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Everything posted by Lambda

  1. That's interesting! I need to get educated on these things, wow. Great minds think alike~~~~ That's true. The worst thing to come out of his sexism that I can remember was a scene used entirely for comedy (the pink shark pack scene). I can't say I'm fond of when every female character in the entire novel falls for the MC, too... Some of them must have different tastes.
  2. My attention span is that of a gnat, as I've said before. Given that they're the same quality, shorter VNs have a better possibility of keeping me there the entire time. Also, shorter = less time investment to get to the point to see if I'd like it. Longer VNs also seem to have more fluff...
  3. Names.... names..... I'm horrible with names. How will Koutarou ever forgive me?! How will you ever forgive me?! (yes, that's it).
  4. Da Capo II starts with preparing for a Christmas party and is basically set in winter. I had to put off reading until there was snow on the ground. If you're alright with charages and aren't expecting super-deep story, you could do worse.
  5. and dat translation : oppai = eyes XD And let's respect other people's opinions we're all friends here Ah, I know what you mean. That's my problem with heroines that start with max affection for the protag...! How can I break her heart! But you've gotta do it anyway; there's a possibility that the other girls like the protag too! You can't do that to them just because you chose someone else first, right?! Was meant to answer part 2 of OP's question, not any argument you're having. That's interesting, though. how do you keep interested in 2D girls when, unlike the 3D, there's nothing about them beyond their 1 maybe 2 stories? ...I'll also ask you to exercise more tact in discussion. As a 3D woman, I was not happy hearing that my personality disgusted someone I'm gonna be interacting with.
  6. Yeah! I like Riki's character development, too, when he stops simply leaning on his friends and makes equal effort for them, gaining courage to lead people towards their shared goals... M is really cool, although because of his character I was only convinced he had a one-sided affection for Mary in the last chapter which really highlighted his weak points. Aaah and his interaction with the children was adorable! Really, every time I hear "comical" in Japanese I hear M's voice. True story. It happened in Comyu a few times. Couldn't stop hearing M. Mary = Mary Shelly. It's a mix of Mary Shelly, Agatha Christie, and a middle name I can't place. Which makes that name Sharnoth in a nutshell, really (it just needed a Holmes reference and it'd be there!).
  7. The wallpaper/posters are circa 2002, so the posters are cute animals and the wallpaper includes of pretty unicorns. Basically can't be bothered to decorate my room, but I just add stuff to it like anime plushies and a whole bunch of manga, which I must have over 60 volumes of sitting around. Mainly shoujo. Only one BL volume. My anime DVDs are in the family room. My room at the city I'm going to school in has nothing in it that's otaku related at all~
  8. His role in a lot of routes is just so the player can see him bang the girls Shoushichi can't. That's how I saw him anyway. Maybe he majorly improves in Suzu's route...
  9. Part of the reason the 1st episode of Grisaia anime was 10/10 - beautiful manservice. I'd guess the complaint is that he's not punished all too much for those flaws? Probably.
  10. I... want a relationship like that..... Wow... On the 2D-3D thing... No? 2D girls are ideals, 2D guys are ideals, I realize that and create separate planes in my mind for them. I finish the game, declare characters my waifu, then move on and lose 95% of the intense feeling I had for them. Rinse and repeat. Same with ships, honestly. If I'm not constantly reminded of something, I kinda forget...
  11. Confession: Assassination Classroom is 2good4me. It's such a heartwarming manga about children trying to kill their octopus teacher.
  12. Half the time I end up shipping the protag with another guy that doesn't even get a route, so I'm fine playing other routes. I consider some of the main ships to be best, of course, but they're all AUs, so... I'm a multishipper at heart, anyway. I wouldn't have survived picking some One True Pairings in my three playthroughs of Fire Emblem Awakening otherwise. ...I start and drop novels on whims because I have a very small attention span. A concept grabs me, I feel passionate about it, I finish a route or two, all the flaws become obvious, I stop. A few weeks-months later I pick it up again. It has nothing to do with how I feel about heroines.
  13. Oops. Was talking about Shoushichi after I mentioned Shirou. Will edit... Shirou is a lot more shounen manga protagonist, but he has some aspects that are really interesting, too. If you can get past the "girls can't fight!" Fate route. The ultimate house waifu. He can cook, he can clean... his wife can bring home the bacon, that's okay. Probably actually how his couple with Rin goes. Yeah... I'm a slow reader in general, so... then I only started downloading/buying a year ago. That made less options.
  14. I wouldn't talk about anime on a first date. At all. I'm actually a little embarrassed about my hobby in real life. My roommate learned I liked it after living ~4 months with me. There are three distinct levels: that I like anime, that I like BL, and that I play eroge. I have no idea what order I should tell that stuff to guys, but at least with girls it goes in that order. So I like talking on the internet and the opportunity to fujoshi as much as I want~ On a related note, my biggest fear for my relationships is I start thinking that 2D>3D. And I can feel myself slipping with every jerk I meet in real life.... Before I started on the forum again, I occasionally went into the cesspools that are the comment boxes and edited specific comments out of them if I felt they were wasting character space, like redundant comments, or people having irrelevant conversations, or spoilers, or people signing their names unless they were significant like the translator or a mod. I have got into two fights over the comment boxes: one over Killer Queen and another over MLA. Also I think the comment box was a useful idea in some respects (users trouble-shooting themselves without an account, translation updates for stuff on forums like aarinfantasy), but I honestly do think 95% of it is just annoying. I really dislike lolis. Onee-chans > imoutos, but onii-chans>otoutos. Prefer senpai to kouhai, too. ...I'm a lion and then I'm Koro-sensei? Gender is a spectrum, after all!
  15. Yeah initially I drew comparisons (both and bad) between Shoushichi and Naruto. That lovable brat is too good-natured at times so I'm glad Soushichi turned out to be different than the OP shounen protagonists True. That was the idea. He's so passionate about music, it's great. He'd been waiting for that CD for a long time! How dare she break it! Yeah! I love shounen as a genre, but I don't want to see the same protagonist time and again, so this was a treat. To be fair, I haven't encountered a lot of those in eroge... Wouldn't even really consider Shirou one.... The other guys are hot-blooded enough for Shoushichi! ...And he can move when it counts. He knows when he's no match, though, and actually runs away from it to think instead of running towards it...
  16. Touko's love of Shoushichi... was too extreme.. Well, there's also the sorry excuse for h-scenes that is Koutarou. Yeah, I know. I was simply stating what I learned and why Ayakashibito's h-scenes didn't vibe with me. Nothing to do with your comment, don't worry.
  17. Idk the effeminate, man-child inside me didn't get that part too well. I also think he's great at focusing on the good in every situation though, one of Soushichi's best characteristics. I wholeheartedly agree with everything about Kyouru (hehe portmanteaus are the best). The combination of the lighthearted, comedic moments and the bone-chilling ones added a lot of depth to the true route. Whoever translated it did an awesome job of capturing the passion they held for one another. Examples: [caution actual spoilers] He's a jerk in a lot of ways. He'd show up more often in a shoujo than an eroge, but the girls would still swoon.... because every once in a while, he does one nice thing. His hobby for classical music was always cute, though. Yeah. He makes others want to help him because he's such a positive person, too. As a negative person, it was actually interesting to see how his mind worked... and how it made others work. He's not shounen protagonist because he does, y'know, think and stuff, and he is broken in several ways. But he keeps going, keeps focusing on the bright side.... Yes! Such a good ship! Sailing that into the beyond, myself! Lelouch had extra heaps of camp, too, which made him fun to watch. Super over-dramatic. There's something really different between Lelouch and, like, Tatsuya from Mahouka. Characters that can screw up create an infinitely greater amount of drama and conflict and chances to grow than those that can't. Yeah! Okabe also falls under "he's fun to watch even when he's acting", too. I am mad scientist! But yes, his growth is really impressive! He goes from rather aimless, living in delusions, to someone with a single goal and working towards it.
  18. ...I didn't finish Suzu's route. I'll finish it... eventually... ...Ah, yes, the four scenes in a row in Touko's route were excellently spaced. This is the game where I learned my limit on the number of h-scenes I can take in a row. It is, believe it or not, four. Especially if one is a rape scene. I also figured out a pet peeve of mine, which is having consensual sex right after noncon stuff. Again, who knew?
  19. I'm in. I wanna at least try the voting, and Ayakashibito discussion was fun, so... Plus I'll actually have time in December! True. I'd like an excuse to finally read it instead of leaving it on my list, too.
  20. So no one's anyone's only waifu?! We're all just part of a harem? Shock! Plot twist!
  21. Being a female VN fan is haaard for relating. Guys that try to act cool come across as arrogant and a jerk over half the time.. well it's personal opinion, of course~ ...I do solemnly swear to not hit on people over the internet, if that's your worry. When it comes to Shoushichi, it's more like he wants to only cry happy tears because he doesn't find crying when he's sad productive, I think? It's been a while. But he also doesn't want to negatively impact the happy moments by placing emphasis on the sad ones, either... Yeah! His couple with Haru just felt so... significant, too! They both really needed and loved each other~ It was so sweet! His desperation for his family also shines through...He acts cold, but actually cares a looot. Even beyond his debates about exploiting people for money... which basically show he's stuck between lone wolf mentality and "I need people!"...
  22. Although Kyousuke fit into that "superhuman" protag category I mentioned above, I still thoroughly enjoyed his character. It was the moments that he was the weakest that made me respond the most to his character. While bad end Kyousuke always turned out to be a huge prick, he'd always let his softer side out near the end of routes otherwise. The comedic duo he formed with Haru was outstanding and Kyousuke x Mizuha was so cute I nearly hnnng'd to death. That's true. Protagonists that are relateable are really interesting, too. Although I'm already a degree removed from them. But it makes their emotions a lot more... raw? When they're not just super-humaning. ...Also guys that show emotion are really cute in my book (I prefer them to guys that can do anything and everything). Shoushichi's habit of crying when he's happy is really sweet. It's a great look at someone that finally found something he thought was impossible: an ordinary school life and, realizing it may not last that long, decides to live it anyway. He's someone that was constantly beat down and trivialized in his youth, too. It really shows, which is impressive. Kyousuke's strengths make a stark contrast to his weakness that kind of hit you when you know them. Because he acts so cool and strong.... Who would like someone as baka as Okabe?! Geez, i-it's not like I thought Mamoru Miyano's performance as Okabe was one of his best or anything! No way! Baka!
  23. Thanks everyone~ Happy birthday to greenshadow, too! ...I'm not your waifu already? My perception of the world has shattered....
  24. ..............................Damn. Sorry. I had a feeling. Should've... resisted...
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