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    rainsismyfav reacted to astro in Monthly Donation Badge Decision Thread   
    I was kinda thinking something more simple.
    Along these lines:

    We should make everyone rock this badge IMO
  2. Like
    rainsismyfav got a reaction from LinovaA in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    I thrive on depression.
  3. Like
    rainsismyfav got a reaction from Cyrillej1 in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    My advice to you is to let go of her ASAP. You don't know if you are closing off other opportunities with other girls because you're so tunnel visioned on this particular one. I experienced this before multiple times in middle + high school. I have never noticed that this other girl liked me, until after I confessed and got rejected with my current one and moved on. Recovery phase really sucks and I'm not surprised you naturally went into Denial mode. You'll be better off in the long run to accept reality, start looking for others. 
    Start by admiring other people.
    My personal advice to others is to *posture* as soon as you know you have the feelings. Posture being, show her that you want to elevate the relationship above friendship. If your partner seems oblivious to flirtation or your romantic attempts, then be more direct. I feel really bad being stuck in a limbo not knowing what the other person thinks about me. I think people get friendzoned because they #1. Never posture or #2 are in Denial after receiving too many negative feedback. Liking someone does put a bias in our mentality but we have to get over that to seek more meaningful relationships.
  4. Like
    rainsismyfav got a reaction from DatYandereGirl in Wow, this site has changed...   
    How are you getting creeper skype invites? I've had my skype info out since I made my account Jan 2014, and I never got a single random add.
    Lemme guess... it's that gender....
    you should go switch that to Male or Not Telling, if you don't want to get harassed.
  5. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Cyrillej1 in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    @hsms - about your female friend problem.. I'd say just go confront her.  I know it'll be awkward, but sometimes it's better than agonizing over the possibilities forever.  If you wait, it's still most likely going to end up the same way.  In my opinion, if a guy tells a girl he's interested... and she doesn't respond or follow-up on it, it means She's Not Interested in dating you (or just wants to stay friends, not wanting to ruin the way things currently are).  
    It's really up to you whether you want to keep what you have with her.. if you don't mind feeling the way you do (unrequitted) and want to stay friends.  Just know, you're sorta letting her do this to you, and if you want it to stop, you have to let her know.
  6. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Mr Poltroon in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    Fuwanovel: Ruining relationships since 2012.
    Turns out that, according to that test, I'm below average. Despite how I usually act. That real life intorvertedness.
  7. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Tyrael in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    My dating profile just went live
    wish me luck guys
  8. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Flutterz in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Have fun
  9. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Cyrillej1 in Weird Coincidences   
    There were a lot of funny/weird coincidences in the Battle Royale game http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/10315-finished-fuwa-battle-royale-iii/
    I was really amused by some of the things that happened in it, since it was randomized. Like, the story actually made sense and fit with some of the characters involved~
    Things that made me laugh:

    I was quite entertained.
  10. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Zenophilious in Fuwanovel Confessions   
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    rainsismyfav reacted to Zakamutt in Fuwanovel Member Trivia Game Final Round   
    Why the hell would someone think my favorite anime was one I didn't even have on MAL, lol
    and card captor sakura too!
  12. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Kosakyun in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    >Fuwa "make visual novels popular in the West"
    >I'm in the East
  13. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Zalor in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    Lol, the conversation has probably long past the relevance of this comment, but I am that guy. You know, the nerdy guy who rejects the attractive popular girl. Albeit physically I don't think I look so nerdy, but my personality and interests definitely are; and that's why I did it. I think people commonly think that a nerd/geek/(otaku in my case) would go out with an attractive and popular girl given the opportunity. But the problem is that we are too different. Her friends, hobbies, and personality don't align with mine. I would be an alien and would socially feel uncomfortable around her (or maybe not her, but definitely I would feel uncomfortable around her friends). I would rather have a slightly (emphasis on the word slightly as I do have my limits) less attractive girl who matched my personality, than a girl with whom we only shared mutual lust. And my actions have reflected this belief.    
    The only real problem is that there is a girl who I think I would be a good match with, but I haven't had the opportunity (nor do I have the balls to make the opportunity happen) to do anything about it. But I fully acknowledged that this is completely my fault for my own spinelessness. 
  14. Like
    rainsismyfav got a reaction from sirjabberwock in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    I'm not mentioning the state but she's US at least.
    I'm at the stage of my life where it's good for me to venture and take risks. All the gears are almost in place. I just have to be patient~
  15. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Darklord Rooke in How does one deal with the fact that the job he wants is nigh impossible to get?   
    Everybody goes through this. Let me copy and paste the most useful piece of advice I've read... albeit targeted at a different profession:
    A friend of mine is going through a crisis of faith right now. Not a religious crisis. A writing one—though from where he’s standing, it probably feels much the same. He’s written several books and a slough of short stories, and he has prepared them professionally, and he has diligently and tirelessly sent them around in the correct manner. He’s done everything right, and he has a growing collection of rejection slips to show for it, and an upcoming publication in what he calls “the smallest paying market in existence.”
    And he’s starting to wonder why he’s doing all this; as he points out, he has a great job that he’s lucky enough to like, he’s happily married, he makes good money and has what he needs in life. He’s putting a lot of time into something that is feeling more and more like smacking himself in the forehead with a ballpeen hammer. Repeatedly.
    Is he wasting his time? I have no doubt at all that if he sticks with his writing long enough, he’ll start selling his work. He’s smart and talented and funny, and I think it would be impossible for him to keep writing without those qualities showing in an irresistible combination on the page eventually. Sooner or later, an editor is going to fall in love, and he is going to find a publishing home.
    If he is willing to pay the price.
    The price?
    Every dream has a price. You need to know this now, because the price can be enormous, and if you don’t know about in advance, you can wake up one day to find that you have paid with everything you ever loved, and what you have to show for all of that isn’t enough.
    How much will you have to pay to be a writer? There’s no way you can know in advance. How much might you have to pay?
    You might have to live in poverty. You might lose your job, your friends or family, your children or your spouse. Your dream might cost you your health. Your happiness. Your life. Perhaps you think I exaggerate, but writers suffer from depression and die of suicide far out of proportion to our numbers. We have high divorce rates, far too many substance abusers, and as a group we are pathetically poor. I’m not saying that if you want to be a writer, you need to run out and get a divorce and take up heavy drinking. Far from it. A strong, stable relationship can get you through some desperate times. And only fools look for inspiration in the bottom of a bottle. What I am saying is that if you pursue your dream, some other parts of your life will fall by the wayside. You can’t know what those parts will be yet. But if you persist, you will find out.
    How much is your dream worth to you?
    Could you be a writer? Yes.
    Should you be?
    That is a question that only you can answer … and you’ll have to answer it again every time you pay.
    But before you walk away, consider this: If writing is your hunger and your thirst, and if you choose not to follow your dream because you’re afraid, you’ll pay a price for that, too—you’ll pay with the progressive deadening of your soul, as time and your own disillusionment with yourself eat away at who you are. One day you’ll wake up and discover that the part of yourself that knew how to dream—and how to fly—has died, and that you are forever after bound to the ground, with only the memory that you once had wings.
    Every dreamer pays a price. But so does everyone who fears to dream.
  16. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Tyrael in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    I'm going over to a friends house next week to look it over (he has a lot of dating experience so he's helping me out) and we'll see how it goes
    Good luck to you!
  17. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to astro in Monobeno -Happy End- Translation Project   
    Despite the mountains upon mountains of lolis, this isn't really a game I actually care much about. As such, I'm not gonna stop you guys from potentially creating a translation worse than Moenovel (at this point, it's definitely not an impossibility).
    As some of you may know, I'm not one to sugarcoat my words but I'll try my hardest not to sound like a dick: this game is kind of hard to mess up, so after reading the points both sides have brought up, here are my two cents.
    Let's get real - misplaced 'support' isn't going to make the translator better. The only logical way the translator is going to improve is by actually studying, instead of spending his time making misTLs he thinks is right. And no, hiring a TL checker is just as inefficient when you could be hiring a translator who is actually competent at the language. It's fairly easy to tell when someone is ready to start a game translation, and it's clear that this person isn't. That is a fact. A game like this should definitely not take 5 years to translate (that's less than 30 lines a day). It makes me cringe thinking that someone is planning to waste five years of their life enforcing wrong translations into his mind - again, counterproductive - when they could be actually getting better at the language.
      True to an extent. This only works if your level of Japanese is already at a certain level. If your proficiency is below that threshold, you may as well be inventing your own dialect of Japanese under the pretense of 'studying the language'. Imo, if you're doing something for practice, you should not publicly release it in the first place. I've translated a few visual novels as practice on my own, but I've only showed the TLs to one or two people (who I know are good at Japanese) for feedback.
        With all that said, it is ultimately up to the translator if he wants to go on with this or not. I'm writing this because it's only fair for the person in question to know what he's signing up for, and that there are better alternatives if he wants to get better at the language. All I can see is a bunch of people urging him off a cliff, and mislabeling that as kindness and compassion.    ・ As a side note, for those of you who suggest that "readable" is a passing grade when it comes it quality standards, then I present to you an example that may change your mind:
  18. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Eclipsed in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    @Meogii meant AKA "Also Known As". Kind of wrong to use it there since it's more for names/aliases/identities (ie. Link AKA the Hero of Time) but eh

    Elaborating on what I said earlier: since I find interacting with strangers so unpleasant I would actually choose not to interact than to interact.
    All of my best friends IRL right now are the result of them being the ones who for some reason thought I was an interesting person and so they stuck around & interacted with me more until I eventually got comfortable around them and opened up myself.

    Other than that, 99% of my acquaintances I meet will forever remain so if they have no interest in getting to know me better cuz I for one won't try to get to know them better
  19. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to TexasDice in Ask a Fuwan (Advice thread)   
    Statistics, demographies (demographics? I hate words.) and studies are just excuses. 
    Online dating is just a means of engaging contact, like picking someone up in a bar or having a fateful encounter. Whether or not a relationship works out or not, depends on the people involved, not on a number. It's not a lottery. 
    Here are some statistics I've defeated in my life:

    "1 out of 2 people will fail". Well in that case I just have to be the one. Live fighting or die trying! 
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    rainsismyfav reacted to Nosebleed in [Finished] Fuwa Battle Royale III   
    The stalking is not going as planned huh?
  22. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to LiquidShu in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Confession: Every time I have a lewd thought out of context I make myself do push ups, jumping jacks, or sit ups until I'm drop dead tired. This will hopefully lead to me either A) Stop being a perv 24/7 or B ) Get me in shape quicker 
  23. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Tyrael in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    According to r/relationships there is no such thing as the friendzone 
    Tfw the girl you confessed to and who rejected you says you look great and deserve to get a nice, good looking girlfriend
  24. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Cyrillej1 in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    I donated blood before.. and I believe (if I remember correctly) they told me I was B+.  I'd get called all the time by them... so I named them Vampires on my phone contacts.
  25. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Nosebleed in Least liked protagonist?   
    I'd rather hate on all the passive aggressive protagonists with no intrinsic personality than hate on a "douchebag" protagonist that acts on their own accord and follows what they believe is right for them.
    I just feel like the latter at the very least provides a more lively story. But maybe that's just me.
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