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Everything posted by havoc

  1. Welcome and have a good time. Here are some recommendations from me Fate/stay night is a must play. It is nothing like the anime thing that carries its name. (well we do now in the unlimited blade works adaption) And we just have a new patch that has translated the realta nua version of the game. (wich is an all ages game so it does away with the H stuff and replaces it by something else) http://vndb.org/v11 Tsukihime Another must play, and no this one does not have a anime adaption. http://vndb.org/v7 (it is ancient, got no voice and no music. But it is so good) Muv Luv series, now Muv Luv extra is not that good and Unlimited is merely good but alternative is definitly a must read and to understand it completely you need to have read these two first. (I so hope muv luv alternative get's an anime adaption at some point) http://vndb.org/v93 (extra/unlimited) yes they are packed into one game http://vndb.org/v92 (alternative) g senjou maou Is also a must read. http://vndb.org/v211 clannad is also a must read and is together with fate/stay night one of the vn flagships, muv luv can possible also be considered a flagship. http://vndb.org/v4 Other than that there is Grisaia no Kajitsu wich is also a must read. (By the way, no panty shots in this one, just sex jokes by amane instead) http://vndb.org/v5154.
  2. Agreed. I personally just finished Majikoi S and A route of Majikoi that i just felt like. The went on to nekopara vol 0 and I am now going on to rereading Muv Luv Alternative before i go back to rewrite. I am currently in a bit of a floaty mood which is leading me to reread and then abandon things half way and it is starting to get on my nerves. I blame fallout 4 for that mood though. And if i am making absolutely no sense whatsoever feel free to ignore me.
  3. It showed how the protagonist has basically broken down, became a useless man, and was living dangerously. From here on I really thought it was about to end numerous times. Hallucinating Kirari was some of the cruelest things I and the protagonist were put through. Then one day when he passed out from his unhealthy lifestyle he tried to change, and while he was cleaning Kirari's grave in this effort, all his memories came back to him and he was forced to confront them, etc. etc. Lots of tears from him. He woke up in bed so I'm really not sure if he even went to the grave at all or dreamt it all. After moving on like that he was able to get his life more in shape. At least that's what they wanted us to think. I still don't know if he's gotten his place in shape or if he's still living like a miserable wretch. All in all, a pointlessly sad experience for me. I didn't come here to read about tragic stories and moving on. Perhaps because of this I didn't cry at any point during the route (making Kashiwara's suicide letter from her father the only time I've cried thus far), although I felt pained when he started hallucinating with Kirari. Also, they introduced a bunch of new sprites which makes me think if it wasn't a bit of a waste. I'll admit I really like Aki, and I recognised her right away, but still. They made the after Kirari's death part so long, with a bunch of new sprites, it just seems wasteful to me (because in turn, there were only about 3 or 4 new CG's - a few of the burnt house edits, one on stage and one of him crying and feeling refreshed). Wondering if this will come back for the true route. Speaking of true route, Kirari better not be doomed either way. That's not why I'm playing this VN. I couldn't care less about music. I'm here for the girls, so don't kill them off, will ya? Damm please don't make me remember that route. I will just get mad again. P.S. are you back again Taigo?
  4. TFW when you just did 7K damage in a world of tanks game and lose because the dumbest player on your team could not even be a good decoy.
  5. First and foremost, welcome and i hope you will have a good time. fellow monster girl lover i welcome you.
  6. that is good to hear. Have fun playing the game.
  7. First, welcome to the forums and I hope you will have a good time. Second, i will point you towards this thread for win 10 compatibillity. http://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/11200-windows-10-visual-novel-compatibility-list/. The raports for Muv Luv alternative are kind of conflicting. Some can get it to work and others dont, it is however mentioned that updating your graphics drive may help. Third have you set your system local to japanese? Fourth, have you tried first installing the game and then applying the patch to the game? Fifth, the muv luv series can be a bit of a bitch so somethings simply reinstalling helps. I personally had one day it did not work and the next day it worked again.
  8. Also on of my personal favorites but he meant just one. So i picked the on least likely to be mentioned by others. Not because it is worse but because it is lesser known.
  9. if I have to name one it would be Crest / banner of the stars That is not to say i think it is the best anime ever, it is just my personal favorite. And i can say with confidence that it is a very good series that not many people have seen. And not a favorite wich would get named twenty times more.
  10. kind of curious but is there any vn in which kuki ageha plays a big role?
  11. suffered from it too, had to clear the cookies manually. After that i could login again, thank god.
  12. welcome and have a good time.
  13. I pay fro my vn's when i can which are pretty much all of the vn's i have read that are available on steam. Living in Holland i dont have a credit card and we mostly us IDEAL for payments so that is a bit of a problem. So i buy what i can.
  14. welcome and have a good time
  15. welcome and have a good time.
  16. you can still play it if you download a complete save file. Here is one. Just control F for this and select the right version =. マブラヴ http://sagaoz.net/savedata/ma/31ma.htm
  17. Just finished memoria and a tale of two brothers. and while they may not be visual novels, i feel they are similair enough that its possible to give my thoughts about them. Memoria, This is a old style point and click adventure, and while the story is great and the visuals fantastic i feel it is seriously hapered by its puzzels. The puzzels themself are needlessly difficult, and not because they are difficult to do but because the game gives no hints as to what you have to do and because they often enough dont make sense. So while the story is great, i feel the gameplay hapers it so much that i cant really reccomend it. I actually had to use a walkthtough for this one. Tale of two brothers, this one is in my eyes the most simmilair to a visual novel despite it having the most gameplay in it. the reason for it is because the game is told almost exclusivly though the visuals and there is no tekst or talking in the game, yet despite this it managed to convey a very good story through almost nothing but its music and visuals. The game plays a little strange at first as you control two characters at the same time and this takes some getting used to fortunatly the controls are very simple and you can get used to them quickly. The game is only about 4-5 hours long at the best and as such is comparable in lengt to planetarian, the story in my eyes also shows a lot of similairity with that game. In particulair the ending. Which is one of the most powerfull endings i have seen in video games in years and even visual novels. It is even more impressive as the tale is told entirely trough visuals. I would definitly recommend this game if you can get it on a sale, as while it is very short it is a great tale and well worth your time. Warning: only open this spoiler if you never have played or never will play this game.
  18. vn of the month level, now there is a new one i haven't heard before. Should it not be vn of the year with the small amount of vn's that come out in english. .........just checked this one is not translated, well in that case. Carry on as you were.
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