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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Nothing will please everyone really, but it can please majority. And we love girls after all so if its girly, it will remind us of cute and moe girls xD
  2. yes, its great actually, I can disable notifications and just have it in there since I follow 2 topics only.
  3. And the construction begins, inspired by dimensions of the original Battlestar Galactica about 1.5km x 500m x 200m
  4. I only own PC so that is the answer And even if given option, holding an iPad in hand is too hard, I prefer my wall mounted monitor in bed xD (you know, sometimes you need free hands when playing Eroge )
  5. Live2D is still pretty new even in Japan, I doubt there will be any English artist experienced with it. May I ask what is the huge English project? Live2D costs 1500$ so it would have to be really huge project.
  6. Not a big fan of the hands but then again I don't like facebook. Hearts would be better, more liked = more hearts. And if I wasn't in a hybernation state these days, I would actually do something, but as it is I sleep like 11 hours a day now, damn winter. But I promise I will help with stuff... once I get over this sleepy mood xD
  7. Well we were playing and discussing Space Engineers with Luch, since they added multiplayer a week ago or so, we can not build spaceships together, so of course the big ship we will build will be called MareStar Galactica But so far we've been doing random stuff, shooting 10000 rockets at the same time etc xD
  8. Interesting~ good you have you around Kaguya and don't worry, you are not the only one spamming Tay's PM box xD
  9. Keep up the creativity, this brainstorming is a nice idea and some good things can come from this
  10. That's why you have to choose a character that is loved by everyone, like Mare
  11. Well actually 2012 was release of Hoshimemo in English, so maybe follow similar step for other years. I vote Shizuru from rewrite for 2013 and well we will have to wait for some release for 2014 xD
  12. yeah, that's not it. Maybe try different icon like the milestone (something like http://www.aaakili.com/milestones/ms_icon_highres.png) milestones represent a road and a route in a walkthrough after all And it would look different from the post icons I wanted to try it but I've been busy with some other stuff.
  13. Yes, that was exactly what I meant, it needs to be visible in both resized and not resized resolutions. It's not a bad idea, but we have to wait and see what Steve thinks about it Maybe black?
  14. Hm yeah, 500k and 1.5k are hard to see and due to the resizing the silver trophy seems larger than the others xD I was thinking about something unique to each category, so if they are metallic medals for posts, for WTs it could be something different, that's why I also tried to keep the original trophy, maybe something in that idea where the W has a big contrast compared to the rest of the trophy or whatever it is. The question is what represents walkthrough... maybe some kind of route or a path, but how do you display that on a small icon xD Who knows. Maybe a milestone! Damn that might be a good idea, I need to try them later. (but feel free to experiment on that idea as well xD) I didn't have much time to do anything today bit I might try something tomorrow. But yeah for the posts if you are able to somehow fix the 500 and 1.5k, it would be perfect
  15. Love those post icons, way better than mine xD Although maybe make the numbers more visible. And another thing, can you try resizing the same pictures to 25px, because that is the size they are in the user info next to the posts, 40x40 is only for the award site. I fear that especially the 500 one will be hard to see in 25x25 However I like the 1k and 2k a lot. (although I was thinking about making the post icons more cutsey since we are fuwa fuwa moe site, so something like cats paw xD) For the WT's, I think again in 25x25 the W will be hard to see, especially one some of those. And finally as for the year icons, I was actually thinking about making those with some significance to what happened that year as for fuwanovel and make them each different and unique. I am still thinking about concepts so I don't have it yet but I will come up with something soon enough (they don't work now anyways xD) But yeah, remember that even though the icons are 40x40 default, they need to be resizable to 25x25 for the post view.
  16. Hm the poker chip ones are pretty nice but yeah, they look like poker chips. As for the walkthrough icons, I think Tay said he wanted to have these trophies so I tried to keep them. I will try experimenting with different trophy though.
  17. Platinum WT icon -might need to change all the WT icons to be a bit smaller so the epic glow for the platinum one can fit there better Staff icon - made 2 in a green theme as a druidish healer of sorts, instead of red cross, which one looks better? Size can be adjusted but I prefer the first one smaller as it has big glow which would be cut, that's why I then didn't do the glow for the second one. 1st one is based on magical ball, second one is actually picture of sun xD Post count icons - made them similar to fuwa colors, can be easily adjusted to whatever color needed. Maybe the pink one bit more pinkish? Size once again adjustable, Maybe make them smaller? Personal icons -just made Meru's transparent, rest later
  18. That is exactly the reason it is bad. We used to allow people change their name but some people just abused it and used like a single dot . as a name and such, so we had to remove this feature. We don't like trolls and anyone who intentionally tries to cause confusion is a troll.
  19. Oh the round one was fine And there can be text if you know how to make it transparent The biggest problem is when the icon is a square xD Gonna sleep now but tomorrow i shall start working on some of the icons.
  20. Indeed, I will remake that one as well. Unless someone decides to do it before I start xD
  21. I wouldn't like different colored names, it would look weird imo. As for the aesthetic problems, we are aware of them and these icons and all is only a placeholder, I (and few other people) will work on the icons later this week so they are better. if Tay actually told me beforehand that he is going to implement this, I would have made the icons earlier! But no, he had to keep it secret!!!! xD You can check the official topic: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/3215-in-progress-1222014-forums-updates-%E2%80%93-please-come-and-share-your-thoughts/page-3#entry59782
  22. As I mentioned, I would love if when creating the icons you would actually cut the background so it is not a square box with image but just an image on the page background. I'll work on the icons this weekend, I would also like to have them be a part of a matching set, if you get what I mean. That way it would look natural and nice in the user info.
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