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Mr Poltroon

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Status Updates posted by Mr Poltroon

  1. kjhzzdQ.png

    Well... that's certainly one way to go about conveying information to the reader...

    1. Dergonu


      What a random, yet neat feature.

  2. LzEyBah.png?1

    This is almost coercion. Am I supposed to say no to this?

  3. MgwGIZM.png

    "What should I do...?" she asked.
    "I'll be going then," I replied.

    1. havoc


      the only proper reply when someone asks you to live their life for them

  4. nfx1Gns.png

    Now this is the Yoshiyuki-like dialogue I was hoping to find in Da Capo 3. A bit of a shame that Kiyotaka's usually too nice for it, but he's got other good aspects about him too.

  5. qGilQ4X.png

    I mean, what a stupid question.

  6. ReuqgbZ.png

    The exact kind of thing I frequently pull.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. havoc


      its a shame it isn't fully translated.

    3. Mr Poltroon

      Mr Poltroon

      To clarify, this is from Koiken Otome, which is fully translated.
      In case you didn't mispost and where actually commenting here.

    4. havoc


      I mispotted it and thought it was from fortune Arterial. Sorry.

  7. rYVlQAc.png

    I like it when games have some amount of self-awareness.

    1. Fred the Barber

      Fred the Barber

      Surprised to see you playing this one. I assumed it wouldn't be your cup of tea, given what I've heard about it. But... I've been thinking about playing it too, so, now I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

    2. havoc


      Well, i wasn';t expecting to see you playing this one.

      How is it so far?

    3. Mr Poltroon

      Mr Poltroon

      To whomever it may concern,

      I elaborate on my thoughts on this game on the following thread (on x3):


  8. sasjASg.png?1

    "For some reason", huh...?

    Pretty sure I've seen black holes with lower density.

  9. SQWQ2sp.png?1

    Oh, how I can see myself reflected herein.

  10. tGqnY6w.png

    How convenient, the way time elapses in a Visual Novel.

  11. vlUFVAr.png

    Shots fired all the way from Japan.

  12. WaVpLnQ.png

    Accurate representation of educational institutions.

  13. xA3aGS3.png

    The text emoticons may just be this VN's best feature.

    1. havoc


      Yes, Yes you definitely would.

    2. Suzu Fanatic

      Suzu Fanatic

      Better than a can of paint. <_<

  14. zKPJp1y.png?1

    A certain understanding of the real meaning behind some words is crucial to get through life unscathed.

  15. Dracu-Riot! Teaser:


    Not cross-eyed at all.

    1. havoc


      its a good novel, one of the few where i actually bothered to finish all routes.

  16. How to sell me a Visual Novel with one line:


    I have no idea what this game is, but if this is the first image I find it can't possibly be bad enough to pass up.

    1. havoc


      great now I am curious as to the name of this vn.

  17. I've been playing Kichikuou Rance lately. Gosh I like the OSTs in these games, and I like Rance's overall character. Not as somebody who's to be admired, but as somebody who gets away with so much, even if he is decently capable, his luck is otherworldly.

    Which do you prefer?

    And its "I'm superior" and "I'm the king" vibe or

    and its "I'm coming for you ladies" vibe?

    1. Shikomizue


      I actually prefer the second one, you probably know the reasons why.

  18. I've been playing Mass Effect, and I felt it necessary to take note of the important things:

    I guess its usage here just shikata ga nai.

  19. I've now returned from my trip abroad, which has cleared my head and thoroughly enlightened me.
    This new enlightenment then allowed me to change my perspective on things.


    Like how her hair is in no way normal, logical, or physically possible.

    1. havoc
    2. Fred the Barber

      Fred the Barber

      She slept on it funny, for a month straight.

  20. Route unlocked.


    1. Dergonu


      Let the lewdness begin.

      How are you liking the game so far?

  21. So I tried to woo some girls myself, but was met with this image:


  22. Somebody has to ask the important questions:


    1. Mr Poltroon

      Mr Poltroon

      Makes as much sense is context.

  23. Sometimes, I look at my open browser tabs and wonder what the hell I was doing earlier for that to be there.


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