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Everything posted by hydro

  1. Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Presumably the game version has lady parts, which creates a grey area. If someone hit that I guess it would depend on how much it bothers them that spiritually speaking they banged a dude. Personally I wouldn't give a shit.
  2. I really like that kind of thing too, might give it a try when I'm done with Otoboku.
  3. I had a busy week so I started playing it properly on Saturday. The controls take some getting used to but I'm gradually getting accustomed to them. If I have a main it's probably Yoshi, but like always I try and use as many characters as possible. FC is 1461-7543-0849 though I'll have to wait until I have wi-fi access to add people, as I'm stuck using wired internet like some sort of savage.
  4. I agree on the martial arts part at least (I'm not up to that part and don't remember it from the anime if it was there), so that's concerning. It's why I prefer genius characters to not also be extremely fit or good fighters, for the sake of balance. But while I don't approve of random skills like the kickass fighting, I'm still enjoying the character overall. I tend not to like overly aggressive and/or perverted leads, and a graceful Onee-sama trap is about as far from that as you can get. It creates a very interesting dynamic that you don't see often if at all. I could do without the "woe is me" gags when he's complimented on his femininity, but I guess we can't all be Mariandale.
  5. I get the extremely heavy-handed foreshadowing was to assure the "anime connoisseurs" who haven't read the VN that this isn't "another generic harem". Looking at MAL comments it actually worked. But I still didn't like it. It was inevitable they wouldn't focus on the glorious common route because it's not edgy enough, but they better at least animate this:
  6. Picked up Otoboku the other day. I liked the anime when I saw it ages ago, so I thought why not. Mizuho is definitely one of my fav VN protags. Maybe second after Yuuji, I'd have to think about it more. The main character being the pretty, soothing and graceful Onee-sama is such a wonderful concept.
  7. I wish. I mean, I'm probably prettier than the average dude but not to the point of androgyny. My face is relatively pretty but my hair only grows up and sideways, not down. I'd rather be "pretty" than "rugged" as I like the look better. I’m straight, but not interested in dating so I don’t really care what women are into. All that said I have no intention of cross dressing, my preferred choice of clothes is cheap, loose, casual and comfortable shirts/pants. In fact I put very little effort into my appearance in general. Maybe some touching up would take me closer to androgyny, but I’m too lazy to make an effort.
  8. My Smash Bros 3DS finally arrived yesterday. Been pretty busy but I got a little of that in on the train. Controls take some getting used to after playing eons of Brawl on the gamecube controller or wiimote/nunchcck (whatever was available). Might change the shield to one of the face buttons so it feels more natural.
  9. 1. Death the Kid - He's one interesting, badass, hilarious, unique, flamboyant and crazy mofo. Soul Eater isn't exactly my fav anime, but he made it worth watching. 2. Hisoka - He's a really intruiging villain. For one thing I enjoy anything that comes under the bracket of "antagonist vs antagonist". The fact he has no problem fighting other strong villains with different motives (and sometimes actively wants to) is a great trait for a villain that should be used more often. And even putting that aside his general no fucks given attitude and relationship with the protaginists is interesting to see. 3. Kotoro Katsura - Pretty much the funniest guy ever. His ratio of apearences to being fucking hilarious is better than anyone in Gintama, and possibly anyone period. I like Gintama, but Katsura's criminal underutilisation is definately wasted potential for the show. He's also got some badass thrown in for good measure.
  10. Best route/character is clearly Kenji. But if we're talking about the girls, then my fav route is Lily's. Hanako's is is second because of their similarities. I didn't really like Rin's route, but I liked the character herself personality wise.
  11. I finished reading Sora's route in YnS. The only other one that's translated is Kazuha's and I don't reall feel like reading that now. I've seen the anime, the main reason I tried the VN was because I liked Sora's route in the anime. Though I will read Motoka's if it's translated.
  12. I drink $1 Latte's occasionally, but generally I drink Iced Coffee. If you live outside Australia it's probably not what you're thinking:
  13. Started New Game+ on Xillia 2. I don't normally bother with trophies on PS3, much less for long JRPG's; but I really like this game so I think I'm gonna platinum it. May be a little grindy but I took a look and nothing seems out of reach. But man, I can't wait to get fast travel/dash back. I got so used to fast travel and dash in the first play-through it feels really weird having to jog slowly like some sort of savage.
  14. Protagonist: Yuuji from Grisaia. He's pretty close to the perfect protagonist for me. Not a pushover (too many to name), but also not a complete asshole (Rance). He also fits my fav male MC template of "fairly indifferent to girls in general (thus avoiding all sorts of awful misunderstandings and awkward moments), but responsive to girls that come onto him (thus still avoiding awful misunderstandings and awkward moments, but still having an interest in girls that deserve it)." His thoughts are always entertaining, interesting and/or unusually logical for a VN protag (which I love). The snarkyness is always welcome too. Villain - Maou. I always prefer the bishonen smooth criminal to the gruff macho man villain (as far as G-Senjou is concerned it would be Gonzou, whom Maou shits all over as a villain). If Maou was you know who I probably would have liked him even better, but he's still a great villain as is. In fact
  15. Still playing Xillia 2. The first two and a half minutes of this, oh my God. I am no longer mad about the lack of dual-audio. This is too good.
  16. I lol'd. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/9738-The-Sims-4-Review
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