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Everything posted by hydro

  1. For the purposes of this thread I'll go with Clannad, which I found out about after watching both seasons of the anime. I liked the VN better than the anime, despite more or less knowing what was gonna go down. Katawa Shoujo isn't my fav, but I found out about that on The Escapist, which I think is fairly abnormal.
  2. I plan to start Majikoi the moment Miyako is done. I watched a little of the crappy anime before dropping it, and Miyako was easily my favourite. I liked 2 of the other heroines too, just not as much. The VN as a whole looks interesting as well, but I think I can wait.
  3. That's strange. It's not as though Floatzel is any good, it just had all the answers to stop my horribly unbalanced team. (Ttar, Garchomp and Excadrill). Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump and it's curtains.
  4. Her personality seemed to do a 180 from the beginning. Hopefully I'll enjoy Touka's chapter and route more. Grisaia Sachi is still best Sachi. I'm in the opposite boat. Finished Sharin and am currently playing Grisaia. I liked Sharin Sachi overall and am liking Grisaia Sachi so far. Though I agree Sharin Sachi's random outbursts were a little grating. Still, she's generally more plesant in her route than Touka/Natsumi are in their routes. Natsumi especially is pretty damn emo (you would have already seen a little of this earlier on iirc), so her route is probably more grating than Sachi's. Uh, enjoy. :3
  5. I think I should kill myself for this T_T Oh shit I think I read this as a kid. I live in Australia, so there's no shortage of books like that. I faintly remember one with wombats and another with owls too.
  6. I don't play too much competitively. As far are battles against real people are concered I mainly play random battles. Not only do I not have to build a team (hooray laziness), I enjoy having to think on my feet and work with what I'm given. I did build a team for Battle Subway in Gen 5. Got to around 90 wins in Super Singles before being swept by a fucking Floatzel of all things. I also tried to Battle Maison breifly in X/Y, but lost interest quicker than in Gen 5. Anyways Pokemon is one of my favourite game series. Generally I feel the games have gotten better with each iteration, Gen 1 being by far the worst for numerous reasons. Looking forward to the Gen 3 remakes, mainly just for the single player.
  7. Milla's voice was strange, but I didn't mind it. I'm sure it would have bothered far more if I heard the Japanese voice first. But as I didn't, it was all I knew. Not experiecing the original first is a good way to enjoy/tolerate dubs in general. I hadn't heard that about Xillia 2 though, it's a shame. My most recent Tales game was Symphonia Chronicles, and that had it. Xillia 2 came out in Japan before Symphonia Chronicles, but it's still strange.
  8. hydro


    I always prefer Bishounens to machismo cavemen. Most of my fav male characters would be classed as Bishonen to varying extents. Way too many to list, but I'll give a couple of my favs. Yuri - Tales of Vesperia Hisoka - Hunter x Hunter
  9. I don't like it either, I've always gone with the default option when it happens. Though that's for VNs, in other video games like Pokemon I usually pick a name.
  10. I originally had a 360, but bought a PS3 late last year to play its exclusives. Played Graces f, Xillia, Symphonia Chronicles, Record of Agarest War, Atelier Rorona, Valkyria Chronicles, HDN and The Last of Us. Have Xillia 2 pre-oredered, looking forward to that. I also use the PS3 as my default console these days, so I've bought a few cross platform games on it too.
  11. I do as well, though it's more a case of them being the lesser of two evils for me. All I'm saying is that all things being equal, I'll always prefer non-tsunderes to tsunderes. If you're the same then it will seem like common sense to you, not even worth mentioning. However tsunderes are extremely popular, so this sentiment is certainly not shared by all. Many people like a character specifically for their tsundere traits.
  12. Well, if it's good I love a long common route. If not, then I may get impateint wanting to enter the route of my fav girl.
  13. I don't think Crescendo had one. For practical purposes I'll agree with Sharin no Kuni too. There technically is one, but she's harmless and the MC/other characters point out how irrational she's being. And 999/VLR don't even have time for relationships, much less tsunderes and their nonsense. I was reading Hoshizora no Memoria as recently as yesterday before stopping. I haven't conclusively dropped it, but I don't really feel like going back. The MC lets at least 3 girls walk all over him (including but not limited to tsunderes), and the only girl he trolls is his super straightfoward sister. Not to mention the game locks you out from the sisters route until you complete Aoi's, who is just awful. (Not necessarily a tsundere, but an argument could be made). There are some tsunderes I'm indifferent to, and maybe a few I like. But in my case I just admire their overall character, while tolerating any minor tsundere traits they may have. For me tsundere characteristics don't improve a character. It's easy to say "Akiha Tohno is a good tsundere", but that's not really accurate. She's a good character who just happens to have tsundere characteristics. She would be no worse without them (imo). Your example of a good tsundere is certainly more pleasant than the bad ones, however I have no reason to prefer them over characters that are pleasant from the start. (I get the whole gap moe thing, it's just not for me).
  14. Mariya and Mariandale are the bestest.
  15. Uhh I read the thread title wrong, can I delete this post?
  16. We need more male trap/female sex scenes.
  17. I tried Sengoku Rance out of curiosity. I mean it's the seventh game in the series, but is BY FAR the most popular, at least in the west. It also apparentally had copius amounts of rape, strange for a super popular title. Anyways actually trying it I can see why it has (relative) mainstream appeal. It can be fairly addictive. One things I found hilarious was the lolicon bad end. Your goal is to conquer and entire landmass, but if you let yourself be tempted by the "dark side" that is lolis; instant GAME OVER.
  18. Sounds pretty awful. Violent/arrogant girl and doormat guy is one of my least favourtie pairings in fiction. Overdone and annoying. And on the "feminist" guy, surely not helping out girls at all would be more feminist. "Never refuses to help any girl in trouble." Unless he also helps guys, that it can be taken as sexist. I think a guy punching a girl in the face Touma style, then saying "I'm a feminist" would be more accurate. Not to mention hilarious.
  19. I just enjoy the medium. Not necessarily the choice aspect either, as on average I prefer more linear VNs. Even if there are no sprites or voices, music and CGs are still enough to make it more interesting than a book for me. (The first part of Banshee's Last Cry was very immersive despite these limitations). Of course if there are sprites and voices all the better. I don't really project myself onto the MC either. I enjoy named, interesting MCs far more than blank slate ones. They can also have more depth in character interaction than anime for example. Especially in adaptions, anime have a habit of cutting things out. The nature of the medium also leaves it open to storytelling tricks, for lack of a better term.
  20. Started 999 and Hoshizora. I usually don't start two at a time, but one's on PC and the other's on a handheld. In Hoshizora I already like Chinami and don't care too much about Mare. I'm not too big on Isuzu either, but glancing at the walkthough I'll have to do her route first to unlock Chinami's. Fate is a cruel mistress.
  21. hydro


    I tend to find anime hentai extremely boring. I may start one out of curiosity and lose interest quickly. I did like Sono Hana, but generally it's rare.
  22. Kirino from Oreimo. Followed by Masuzu from OreShura and Lala from School Rumble. I don't tend to hate many characters, but boy are they annoying.
  23. So there's gonna be a patch released when Miyako is done, then another when Agave is done?
  24. Some overdone anime cliches really bother me. Anything that ends in a guy being called a pervert and/or sent flying into a wall is likely to fall into that catagory. Be it "slip and fall into someone's tits", "accidental peeping" or anything else. These are not funny misunderstandings, they are dumb ones. This is how you do a funny misunderstanding: While part of my preferences is just seeing something new, I'm still fairly lenient with the less grating cliches. Also if an anime takes an existing cliche and gender flips it (where possible), I'll probably enjoy it. It's a good way to use a cliche and yet still offer something different. Otherwise it just comes down to how they're implemented. If done well I wouldn't mind if there was a Yandere in every second anime.
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