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Everything posted by Decay

  1. http://loveconquersallgam.es/ http://sukeban.moe/ https://twitter.com/alienworksdev?lang=en Anyway, someone who has already played some of Sakura Nova has informed me that it is total shit, despite the JP writer. So look forward to that.
  2. I'm not so much "hoping" for Sengoku Koihime, though I'd give it a shot if they did release it. I'm more "expecting" it, just a little. The Koihime games have a ton of different contributing artists, and you sometimes end up with three characters on screen at the same time who were all designed and drawn by different artists, it can feel a little weird.
  3. A couple things of note: 1) MangaGamer's other two announcements are from existing partners. 2) Denpasoft will have their own, separate panel from Sekai Project. Yep, a full panel dedicated to SP's 18+ releases.
  4. Civ 6 will be sixty dollars, Civ 5 Complete is $13.51 right now which makes it a perfectly serviceable game for way cheaper. Ain't nothing wrong with buying and playing that. Don't shitpost if you've got nothing else to add. Anyway, definitely enable the DLC. The game feels very incomplete without it. I recommend starting as Babylon and going for a science victory in your first attempt, taking full advantage of their unique ability.
  5. After Rance 5 and 6, they'll either adopt the Sengoku fan translation (probably? Isn't it fine?) or move on to Rance Quest, which is Bad End's project, so AruNaru won't have any Rance duties anytime in the near future. Naturally that just means he's free for Evenicle!
  6. I'm sure MG is feeling pretty good about their decision to dump these guys right about now.
  7. They used to make over 20,000 a month on Patreon. Their Steam games also don't sell quite like they used to. They're still in a position any other EVN developer would kill for, but revenue is definitely down.
  8. *Anime Weekend Atlanta I was planning on posting a more comprehensive thread soon.
  9. While I find your comparison to Muv Luv Extra extremely questionable, you should read some other Key VNs after this. Say what you want about Maeda's nakige formula (and it is a finely honed formula at this point), his sense of humor is genuinely great and he writes some really good protagonists. Especially give Air a shot if you liked Kanon's protagonist. People also like to shit on Key common routes for being overlong but shit, they're way too entertaining for me to care about them not progressing the actual storylines at all.
  10. Like I said earlier, it's not particularly intense. Much more prominent than Steins;Gate, much less than some moege. It encompasses a middle ground, employing a good number of the common ecchi tropes of yuri fiction.
  11. A partial patch that translates the main heroine's route exists. The project is discontinued and the site hosting it is down, but thanks to this splendid thread dedicated to partial patches you can find a link to the patch here, and the h-scene restoration patch here.
  12. I may go into this in the review I plan on eventually writing, but the fanservice and pandering comes in both visual and written forms, and feels inappropriate considering the tone of the work. Obviously I play and enjoy all sorts of VNs that pander like crazy, I don't have a problem with the concept itself, but in Flowers it felt like they were just doing the standard amount of yuri ecchi for no other reason than because they felt like they had to. Fred makes a valid point about the characters' sexual awakening causing unexpected feelings to arise within them, but this feels more like an excuse than a justification. Other works like Kindred Spirits have explored this area without being kind of creepy about it. And it feels weird and creepy specifically because it's in contrast to the tone the rest of the work takes, which is pretty serious and down to earth. It always takes me out of the work a little bit when in the midst of some serious melodrama the game pauses to have the reader ogle the girls more. Maybe it would have worked better if it was more subtle, less in-your-face about it. Basically what I'm saying is that Flowers feels like an eroge that was neutered, and they should have just went all out with it instead of half-assing the sexual aspects. That, or tone down the sexual aspects or make them subtler, but I know which you all would prefer. This isn't an especially major complaint, btw. When I made my initital remarks on twitter about this a few days ago I was only half done with the VN. The second half doesn't lean into this stuff as heavily. So it's really just a minor issue at most, I don't mean to make a mountain out of a molehill here.
  13. Only one other person voted for Cyberpunk 2077. Yes, we know practically nothing about that game and it's still like 18 months away at the earliest, but it's still my most anticipated game release after Persona 5. Also I feel like the OP is putting too much stock into a game's country of origin. I consider South Park Stick of Truth to basically be a watered down JRPG, even though it was made in America. And Shenmue is probably not an RPG at all but if it is, it's definitely not JRPG. These are genres that are defined by their gameplay styles, they can come from any part of the world despite having regional names. Also not JRPGs: The Souls series. And definitely a JRPG: Undertale. The genres are weird like that. Anyway, I feel like I'm pretty even on which style of RPG I prefer, but I think I might like western RPGs more.
  14. The Digital Novel versions seem to be heavily cut down versions. Not sure if they actually deserve separate VN pages on vndb but at the time the people who have read them insisted that they were different enough.
  15. There's already like eight of them? I would be more surprised if they stopped at this point.
  16. Youtube doesn't ban very often. I have however seen youtube videos get taken down for it. In fact, most VN publishers here have specific guidelines on how much of their games you can show in youtube videos because it's a problem for them. It's basically giving people a way to experience the VN without paying for it.
  17. They basically are, especially when there's zero commentary and you're playing a kinetic novel. It's an identical experience to just reading it yourself.
  18. Can I ask you why you're recording it for youtube? This doesn't seem like a good thing to do. I have to question if this even falls astray of our anti-piracy rules.
  19. The word "funbags" is a perfectly acceptable comedic euphemism for large breasts.
  20. There's no need to be logged into Steam either. It has an offline mode, you know? And a lot of the VNs (most?) on it are DRM-free and can be played without even booting up the Steam client. Steam does not require DRM. Also I doubt GOG is in a rush to allow 18+ content. The issues they face surrounding that are the same as those Steam faces.
  21. How is this different from your regular behavior?
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