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Everything posted by Kelebek1

  1. It doesn't flow well though... "something like the stain of his blood" is barely legible at all. How would a stain show up? Some of the sentence gives the impression of this blood moving, as it appears and disappears, but that's the exact opposite of what a stain is. A stain is a stain because it won't move, it won't go away and you can't make it go away. As visual imagery it's really odd. Didn't fit well at all, and doesn't seem like a good translation to me. Also the fact that he uses stain twice. So the stone is stained with his sins which are stains of blood. We getting into stainception here. Also I think "stained with" is better than "stained by" in that case. Makes it feel more like a burden, and more like a stain.
  2. Yeah xAzure PM'd me about it. The encryption itself is easy to do, but there's just too many possibilities for me to do manually. There's 0x7F (127) possible keys that can be generated, and they're all from hard-coded numbers. If someone were to do it (properly), then they'd want to log the function call at 0x1E0011C2 (edi at the call and eax at the return). Edi is the adlr & 0x7F, and the least significant byte of the returned eax is what's used to decrypt the first (adler & 0x1BB) + 0x4B8 bytes of the file. Then the adler is shifted right by 16 and then the same function as above is called, and the rest of the file is decrypted. The decrypt itself is just a simple xor on each byte. But even when I hard-coded an adler that I got the right keys for, and checked that the decrypted file wasn't gibberish in the game, it was still throwing errors at me and I have no idea why. *Maybe* it has that stupid tiny thing where a single byte somewhere in the file is extra xor'd, somewhere in my head I'm vaguely remembering seeing that. I didn't check the decrypted file that specifically, so I'm not entirely sure. Binaryfail should be able to make a prog to dump all the return keys to build a table with all the encryption bytes needed and figure it out.
  3. Annoyingly it seems you have to re-compress the files, the game won't load them correctly without. So I nominate binaryfail to help.
  4. Ya I'm EU, and you should do, since they give stupid exp. As long as you have the gear to run like high 20s, low 30s greaters, should do that for mega paragon levels. At least into the 400s.
  5. Can I join? Kelebek#1263 Just found out that greater rifts exp is multiplicative, not additive, so all +exp gear times your exp gain, not just add to it. So greater rifts give huuuge paragon level exp. Need to do it in a group to be efficient though, since you're weaker with exp gear, and the exp bonus is real nice in a group anyway. No one in public games do greater rifts at all, it's just tier 1 then they all leave. Wanna grind dem paragon levels yo!
  6. So season 2 started a few days ago, is anyone playing? I am, and playing the OP Monk. Currently at the point where I can roll over T6, just need to grind out a few more items to really get up higher in rifts, like I need Unity, and a Torch to finish up a lightning build, and then a Furnace and Cindercoat for a more fire-based build. Then try to replace a few of my weakest items, like my Sunwuko amulet and my Grandeur ring. It's fun fun though, for the moment. At least until new games come out on the 27th.
  7. It's probably a direct translation of 兼. We really don't use cum in that way anymore, but 兼 is normal in Japanese. So you could maybe chalk it up to a too-literal translator, and/or an editor that decided it was fine. Which it is, really, just not too usual in English.
  8. I wish they'd fix the crash that came in in their last update. If I try to use the "browse" option to upload an image, after selecting the pic, Firefox will crash 100% of the time. The only way I can upload a pic now is by dragging and dropping it onto that frame. Incredibly annoying, and makes uploading more than 1 pic awfully slow. I don't know what they did to make FF crash, but it's pretty annoying.
  9. The trial for 悪魔娘の看板料理 just came out, with the full game releasing at the end of this month. It's really pretty good. You run a restaurant, and you need to do things like getting your ingredients, researching new dishes, sending adventurers out to do various things, increasing your staff and advance their characters, and even help redevelop the town your restaurant is in by building other buildings. It's a fun game, writing isn't too difficult either. So if you want a pretty unique VN which is part VN, part management sim, give it a try. I'm definitely going to play the full version when it comes out. Game site: http://shchara.co.jp/04develop/akuma/0top.html Trial download: http://shchara.co.jp/04develop/akuma/4down1.htm#%E3%83%80%E3%82%A6%E3%83%B3%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89
  10. You can put your own hooks into ITH, so you can search the net for a hook that someone's already made if ITH doesn't support it by default. There's a huge thread on HongFire just for requesting hooks for games, so you can try that as well. You can try making your own hooks too, it's really not that difficult at all. I'm wondering if Ren is going to add that to his guide.
  11. There's a fantastic description of は here http://archive.org/stream/historicalgramma00sansuoft#page/256/mode/2up - I really recommend you read that section.
  12. It's called marginalia, so if you wanted to look for books with marginalia, try search for that.
  13. Ah, thank you. That's exactly what I was looking for. I know I looked at that wiki before, and that type effectiveness page wasn't there. The red on their icon indicates weaknesses does it, ahhh. I don't need the English patch, I can play it fine in Japanese, I just didn't know the combat mechanics, since they're not explained in-game. That clears up everything I wanted to know, thanks.
  14. A weapon triangle like FE? What does that mean? And that's what I'm talking about, the strengths and weaknesses, how can I know what an enemy's weakness is?
  15. I can't wait to see how they'll translate the Americans.
  16. Can you include the other data files please, like the plugin folder, and basically everything in the main folder besides those data files. Can't open the game with just the exe. EDIT: Nevermind, got it, those 3 seeds doing work. Here you go, made a tool for you to unpack/repack the scripts: http://a.pomf.se/lroenf.rar Open a command window by using shift + right-click in the folder, and choose "Open command window here" and then usage is: Himawari-xp3.exe -e data.xp3 This will extract [data.xp3] into a data folder. Himawari-xp3.exe -c patch This will compile all the files in the [patch] folder into a new file called [patch.xp3]. Take the script files you edit from the extracted folder, put them into a folder called patch, then run the compile. That's it. Scripts need to be in the root patch folder, not in a sub-folder. Like in data.xp3 they're in scenario_main, but for the patch they just go in the root .\.
  17. No, it's the location of a function in the executable (the EBOOT) which does the decompressing.
  18. Because as I remember, the Kirikiri engine supported UTF-16. Or at least it did for one game that I looked at. Does it work or no?
  19. I do think they should be left out, I think it's terrible to leave them in. Look at any professional translation work (again, outside of some anime subtitling like Crunchyroll and possibly manga stuff) and they're all omitted, always. The consensus is to omit them, and I agree with that. You're supposed to be translating the work, you're not translating it very well if you have to still rely on words that only people who know the original language understand. Why not just keep the whole thing in the original language? Leaving them in is an excuse for being lazy, and an excuse to not develop the characters' personalities or emotions enough through the writing to let the audience understand their relationships. If the suffixes were required, then how in any other language that doesn't use familiarity suffixes (i.e English), can we make any assumptions about the depth of a relationship between characters? So they're not integral at all, you just have to express the intimacy in a different way, in a way which is normal to the target language. That's what translating is about. Look at any of the well-translated works, and you'll find none of them have those suffixes, and conversations are re-written, extended/shortened to fit with the language. Square-Enix for instance have a very good in-house translation department (despite what you think about the games or the stories themselves). Go play the undub of FFX, so you have JP audio and English subtitles, or the recently-PC-released FFXIII and FFXIII-2, and you can see in how many places they quite widely stray from the original, and the ending result is a game that's much more natural in English. If you want to read some more about Japanese and its perspectives, there's an interesting book you can (partially) read here: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=hwfn7lLCqVYC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA47#v=onepage&q&f=false - I suggest reading from there downwards, especially the 2.1 and 2.2 sections.
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