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Everything posted by Lambda

  1. "If we believe the PR". It's clear that you don't. That's okay. ...In general, though, I do wonder about the backers that chose that option. (Actually, looking at it, it's mainly people who pledged for the Steam copy + Nutaku copy for $30. If they just want both, and it's a lot cheaper that way.) Ah, thanks for clarifying. I thought the flow of conversation was more like "Kickstarter fatigue doesn't exist, cause this game did well!" -> "This game didn't do well, it wouldn't be good if it was a localization company" (I think this part would've been the odd one out here, as I don't think this kickstarter needs to do as well as others in order to "do well" - they have different goals and therefore different methods of achieving them) -> "And kickstarters like this aren't good anyway". I guess I got really confused! I will note that this probably isn't to produce economies of scale in the economic sense, though. I don't think there's a viable way for VNs to do that at any huge benefit? This was probably more to clear minimum product runs for suppliers to create the product. (Edit: Will also note that another huge benefit of this to SP is that they know exactly how many orders to make and they know for a fact that each one of those would sell. That might be the main force behind the kickstarter, anyway. It's similar to the reasoning Mangagamer uses for its physical releases. Therefore, they might not care that digital is a tier, and it's PR anyway.) All of these are for point 2, by the way.
  2. They've been pretty clear that this isn't to fund the localization, though, but the limited edition hardcopy and stuff. They only wanted a minimum quantity of orders and to know exactly how much stuff to make, really. ...Actually, you even mentioned that you don't mind this model when this kickstarter started.So I think it's pretty silly to compare the results here to the results of companies that need the money to go towards localization. Localization has already been paid for, if we believe the PR. The localization was never in jeopardy here, and that's why the goal was low, too. So it's definitely not like most of the vn kickstarters around, to my understanding?
  3. Taking this in the BL/yaoi direction, if you want something similar to Dramatical Murder, I think like Lamento and Togainu no Chi are probably pretty good. By the same company and all. I did like what I read of Lamento, thought the world really came alive. Haven't read Togainu no Chi, admittedly. (And, y'know, Sweet Pool. Whenever it comes out in English). No Thank You! is also pretty good, and got pretty deep. Liked it a lot. There's a lot of h-scenes in it, though, so if that bugs you you won't get too far, I think (although the control button can be your friend in situations like these, and I only found the first and last scenes of each route to be important, but it's understandable if you don't play cause of those). There's also Dramatical Murder's fandisc, reconnect! ...Well, it's probably not really what you're looking for in that it's short fun and h-scenes but if you want more of Dramatical Murder's characters it's good. The others gave good recommendations for non-BL titles, so I'll stop here.
  4. Hey~ Welcome! Your icon/profile picture is cuute~ Do you play Touran? And who is Best Guy in Hakuouki? What otome games have you played so far~?
  5. It really reads well in English, so you don't have to worry about that. I also believe that reviews that don't summarize the routes are better, too. Definitely the right choice, cause people can just read the routes themselves... I'm actually really bad at spoiling myself so those types of reviews tempt me too much to just read the spoilers OTL. I'll keep the music thing in mind if it's a common thing with Dogenzaka Lab... it's a huge minus! Which routes did you find not interesting? I'm curious about how our tastes match up~ Yeah, the CG count was so few, and so many of them border NSFW that I wouldn't be able to turn them into my laptop's wallpaper or anything, which is a real shame~ They are really pretty~ I could've used a few more with the guys solo. It's normally, like, one CG with them solo... Re: protag-chan, I'm just finding her going is pretty consistent. ...Although the fact that I just typed out what I believe is her entire character arc in every route right there is proooobably a bad thing. And she definitely had more sass in Gakuto's route than the other 2.5 I've read so far, although I feel like with Gakuto's personality, kinda justified. I know, right? Musashi was greaaat~ I also didn't understand why she had to go looking when there was a man right there! And so many hints that Also, I love the fact that I remember no names from this other than Ageha, whose route I hated and made me almost drop this before it got going, and Musashi, who doesn't have a route. D: 10/10 memory, me (I had to open the game to get Gakuto's name above...).
  6. What Dogenzaka are porting are their own games on mobile, I believe, so Voltage doesn't have any huge overlap. There's also NTT Solmare Corp, who got some Otomate titles originally released for other consoles, like Toki no Kizuna (PSP game), Nise no Chigiri (PSP/PC game) and Hiiro no Kakera 4 (PSP), as well as their own lineup... Mobile otome is kinda intense. Anyway, the review! It was good! Nice to see what other people thought of the game!~ I'd have been a lot harsher even though I'm ultimately also enjoying it depending on the route, so the amount of balance in the review is greatly appreciated (like: oh, yeah, I do like those things!)... I agree with the review in that the art is definitely the game's biggest asset, and that the music is definitely the game's biggest liability. Takes me out of the scene each time. Really cringy and awkward (I will also note that in addition to the problems noted in the review, a few of the songs don't loop well. At all. And they're the more common songs. Yeah...).... The story is.... well, none of it's new or ambitious so far. Couldn't stand Ageha's route, but the other 3.5 I've read are good-decent. It's basically something to wind down with, although they attempt a looot of drama, so it's kinda like seeing a soap opera, I guess...? Everything's the biggest deal in the world sort of thing. I also thought the main character had a bit more of a personality than the reviewer did, but those are opinions I guess. It's probably not good that someone can even think that about the main character, so the point really does stand. No Musashi route, though. That's a shame. I keep hoping he's a hidden route but I doubt it. He's the Best Guy, too... I hope to read more from Sayuri~ I... actually don't know too many otome game reviewers that don't summarize the routes (although I can admit I haven't looked for any), so...
  7. I said Frankenstein because of my surprising fondness for the book (and guys with soft personalities... and he looks cute). You can't do Lupin's route until you do the others, though. He's the True Route.
  8. Are the CG sections on the pages temporary, and you're gonna go through them before you're out of alpha? Cause several of the pages' ones are full of spoilers (some of them have spoilers for entire trilogies), a few of them are from related but not the same visual novels, several pictures are from the anime but not the game, I just saw a picture of Black Butler's Ciel beside Tsukihime Ciel's name, Inuyasha's Kohaku in place of the maid (if this is on purpose I laughed so good job), and a Hatsuyuki Sakura CG in the middle of Comyu's stuff. There's also stuff that is definitely fanart. I understand you're in alpha, but it'd definitely be something to check before you release it to the world, no? Are these just placeholders? Or is some of this (specifically the fanart) intentional? I mean, you could argue that someone is gonna go through all that while they're editing, but I'm not certain you'd wanna leave that to chance, considering this is supposed to be a website to discover VNs... Also you might wanna say where the scores are coming from. Once you add reviews people might be torn between the scores coming from them, VNDB, EGS, and your own personal ratings. When it comes to the site's idea... I just use recommendations/reviews elsewhere to discover new VNs, so... I might not be the target here. Edit: Definitely look at the banners, too. Saw several anime images, several of them are just skirts, Muv Luv's is from Altered Fable, and My Girlfriend is the President's is from Fortissimo! I'm not certain I wanna sign up to a site I won't even use just to do work, sooo...
  9. In that case, you should use the Without filters. Tick "pairing", then choose the two-character pairing you really don't wanna see. That's the best it's got. Can't do anymore pairings. If you filter out SasuHina (make Character A be Sasuke, Character B be Hinata on the Without filters and tick Pairing there), it looks like most of them would be NaruSaku-centric? But I'm frankly not sure. (It's actually better than ao3's system in this regard....)
  10. Even as a fujoshi, I can tell you that this is a niche within that that wasn't really appealing to me, either. (A lot of gender bender "trap" manga/anime ends up being for guys so I have a negative opinion on the subject from the beginning...) I kinda wish they did a little less of a niche BL title first, and if they didn't add the tiers above $99 with only a week to go... That's just bad planning. This is probably a one-off, I hope they don't do the poor tier planning again, but they probably wouldn't license something so... niche? again.
  11. You probably got the answer to this, but I'll be a few days slow... The first choice leads to Ending A and the second to Ending B. I heard Ending B is considered the "Happy" ending but honestly, do both. Soya's are both pretty different and pretty worth it (because Best Guy so far bias). Ending A doesn't take too much time, either...
  12. Nah, if you're talking about Touka's route, at least, that's not necessary. Just get an ending (presumably a good one?) to get the Suzu options. I mean, it couldn't hurt but it's not necessary (I didn't do Touka's Bad End or Ending 2 and got onto the Suzu route).
  13. Nah, you call it a Galge or Bishoujo game. What you're talking are more specific genres that can apply to either, in theory, if you wanted to. Code: Realize looks really interesting! I'm looking forward to it - I haven't read spoilers for this, too! Need a Vita pretty soon, then, I guess.... I'm pleased to see Aksys do more than just Hakuoki over and over. This one's really recent, too!~
  14. Like Skights? ...Was my first instinct there. I worry that something like that spreads you a little too thin, though, and the perspectives would have to all be different enough and engaging to make me play again... (Skights: http://www.englishotomegames.net/post/110103594936/skights-pdrtjs-settings-8045733-id)
  15. I'll join! The capacity to geek about vns isn't something I'm lacking.
  16. Currently bogged down with school....

  17. I will note that a lot of the time, art is what pulls people into the game. The story/characters make them stay. If you have a novel/creative, new idea, you can get past the art attraction (b/c you'll be finding your own little niche), but not having a good story to hold up your concept would be a disaster. Good luck!
  18. I do believe this is the one I'm using right now, and the one I'll continue using, 'cause FuwaFabulous was too close to the theme I use for Batoto. After finding a non-boring colour that didn't hurt my eyes (purple is the best colour after all <3) I'm quite fond of it. On the other hand, I have to admit that the location, VNDB and MAL links look thrown around... and while not constantly having the time of the post there does make it look nicer, it gives my mouse more of a workout hovering.... I'll keep using it, though.
  19. Lambda

    Starter VN Reviews

    I wonder if an otome/BL game would be a good review even if I only played the ones that people "start" with these days years into my VN-love... I can't say that I played them early on by any means... In this case, BL fans probably start with Dramatical Murder and otome fans would start with... what... Hakuouki...? the Second Reproduction or Starry Sky cause they're easier to find? That'd take some thought... especially since it's really OVELN-focsued, but they're all small games you wouldn't be able to write a whole bunch about.... I'm just not in touch with the kids these days... Are you mainly looking for reviews of non-official translated games or officially translated ones?
  20. Lambda


    Ah, yes, the last milking of the Cash Cow. Well, I can't say I have the system for it anyway. Even as a sucker for rhythm games. Why is Persona Q the only one on a Nintendo system...? I don't understand. I do believe it's a PS3/PS4 release. I'll bum it off my friend... Again.
  21. For some reason, the first game that came to my mind with that question was Black Wolves Saga, which I haven't actually played... Yes, it's puzzling to me too. However, the heroine's face actually does appear at the side of the text box when she's speaking. I must've been remembering a review I read? But yeah, only when she's speaking, it's not always there or anything.. (Edit: Actually, I just remembered Alice = Alice, too, and Gekka Ryouran Romance had similar systems... I obviously haven't played every game by Rejet, so I'll just say it appears like a large number of Rejet otomege have them. Quinrose appear to implement a similar system. Otomate's teams and standards basically change with every game, so I'll hold off broad assumptions of their style.) I'm personally a fan of that. I'm a fan of anything that adds a little bit more personality to the protag, and knowing their reactions or how their feelings translate to their facial expressions is a plus.
  22. Ahhh... At least it sounds like I'll be able to play the entirety of Kajitsu while I wait, if they're planning on shipping them as they're completed.... Thanks...
  23. Shoujo if it's done right (normally this starts from an awesome protagonist... I can take any subgenre here. I loved what I read of Reimei no Arcana as much as I loved Love so Life), BL (romance and drama specifically, supernatural or historical aren't my thing in this genre x10^5), shounen action, shounen sports.. I'm a real sucker for shounen sports. Like... it doesn't even have to be fujoshi bait? I read a shounen sports manga about Quiz Competitions once? I just NEED shounen sports manga, man! On the other hand, I can't STAND horror. Awful, awful genre. Because I get scared at horror movie trailers... Yes, I'm a wimp...
  24. Lambda


    You... hate a bear that makes bear puns? He says his sensei is sensei-tional and everything... He hit a height I'm not certain other mascots can achieve!!! SUPER HYPE! THAT TRAILER WAS 2GOOD. The only thing is the practically guaranteed lack of FeMC... ;.; Again, I shall play as a guy. If the girls are quality or I can actually go after the male teammates, I won't mind though... I'm a fan of what I've seen of the Phantom Thief genre in general so this looks really cool! ...Although I have to admit to liking P3/P4's battle system... hopefully it's at least similar... or turn-based... because I'm notoriously bad at non-turn-based games...
  25. Hey! This talk is reminding me of the 7th of Clephas' thread on the Rules of Forums! ...This is only marginally related to Grisaia anyway. Rather than getting into an argument because we appear to be on different sides of this issue, can you please possibly make a separate topic that I can safely ignore? Thanks. On a Grisaia-related note, I'm super excited it got funded~ Looking forward to receiving the games... when they finish translating/editing them... which will probably take a while...
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