplay. It's not bad, there's also an English interface translation for it on HongFire.
  2. I'm looking at the script format, but I can't figure out what the last 3 tables do. From the header there's script, string list, strings, then a list of script blocks. After that there's 3 tables which I can't figure out what they're for. Anyone have any links to any explanation or description for Key's scripts? I can't find anything on the technical side of things. EDIT: Lol, went all the way through, and failed on the first trap, skipped straight to day 3 and it ended. Ah well.
  3. Alright, let there be hooks! /HWN-1C*0@17D170:SiglusEngine.exe Not even sure how you got your ITH to load with the game properly. My newest ITH keeps trying to put in a broken hook and crashes the game. Had to mod the profile DLL to stop it crashing. But ah well, that hook should work for you.
  4. As far as I can see, the trial isn't freely available? If it would somehow make its way online, I'd make a hook for you.
  5. But you said: And then I took this part to mean that no one was a murderer, but I suppose Shannon isn't a Ushiromiya. But you did already say they didn't happen. (@Nyanko too, he did say they didn't happen)
  6. Friendship and love? It was Miyo being practically psychotic, being so dead-set on proving Hifumi's theories to be correct, that she even killed an entire town. You may say that "friendship and love" were the things that got them to stop it, but it still happened, they still had to go through the worlds and uncover the truth to then prevent it. There was still a mystery they had to solve. What you're saying for Umineko is the whole thing never happened to begin with and was all a lie. And yes, even his manga are horror/mysteries. Ryuukishi doesn't seem like the kind of writer to pull the "and then he wakes up and realises it was all a dream" type of bullshit, which is what you're saying it is.
  7. Main problem with that Getsuya, is that Ryuukishi is simply not that kind of writer. Look at all his other works, and see that he doesn't write stories like that. But more than that, you're just ignoring ALL the red texts; the absolute truths of the story. So the rules of the story themselves are just lies, and the red text isn't what actually happened? There wasn't even a bomb at all? Again, I don't think Ryuukishi would make nearly the entire story pointless like that.
  8. But it is related, the whole thing is about disproving the official solution, so I figured that's relevant to this thread discussing the official solution. A lot of things talked about in there I'm sure would come up in this thread, and things brought up in those videos can be used as points of discussion.
  9. Ok well I got the decryption (sgenrand seeding was actually non-standard) and decompression and script reading all working. Scripts and recompiler are included here: https://www.mediafire.com/?xgjky8bjh8yca1g To use the recompiler, just open up a cmd and call it as "compile.exe scene" or "config" to do the config files. Editing the text itself works fine, and you can also add new pages if you need to, by just putting in some new { } blocks, you don't need the "page" part. You don't have to compile every file either, you can just take single files, and name the compiled file UPDATE00.int, and it'll just use those files as updated ones, so you don't have to compile all the scripts every time. However, changing names doesn't work at all, and I can't get it to work. There's a name table in the config files (that's why I included them), but editing it to add in a new name, or just just adding a new name and stuff, doesn't work at all. I can't figure out how to fix the names, so, I dunno, maybe try and ask Doddler or someone who's worked with this engine before.
  10. Well on the hacking side, that format is horrible to work with. For whatever reason I can't generate correct numbers with any Mersenne Twist code that I try. Do they use custom numbers or something? Couple that with the anti-debugging code they have, making further testing really damn difficult. Other than that though, an 18+ version is coming out later this year apparently, so you should do that one instead. Work on it now, and then update it when the 18+ ver comes around.
  11. The problem with all these "taboo" things is that it's impossible to find a girl who's into them to make it possible. QQ.
  12. Can finally pay for the good stuff.
  13. And high level languages are a tonne of variable definitions and pointless conversions and type errors for no reason whatsoever. ASM is just bytes, you can interpret them however you want, but it's at least all uniform and simple. To try and split a string in C++ you have to make a huge mess of crap with a tonne of weird function calls and convoluted code, in ASM you can just do exact what you want directly and easily.
  14. Why? It's great. I find it easier to figure out what a program's doing by looking at the compiled code rather than the source, although mainly because I know nothing about C#/C++ or other high-level stuff.
  15. #include <stdio.h> int main() { for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) { char valueToPrint[5] = {}; int div1 = 0xa; __asm { mov eax,0x64 sub eax, i lea ecx,valueToPrint cmp eax,0x64 jb $+0xd mov bl,2 jmp $+0x17 cmp eax,0xa jb $+0xd mov bl,1 jmp $+7 mov bl,0 mov[ecx+ebx+1], 0xa get_char: xor edx,edx div [div1] or dl,0x30 mov [ecx+ebx],dl dec bl test ax,ax jnz get_char print: push ecx call printf pop ecx }; } } I'd never used asm within Visual Studio before, nor using Virtual Studio for anything to begin with. Seems easier on Linux where you can just send a 0x80 syscall write. Ah well, I can't believe I actually did it (as simple as this is). Does require the include before the required start though.
  16. He got a newline in his link somehow. It's just https://vndb.org/i610. But rather than searching characters, there's a VN tag for it: https://vndb.org/g462. Heroines with eye-patches are really common though. Soukoku no Arterial has one. Shin/Koihime Musou has one, along with a tonne of untranslated ones I've seen.
  17. Well there's still a lot more to the file than just compression. Looks like some custom bytecode, in which case there's probably jump locations in the script, which break if you change the sizes of strings. I just edited the bytes that were there, and didn't change the size. It reads the script opcodes at base + 0x2F7FC. Opcode 0x45 is text.
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