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Everything posted by HMN

  1. It's scientifically proven that Arabs can't love traps
  2. this is our skype conversations all over again
  3. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here!
  4. welcome to the forums onii-chan~ hope you enjoy your time around here (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻ i was about to post that >.>
  5. welcome to Fuwa! hope you enjoy your time here!
  6. hello and welcome to Fuwa! hope you enjoy your time around here!
  7. thank you Mr. Meogii-sama for that the wonderful signature! i'm late i know >.>
  8. way too lame. doesn't suit her cuteness at all.
  9. i swear to god this is a conspiracy against Arabs! this is where you appear lefon >.>
  10. HMN


    so KosakiFag is into futas eh? man i've let my curiosity lead me to that doujin.... *HMN shivers* yeah it is........
  11. HMN


    you know what? i'll leave this here #iregretnothing
  12. hahahahahaha.....hahaha...haha......ha...ha......... someone kill me please
  13. HMN


    yes.you most certainly should. so does everyone here read a doujin and recommend it to others or what? XD
  14. the password is in the "Grisaia Installation Instructions" text folder.
  15. HMN


    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time around here! if you're willing to take recommendations,then i'll second Grisaia no Kajitsu it's a great VN
  16. some more nsfw oh god...... please no more traps,i have enough of those in the skype group already ;_:
  17. hello and welcome to Fuwa! hope you enjoy your time here!
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