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Everything posted by HMN

  1. it's not like i wanted your like or anything kono baka! this thread is gonna get closed anyways....
  2. i'm pretty sure you came back just to troll
  3. in meikyuu yes,but in rakuen i think you have to complete it to access them,but it's not hidden so you know it's there
  4. you can access these H-scenes in the main menu so it isn't really a spoiler
  5. yea because there isn't such thing as google
  6. well it's only H-scenes it's not that much of attention it's not like they have anymore to them
  7. yeah it has H-scenes for chizuru,young chizuru,JB,makina's mom,the white haired girl that i completely forgot her name,and a yuri scene between amane and kazuki
  8. who cares if it's random or not it's really good nevertheless XD
  9. well it's not really a spoiler since you get that H-scene at the first 30 sec of the afterstory
  10. there is an H-scene of yumiko in that outfit in her afterstory in meikyuu
  11. Look me in the eyes and tell me that yumiko isn't cute
  12. well the only sport i watch/play is football/soccer(whatever you wanna call it)
  13. you can always make her take cooking classes or something XD
  14. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi! should i kill you? your name is must kill after all nobody makes fun of ken's puns!
  15. yea if you're looking forward to seeing your kitchen destroyed XD at least she's trying
  16. Don't know why she's sitting in front of a huge window with barely any clothes on lol the answer is why not?
  17. the trolls are so real XD time to pull out my chainsaw
  18. i expected a war over yumiko i'm so disappointed it's just me but michiru is my least favorite character
  19. nani????!!!!!! did i say that???!!! nah you're imagining things brah let the waifu war begin
  20. nope i read the VN long before you did and i claimed her before you XD
  21. so we're sharing yumiko pics now alright! yup that would be very helpful seems legit
  22. nah i'm not if i mocked them mon would probably shoot me by now XD
  23. pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft HMN is not amused i'll keep on fighting!
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