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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Just a little over 6 hours remaining to submit your lolis to qualify! Submit your lolis to me~ EDIT: Entries are now closed!
  2. This can easily be in main VN discussion. I mean if its a VN then you will probably find more people there. So moved for now, if you think that it fits more to general (you end up doing not VN but a game or something) then I can move it back. and on topic: if you need a loli route I might have something
  3. Thanks, I added the media tag in your first post, that way it is as embed video as you can notice
  4. If you can add youtube video of the trailer to the OP so we dont have to look it up
  5. Sure, I will only make you read the whole 2e collection (~5980 pages) aloud on 72 hours stream marathon... IN DRAGON VOICE B) And Hoshimemo too~
  6. Ok, entries will be closing on December 12 10:00 CET, submit your lolis before that if you want to win. Also you still have chance to edit your post to have WINTER image so you qualify. After that I will be taking all lolis for closer "inspection" to determine which one is the cutest.
  7. For moe lovers it was great year. Kiniro Mosaic was one of the best anime EVER!
  8. congratulations to the winner and for the rest there is the second giveaway so don't forget to enter! https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/2806-hearthstone-giveaway-2-loli-edition/
  9. Well I will also rate based on the fact if I already saw the picture and if it follows the guidelines (Winter picture). So if you can find cute picture of wintery Mare that I didn't see yet that might be the way to go, but good luck with that So what Hoshizora posted is not really according to the guidelines and thus does not qualify~ I will allow editing posts though so he will get another chance
  10. No, its by artist called Nefarian who made chibis of some warcraft characters: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/index?tags=nefarian%20chibi%20width%3A%3C%3D400%20order%3Apopular
  11. Well since Kendjin closed entries of his giveaway, I will open new one for the people who didn't win and want to get in Originally I wanted to make it something like remake Hearthstone card into a loli (like I did in the logo above xD) but that would be too hard. So instead I chose something very simple: The person who posts the cutest winter picture of a loli will win xD I will be the judge so you need to think about what I would like. Everyone should have an idea what I like and what I don't (so no fat lolis!). If there are 2 images so cute that I cannot decide, I will ask Luch for help so you might want to consider that, if not even Luch can decide I will have to roll a dice . There is no set duration and I will announce the end of the giveaway day in advance so you can take your time to find the cutest loli. PS: I spent too much time on the logo xD
  12. Steve


    Welcome to the promised land~ Ah then you will fit right in! This topic has been waiting for you for the last year~ https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/494-what-is-the-cutest-image-you-have-ever-seen-preferably-including-girls/ Oh what about starcraft? Your brother Stephano retired, maybe you will be the next French Bonjwa~ (thats a thing I do, I call people who are from the same country as a progamer a sibling of said progamer, for example Luch is brother of Welmu and Elfi.) So yeah, cute girls (aka lolis) and Starcraft esports scene are the 2 main topics on Teamspeak. I even made cute Mare skin with cute chat icons! http://i.imgur.com/C29EEm0.png Fell free to hop in to try it~
  13. Oh another Gumi lover and Hoshimemo lover (which means Mare lover I assume ) You might wanna join the teamspeak for some chat: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/598-come-chat-with-us-about-visual-novels-and-lolis/ there is a Mare skin I made!!!: http://i.imgur.com/C29EEm0.png
  14. Wow as the mmo or Warcraft as the strategy game series? How can you not like Warcraft, if only games were as good as those used to be... actually if only the genre didn't die, other than few rare games like Starcraft II, Supreme Commander 1 (2 sucks ), the 40k strategies and such and maybe some space strategies like SoaSE, there is nothing in the strategy genre I would understand wow as the mmo as many people find it generic (even I do now after I quit several years ago) but Warcraft the strategy... not to mention that thanks to that game we have great esports shows like The International (dota 2 tournament) and growth of esports in general Also the story of Warcraft is actually really interesting and well made (to the smallest of details). Tell that to the millions of people still waiting. I was entering every single giveaway since the first closed beta (never won) and I only got invited by blizzard 2 days ago. Like mentioned I already took friends account and I am playing there so I found a way (and ill be probably giving away the key I got for my account) but it is definitely not easy to get in. You just got really lucky it seems...
  15. If I would to take it by the amount these characters affected me and my life until now, this would be the list: 1. Steve Rowland - well I am using persona of this character on the internet ever since I read the comic as a kid like 15 years ago. It has actually been 10 years since the game adaptation was released, holy molly I remember playing it like it was yesterday. 2. Mare - she is the best girl ever and I think about her every day since I met her some year and a half ago (well I live with her so I can't not think about her). I even Mareied her 3. Kud - thanks to Kud we have the famous phrase "Kud Night" shortened as kn, used everyday on teamspeak. 4-5. Vivio and Einhart - those 2 are the synonyms of cuteness, literally. I include them in most of my arts. I even Mareied Vivio and I am planning wedding with Einhart for next year. 6. Kobato - Super cute loli from Haganai, I was using her as an inspiration for my TERA character and later as a name for my first pso2 character so she certainly affected my life. 7-10. Random lolis that I was in love with for a short period of time like Rin (vocaloid) and such, they affected my life for some time but most of it is gone and only few girls remain in my heart forever - Mare, Vivio, Einhart. And Kud will always be in my heart too since there isn't a day we don't mention her name on TS. Other than that I can't say any characters affected me, basically before I first started with anime/vn 2 years ago it was only Steve Rowland that affected me as otherwise I was using custom made names for my mmo characters and such so Kobato was my first character name inspired by an existing character.
  16. Wait that doesn't make sense, if the back picture was different for each card then you could as well play with the cards turned around so your opponent can see what you have since he can already see the back of the card. For card game the back always has to be the same no matter what. so from what I see on the website they either have default poker cards and you design the backside only or you design backside and also the 54 cards as you want so you can put like lolis instead of hearts or whatnot so then you can say you have ACE OF LOLIS! But either way all their variants have single back design because that's how cards work. Otherwise it would be cheat cards. Damn now thinking about it maybe I should design a loli deck for next year based on characters xD Ace of Mares, 8 of Vivios, Jack of Einharts, 2 of Shinkus Well maybe next year, maybe next year
  17. Hm I got mine too but I already borrowed (for eternity) friend's account so I don't want to start again after the time I already invested into that account. So I might do second giveaway after yours is done if there is interest.
  18. Well I only need it so I don't have to burn 300kb files on a CD when I need to boot something xD If I needed big mobile storage I'd probably prefer external drive. These are backside image only if that's what you want: http://www.artscow.com/photo-gifts/playing-cards/playing-cards-single-design-298 (and if you add something cheap like magnet business card you can get over 10$ and apply the 10$ deal and only pay for shipping)
  19. Just like last year (fuwanovel topic), Artscow has really good discount this year for X-mas, mainly the deals with free shipping and discounts. Here is the list of all deals: http://www.artscow.com/promote/fcfs.aspx If you buy something for 10$ only then you can get the 10$ discount and only pay for shipping or you can use some of the other deals that include free shipping. I used the one for the electronics and I designed a flash drive! http://www.artscow.com/gallery/usb-flash/mare-shinku-vivio-einhart-usb-flash-drive-szb2shjbgl2d side1: side2: Last year I bought 2 mousepads and they are pretty decent, I am using it all the time in bed. This year I am in need of flashdrive as I lost all of them (or more likely someone took them and never returned xD) so I designed my own so nobody can claim its his xD I got the 4GB one as that's good enough for me to boot system and stuff from, other variants are 2 and 8. With the total 40% discount and free shipping it cost me 13$ - for a custom loli flash drive that's really good xD So share your designs here, batman was talking about Puzzle so maybe he will make some design xD
  20. Yes it is from Hoshimemo itself, you should finish it
  21. There is English patch if you want, more info on how we play is here: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/461-pso2-phantasy-star-online-2/ Yes it is indeed the upper part of the hibarigasaki picture, I used to use the lower part of that image as my previous wallpaper
  22. So this topic inspired me to remake my bed wallpaper. Its pretty hard for me since I need to have dark wallpaper and if its too colorful I can't read the icons and such and lolis are very colorful so making loli wallpaper that is not colorful is pretty hard xD But I think I succeeded: I call it... Hoshizora no Memoria: Wish upon a Shooting Loli This is how it looks on desktop, spoiler as it doesn't fit the topic and I'm lazy to post in the desktop topic
  23. Ok so status on the hacking side: the scripts that I uploaded will be good for the translation, that is fine. For insertion however, the will_con software removes all the other info needed in the script files and only prints the text of the lines in the file. I first tried writing the software with the formula posted by Nanashi and failed horribly (one of the attempts I even managed to turn 20kb file into a 5MB of nonsense). Then Luch tried it and was more successful, using the formula there and the formula found in the source code of the will_con he managed to extract the arc into a file without removing the info about the music and addresses the game uses, the text was readable there but the addresses and such were still nonsense, only names of like voice files or backgrounds were visible with the lines. And that's when even luch run out of options to try and declared this to be impossible to hack for him (and definitely for me). So yeah, you will need some good hacker for the WSC > TXT (including the important info) and then TXT > WSC. For now you can start the translation with the text only script Worst case scenario you will then insert the lines into VN Reader or something, but I think once the translation moves closer to finishing, you will have much better chance to find someone to help, people are much more willing to help with a project that is almost done as they know their work will not be for nothing (unlike when the project is dropped at 1-30% as most of the projects are).
  24. Ok, v3 of the will_con was able to extract it easily and more comfortable for translating (its not a single file this time which was terrible) here are the scripts in txt: DOWNLOAD the game starts in KY01_01.txt so seems like KY is common route and the remaining letters represent the remaining characters (I checked vndb and it is always the first 2 letters of their romanized given name). I will now try the insertion.
  25. Well I usually just do some image cutting, layer work and some minor effects to make mine. The cutting is what ususally takes the longest as I really try to be precise on a pixel xD I did for example the signature I am using: Here is an earlier alternative version including translation as a quote from Tay xD
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