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Everything posted by HMN

  1. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  2. kazuki in an idol outfit freaks me out for some reason
  3. we have converted zeno,the rest of Fuwa remains
  4. taco's ideas never ceases to amaze me and she's not dead bro she'll never die!
  5. you don't have to get sentimental and stuff meogii XD
  6. HMN


    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi if you haven't already! oh you have yumiko as your avatar i like you already
  7. HMN

    Hi all!

    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! hmmm i see that you have a lot of good recommendations already so i'll spare you mine don't wanna get you overwhelmed
  8. only if you knew how many of those "supa funneh ten/10" jokes he has you wouldn't ask for more
  9. that's the latest version of skype actually
  10. and thus the waifu war begins XD
  11. from the very first moment you enter the skype group you automatically become a hentai
  12. i don't understand why you'd ever kill yourself over this i mean it's japan duh you'll see weird things everywhere especially in their commercials those are next level weird
  13. yanderes because who doesn't want a girl that is obsessed with him and will kill him if he looked or talked to another girl am i right?
  14. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and i see that you've already read majikoi good man
  15. HMN


    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  16. HMN

    > n>

    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! you know there are a lot of good VNs out there but i'll personally recommend reading majikoi
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