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Everything posted by havoc

  1. Does anyone know, if you can pay with paypal once the 18+ edition comes out? If not i will grab the game on steam.
  2. would be quite nice if it did happen, saves me from having to play two versions. I really dislike it when things like that happen. Tough is suppose the first game really did not miss much without the H scenes. I only really found the ones with Amane and Sakaki actually fit the game. the others felt really tacked on. The ones with Amane were hilarious though.
  3. Does anyone know if there will be a version with both the scenes from the all ages edition and the 18+ edition?
  4. apparently there is something wrong with my keyboard............. or just my head.... or my hand eye coordination..... or all three. And yeah it has become very rare for characters to feel almost human, kind of sad because series with good characters tend to be very good even if the rest is only mediocre.
  5. wait... there is a mythbusters episode about that? Gotta go and find it.
  6. Actually i remember hearing that the act of drying your hand with the towel is what actually removes most of the bacteria.
  7. You are tight, there are a trillion different feelings apart from love. A great example for this is the relation of Linn Jinto and Lafiel Abriel in banner of the stars, and it makes for a pair of great leads with some of the best character dynamic. I did however completely forget that anime company's know this as well. Mostly because we have not had such a relation ship in a very long time and I have indeed gotten to used to seeing people randomly fall in love with each other. Last episode did indeed do great work setting up the next arc. It felt a bit rushed to me, but that is because i have been keeping up with the manga. (yeah i did not have the patience) But it never skipped anything that really mattered, nor did it make any drastic changes. P.S sorry for the late response was dealing with some serious stress from my bachelors thesis and the final presentation.
  8. thx for the hard work, will be thoroughly enjoying this.
  9. Feels unlikely, I agree with you on that one. But at the same time we already have ourself a love triangle at this point in time. I cant wait for the next arc, one of the very few times i wish i had waited with watching a show until it finished airing.
  10. possibly, but I wonder if this is going turn into a harem somewhere down the line.....
  11. Yeah it was a nice episode, and it is good to see a mystery you can solve by flexing your brain a bit. Got more than a little tired of the so called mystery's we have today with all the deus ex machina in them. Still think the dog could turn out to be a bald man tough. Mostly because the bald spot on the head of the dog is bothering me so much and it is just a little to scheming and intelligent to be a actual dog or magical beast. But damm, i cant wait for the next episode.
  12. @Jun Inoue I was right about the dog
  13. Dont know, i do know that a the type of evil laugh is usually dependant on on the age and outward appearance of a character.
  14. Went an checked it in the manga, and the dog there does indeed have a bald spot on its head. That and i believe the dog in the anime was purple, the color of absolute evil. (dont hold me to this one though)
  15. Maybe it was just me but, did the dog not have a bald head? Or am i getting really confused?
  16. Flying Witch: prescribe one dose weekly to cure insomnia and ensure pleasant dreams. Re:zero is taking it suprizingly slow, which is good as hurrying this kind of plot tends to make very bad series.
  17. true, and the pacing is also quite well done, so far it has struck a good balance between action and rest. And personally i prefer mildly predicable to unpredictable, as those shows tend to suffer from absolutely horrendous pacing issues.
  18. Another great episode of kabaneri, it really might turn out to be the best series of the season.
  19. flying witch made me go all fluffy again this week.
  20. I dropped the series after the first episode, mostly because it was just a tad to wacky for me. But scince i am hearing good things about it, i went back and watched the first three episodes. It is actually a pretty good series, i just havent figured out if it is my kind of series. Will make my verdict after the fourth episode. I also sumbled across another pretty decent series kuromukuro. It is kind of like lagrange.
  21. pretty much, they do have a plot, but it tend to progress a lot slower than other series. To these series, the characters, the world and the pacing are everything. But they are difficult to explain, you might just want to watch a couple of episodes from aria the animation to see if you like these kind of series. Despite the fact that it is sweet enough to rot your teeth away, t is still one of my favorite series and one i generally watch when i am stressed out. (the other being ''your under arrest'') http://myanimelist.net/anime/477/Aria_The_Animation
  22. Oops I kind of got confused there, I meant Iyashikei.
  23. Yeah the first episode was pretty mediocere but by the third it really managed to get going. Have you tried flying with yet, it is a haikyu series which is pretty rare. Think Aria the animation.
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