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Everything posted by HMN

  1. psssssst the whole anime is gonna be about yumiko
  2. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  3. HMN


    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  4. the common route was wiped out yay!!! shows how great the manga is..... so i'm better off reading a hentai manga than reading grisaia at this point,i mean the whole H-scenes are important to her route and all but come on. and what's probably going to happen is that they're going to rotate between the girls assigning a certain number of chapters to every girl which i'm not a big fan off, i really wanted something new like yuuji handling all their problems at one go or something -_-
  5. "誰にも合わせる顔なんて無いもう放っておいてよ。。。”

  6. i really don't know what to think about that PV meh whatever i'm watching it either way
  7. i don't think you could have seen it coming whoever you are so anyways,naturally i was surprised,like i had to sit down on my bed for 3 minutes to take it in surprised
  8. just got my 100% in sharin i'll be reading Chaos;Head next i guess
  9. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi! ノーコメント。。。 but congrats to taco i guess lol
  10. why a loli idoru? can't you be a normal idoru?
  11. kochira koso yoroshiko onegaishimasu~ welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  12. comyu also zeno she's your kouhai be nice to her XD
  13. why are you into traps? already did i'm anti-love and i haven't had my harem yet.shame.
  14. i'll take both. Would you rather: 1.have a nee-chan 2.have an imouto
  15. HMN


    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  16. what can i do to unlock your deredere side?
  17. apparently i'm making an AMA thread for snow for some reason. don't even ask why.
  18. how do you feel now that you've picked the peach candy?
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