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  1. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from nohman in OELVN vs JVN   
    "But pretty drawings and $$$ and it is from Japan mean it must be a good game hype hype hype hype hype  ."
  2. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Funyarinpa in [Danganronpa 2] How Much Have I Been Spoiled   
    Thanks for the share Stray Cat! Those are really cool .
    And Funyarinpa, that Chiaki avatar (>///<)~!
  3. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Funyarinpa in [Danganronpa 2] How Much Have I Been Spoiled   
    Danganronpa is a game with a lot of twists, so it really is best to stay away from looking up anything until you have played it. That includes looking up pictures of characters you like! As soon as you type a name on Google, it might autocomplete with "execution", then much sadness .
  4. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Stray Cat in [Danganronpa 2] How Much Have I Been Spoiled   
    Danganronpa is a game with a lot of twists, so it really is best to stay away from looking up anything until you have played it. That includes looking up pictures of characters you like! As soon as you type a name on Google, it might autocomplete with "execution", then much sadness .
  5. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Funyarinpa in Unhack   
    Hi everyone . I have just published Unhack:Destruction, a three episode prequel to the original tale. Seems like short works draw no interest from most VN readers, but I poured a lot of heart into the game, so thank you for possibly giving it a chance m(_ _)m.


    Unhack:Destruction is available here:
    Just visit the Play section and you are all set. If there are any issues, please be sure to let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible. Big thanks as always to forum peep Flutterz for helping me test the game.
    Thank you m(_ _)m!
  6. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from solidbatman in Onii-chan, Migite no Shiyou wo Kinshi Shimasu! - possibly the new BEST game - in September!   
    Haha, that premise XD!................ If you are into imouto, yeah, basically just grab the CGs like Satsuki said (-u-).
    Actually, wait. What if it turns out to be a touching tale that changes our entire culture (O_O)?.......................... Yeah okay (-u-).
  7. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in Pure Ribbon Studio's first visual novel - Yamasaki no Natsu   
    Yeah, I was going to just let that statement go, but I must say I had the same thought. Folks like Daimon and I would obviously take those words very seriously. We are all in different situations that have nothing to do with skills. A lot of people are still in school or college, so they might have less life experience to draw upon, and they have less money compared to those of us with jobs. Others just happen to have rich parents etc and can throw out a lot of money to make pretty things. Life was never known to be fair. Those in tougher positions still have a lot of heart, though. There needs to be respect for that.
    I have come across someone whose profile said she was the most successful VN so and so developer. The profile was later changed, but unfortunately, I will always remember that description. These things are important. Love for others is not assumed but it is very much appreciated .
  8. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Diamon in Pure Ribbon Studio's first visual novel - Yamasaki no Natsu   
    Yeah, I was going to just let that statement go, but I must say I had the same thought. Folks like Daimon and I would obviously take those words very seriously. We are all in different situations that have nothing to do with skills. A lot of people are still in school or college, so they might have less life experience to draw upon, and they have less money compared to those of us with jobs. Others just happen to have rich parents etc and can throw out a lot of money to make pretty things. Life was never known to be fair. Those in tougher positions still have a lot of heart, though. There needs to be respect for that.
    I have come across someone whose profile said she was the most successful VN so and so developer. The profile was later changed, but unfortunately, I will always remember that description. These things are important. Love for others is not assumed but it is very much appreciated .
  9. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Suzu Fanatic in VA-11 HALL-A: A Cyberpunk Bartender Action   
    Just stumbled upon this:
    That URL is a bit curious , but this is exactly what I mean by having your own flavor. Daring to have stylish, slightly pixelated graphics, that interlace effect, etc. I will be checking out the game soon and might drop an order if I enjoy it. Feel free to leave thoughts on the game !
  10. Like
    InvertMouse reacted to netravelr in Shan Gui   
    Thanks so much for that! Yeah, it is really a project made out of love. Persona 3/4 is probably my favourite games, but I found myself rushing through the dungeons in order to get to the story/social links even though the reason I originally bought 3 was because I wanted the JRPGness. However, I did really like how both games worked together to create a cohesive whole and I wanted to see how that worked for other genres as well. I didn't really see any games that were doing what I wanted to play and rather than just complain, I figured I'd do it myself. I just hope that we're able to make our goal.   I'm really excited about your project as well, I'm a fan of hybridmink's art too.
    I'm actually a big fan of VNs on a small screen. The issue is that a lot of people will just port what they did for PC rather than design their UI to be for that platform which can make it really annoying to play. I don't have too much time to play games, so with the short bursts of free time I get I'm usually doing on my Vita or iOS device. That's just me though.
  11. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from netravelr in Shan Gui   
    Yeah, Shan Gui is a KN. By the way, netravelr, just wanted to quickly mention I like what you are doing with Culina. You are doing your own thing. It is all heart and I respect that . A challenging road but one that is your own.
  12. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Tatsujin in Promote/Advertise a visual novel   
    Oh, oh, and also--oh, okay =3~
  13. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from WinterfuryZX in Shan Gui   
    Dang, I guess there's no love for the game here, haha (TUT)~
    I picked up and tried out the game last night. It is more or less like the reviewers have said. Quite a lot like Go Go Nippon except in China. The two heroines have pretty much no tension so it is a calm sort of tale if you are into that. They more or less exist just to show us around. Artworks are fantastic.
    Importantly, I very much respect them having Chinese speaking heroines with Chinese names. That is what I meant by folks doing their own thing and being true to who to hey are, while still having love for things they enjoy. This game will probably never get noticed much. It is a short game with a tame journey, so there is no saying is is unfair. Still, I respect it without basing it on popularity or profit.
  14. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from nohman in Shan Gui   
    Dang, I guess there's no love for the game here, haha (TUT)~
    I picked up and tried out the game last night. It is more or less like the reviewers have said. Quite a lot like Go Go Nippon except in China. The two heroines have pretty much no tension so it is a calm sort of tale if you are into that. They more or less exist just to show us around. Artworks are fantastic.
    Importantly, I very much respect them having Chinese speaking heroines with Chinese names. That is what I meant by folks doing their own thing and being true to who to hey are, while still having love for things they enjoy. This game will probably never get noticed much. It is a short game with a tame journey, so there is no saying is is unfair. Still, I respect it without basing it on popularity or profit.
  15. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Zalor in How did you find your favorite Visual Novel?   
    It was a long time ago, but from memory, here is how it happened. I was studying digital media in university and wanted to develop a digital graphic novel thing (I had no idea what VNs were at the time) for a project. After some research, I realized oh, such a medium already exists. I downloaded a bunch of recently translated titles for research purposes. It just so happens that my first game was Narcissu, and that remains my favorite all time VN .
  16. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Stray Cat in [news] Sekai Project releases another TL survey, hints at Key   
    On another note, I for one marked having physical copies as important B). I would love to have more physical copies of VNs! At the moment, purchasing them and shipping them from Japan is a pretty tough order~
  17. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Funyarinpa in Visual novels - making them more popular in the west? how?   
    The closest I have seen here in Australia would be 999 and VLR, I suppose. Perhaps blending VNs with some gameplay is a good starting point? Ease our way in or something .
  18. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from yashasupercow in SFW VNs to recommend?   
    By the way, of course I am joking about this, but I can imagine one of your folks going "urm yeah how about Bible Black that one should be a good read" then laughing your ass off as I go to the library (;w;)!
  19. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from babiker in SFW VNs to recommend?   
    Of course I don't mind babiker ! The shorter the better for me, to be honest. I love that feeling of having finished a game. Downloading now .
  20. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from FoggyOrchid in Visual novels - making them more popular in the west? how?   
    I for one would love to see VNs sold in physical form in Western stores . It is a non-issue for me even if they are censored versions. If you are really keen on the 18+ edition, just make it clear that there is one available in Japanese. Paying for a VN really makes me committed into giving it more patience. World End Economica was an example and I ended up really enjoying that .
    Games like World End Economica and Planetarian would be all right as starting points. They are mostly clean so hopefully newcomers would give them a chance............. It is nice to dream (;w;).
  21. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Hakurouken in Grandpa, thank you for buying me this game   
    One time when I was little, my grandpa took me out and bought me a game for the Gameboy. It was some platformer where you controlled a little car. My grandpa was a security guard in a factory near my place. With only modest pay, he really did spend it all to make us kids happy. Unfortunately, the game was unforgiving with one hit deaths. I lost patience after only a short time and put the game aside. When we moved houses, I lost the cartridge.   My grandpa past away over a decade ago. Since then, I have been looking for this game that he had bought me. The game's title was in Japanese, which I was unable to read at the time. I asked on several forums but my description ran a bell for nobody. Many years later, I had more or less given up.   Then, several months ago, when I was searching for something completely unrelated on Google Images, I stumbled upon a screenshot of the game. As it had been so long, I was unsure if this really was the same game I had played as a kid. I investigated, and as I launched the game and that level one music played, I almost teared up.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49kGXGeP3NA   It pleased me so much to finally have a second chance to play this game. Though an obscure title, it is important to me because of the backstory involved. I am now looking for a copy of the game, but it is difficult, being such an underground game, so to speak.   Every game can be judged based on its mechanics. However, there is also a different story for each person behind every purchase. I think those can be really awesome to read about sometimes.   Thank you! If anyone has similar stories, feel free to share it ~
  22. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from arakura in Grandpa, thank you for buying me this game   
    One time when I was little, my grandpa took me out and bought me a game for the Gameboy. It was some platformer where you controlled a little car. My grandpa was a security guard in a factory near my place. With only modest pay, he really did spend it all to make us kids happy. Unfortunately, the game was unforgiving with one hit deaths. I lost patience after only a short time and put the game aside. When we moved houses, I lost the cartridge.   My grandpa past away over a decade ago. Since then, I have been looking for this game that he had bought me. The game's title was in Japanese, which I was unable to read at the time. I asked on several forums but my description ran a bell for nobody. Many years later, I had more or less given up.   Then, several months ago, when I was searching for something completely unrelated on Google Images, I stumbled upon a screenshot of the game. As it had been so long, I was unsure if this really was the same game I had played as a kid. I investigated, and as I launched the game and that level one music played, I almost teared up.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49kGXGeP3NA   It pleased me so much to finally have a second chance to play this game. Though an obscure title, it is important to me because of the backstory involved. I am now looking for a copy of the game, but it is difficult, being such an underground game, so to speak.   Every game can be judged based on its mechanics. However, there is also a different story for each person behind every purchase. I think those can be really awesome to read about sometimes.   Thank you! If anyone has similar stories, feel free to share it ~
  23. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Flutterz in Grandpa, thank you for buying me this game   
    One time when I was little, my grandpa took me out and bought me a game for the Gameboy. It was some platformer where you controlled a little car. My grandpa was a security guard in a factory near my place. With only modest pay, he really did spend it all to make us kids happy. Unfortunately, the game was unforgiving with one hit deaths. I lost patience after only a short time and put the game aside. When we moved houses, I lost the cartridge.   My grandpa past away over a decade ago. Since then, I have been looking for this game that he had bought me. The game's title was in Japanese, which I was unable to read at the time. I asked on several forums but my description ran a bell for nobody. Many years later, I had more or less given up.   Then, several months ago, when I was searching for something completely unrelated on Google Images, I stumbled upon a screenshot of the game. As it had been so long, I was unsure if this really was the same game I had played as a kid. I investigated, and as I launched the game and that level one music played, I almost teared up.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49kGXGeP3NA   It pleased me so much to finally have a second chance to play this game. Though an obscure title, it is important to me because of the backstory involved. I am now looking for a copy of the game, but it is difficult, being such an underground game, so to speak.   Every game can be judged based on its mechanics. However, there is also a different story for each person behind every purchase. I think those can be really awesome to read about sometimes.   Thank you! If anyone has similar stories, feel free to share it ~
  24. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from krill in Grandpa, thank you for buying me this game   
    One time when I was little, my grandpa took me out and bought me a game for the Gameboy. It was some platformer where you controlled a little car. My grandpa was a security guard in a factory near my place. With only modest pay, he really did spend it all to make us kids happy. Unfortunately, the game was unforgiving with one hit deaths. I lost patience after only a short time and put the game aside. When we moved houses, I lost the cartridge.   My grandpa past away over a decade ago. Since then, I have been looking for this game that he had bought me. The game's title was in Japanese, which I was unable to read at the time. I asked on several forums but my description ran a bell for nobody. Many years later, I had more or less given up.   Then, several months ago, when I was searching for something completely unrelated on Google Images, I stumbled upon a screenshot of the game. As it had been so long, I was unsure if this really was the same game I had played as a kid. I investigated, and as I launched the game and that level one music played, I almost teared up.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49kGXGeP3NA   It pleased me so much to finally have a second chance to play this game. Though an obscure title, it is important to me because of the backstory involved. I am now looking for a copy of the game, but it is difficult, being such an underground game, so to speak.   Every game can be judged based on its mechanics. However, there is also a different story for each person behind every purchase. I think those can be really awesome to read about sometimes.   Thank you! If anyone has similar stories, feel free to share it ~
  25. Like
    InvertMouse got a reaction from Cyrillej1 in Friendships through visual novels   
    Thanks for all the responses! Yes, I think small communities tend to be friendly, perhaps because we appreciate one another more. Though we always want the things we love to grow, in truth, there is a worry within us that jerks might come in and ruin things for everyone.
    Heizei_koukousei, it is so awesome how you have a real life VN friend who happens to be on these forums as well!
    Sure, Tenkuru, let me share another one, then . I grew up playing the Sakura Taisen series. They could very much count as VNs, I suppose. Eventually, the Sakura Taisen craze settled, and my little mind became occupied by new games.
    Many years later, in 2011, I got lost during my trip in Hong Kong. I walked around a shopping mall and stumbled upon a tiny anime shop. All the other stores sold food and clothes, so it was a truly random find. What got my attention was that the front glass showed many copies of the games from the Sakura Taisen series. The memories came flooding back. I wanted to check out the store, but it was closed, so I told myself to come by again later.
    The following day, I checked out the opened store. The owner was friendly and kept asking if I needed any help. At first, I shyly said, "It's okay. I'm just looking ." My Cantonese was average so I acted a bit timid there, heheh . Anyway, he persisted, and soon I opened up as well. Turned out he grew up loving anything anime, including Sakura Taisen. It was a tiny store with no room to stand, yet we stood for hours and hours chatting about those good old days.
    Unfortunately, he spoke little to no English, and my Chinese writing skills is poor. That meant there was no way for us to really stay in touch online. He was also an old school kind of guy and used no social media of any sort. Nonetheless, I think sometimes, it is not about spending time with someone day in and day out. Though it might have been a short meeting, if we connect and had a great time talking, then I think we can continue to be pals even though I am now back here in Australia .
    I ended up buying all the Sakura Taisen games he had on sale. Now, when I look at them on my shelf, not only do I own those games, I also remember the aforementioned memories. He also showed me a few other games he had on sale. During the process, he was very honest, telling me which games he thought actually kind of sucked. Just a really likable person.
    Surrounded by non related stores, the store owner admitted business was a struggle. There is a high chance that the next time I visit, the store will no longer be there. In that case, that would have been our only meeting. Sadly, that is just the way things are planned out for us sometimes.
    This store was actually only a few minutes' walk from my hotel. Yet, if I had not gotten lost on that day, I never would have found it. Life has pretty cool plans for us and we think about it that way, I think .
    Hope you enjoyed that one !
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