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Everything posted by bakauchuujin

  1. I don't really find it to be that good. Sekai Project/Denpasoft already have too many licenses and have as of late made it pretty clear that they are unable to ensure the quality of the titles they release when they have so many titles to work on. Honestly I would rather have them take a break with new licenses and catch up on the titles they are already working on.
  2. Not so sure about their ability to see a shitstorm coming, for instance they didn't seem to expect the shitstorm that happened when they said that they were only going to release the vita version of Root Double on US PSN. A bit after due to the shitstorm they got they said that they had reconsidered and would release a version for the EU PSN as well. If they are not able to predict a shitstorm due to many backers not getting what they paid for I honestly question their ability to predict a shitstorm. Maybe they just expected that no one would care about the Maitetsu problems, who knows.
  3. btw any news on Majikoi? Based on their twitter it seems like they handed out demos, anything else like a rough release date? Btw on http://discuss.jastusa.com/discussion/255270/so-outlaw-django-is-officially-cancelled-now/p1?new=1 the comment Nandemonai got back was "That's a misunderstanding. It's still in the works."
  4. btw is there anywhere to watch the panel? Would be nice if someone was taking a video of it.
  5. If they do that I wonder how that would impact their relationship with fakku.
  6. Considering that SP are the ones who have had the most successful kickstarters in terms of getting money I think they are likely to go for SP if they don't self publish.
  7. Since I now have summer vacation I have a bit more time so if there is anything anyone can think of that would improve the list I probably have the time to implement it. So if there is anything you think might improve the list please tell me.
  8. Just hope mainstream media don't find out about this title and try to use it as justification to ban all VNs.
  9. I think the problem for most western fans is that companies going bankrupt means that it is really unlikely that their existing VNs are ever going to get an official english release.
  10. I don't find it hard to believe that the VN industry is shrinking, at the moment the eroge stores are filled with mostly second hand eroge. Most of these second hand VNs are about half the price and their quality is already known since they have been out for a while. Buying new VNs is both costly and slightly risky since you might get something that is not that good. There is also the fact that people are limited by their time and money. I don't really think they can rely on the hardcore fans buying more, if they for instance are limited by the amount of time they have to play due to having long work days they probably won't buy more than they are able to play. If they are NEET or only work part time they are probably limited by the amount of money they have. So because of this I doubt that they can do much more to get more money from the people who are already hardcore fans. As for new fans, well the birthrate in Japan is really low and I doubt that it is likely that many grownups that aren't already into VNs will start getting into it. In conclusion I think the main problem boils down to a limited amount of consumers with limited time and money and an increase in competition from older releases. Honestly I don't see how the VN industry could be able to maintain its current size in Japan. I guess one way for them to thrive would be to expand their reach in the west since there are probably many anime and manga fans who would like VNs in the west that simply haven't goten into it, though so far it seems like the market in the west is too small to really rely on.
  11. Seems like all of the girls are in love with the same person based on the character profile on their page. So I guess either the three loves are seperate routes or that it has a harem ending. Based on the character information my best guess is that this is just a normal dating sim where you play as the male and can choose one of the three girls.
  12. Analogue a hate story, probably Ne no kami part 2 to complete the story and maybe wild romance mofu mofu just to see how Norn VNs are for myself, I know they review quite badly.
  13. Just sent in feedback hope that it is at least somewhat helpfull.
  14. I think you should also add Frontwing. Nekonyansoft has published one quality title on steam so far and is working on more at the moment so they might be worth adding. Sol Press is also working on quality titles though they haven't released anything yet. Also if you want to find the different publishers in the west you can use my list of all VNs officially released in the west since I have the publishers there as well and most of them have at least published something on steam. Of course you would have to check the quality of their VNs before adding the company, but at least it should be somewhat usefull to make sure you don't forget a company.
  15. I have now made my first proper review which also includes pictures from the physical edition. The review is of Starless since that was the VN I most recently finished. You should be able to find it under blog.
  16. I want to start doing reviews of VNs that I have physicals of where I both review the VN itself and show of the physical edition. I figured I would start with the most recent one I have completed which is Starless. First I guess I should mention what kind of VN Starless is. Starless is a hardcore fetish nukige, so if that doesn't sound interesting to you it probably isn't something you are going to like. I guess I should first start of with the general plot, though I will avoid spoilers. In the VN you play as Sawatari a young man who is looking for a summer job. After finding a sketchy looking adverticement he ends up applying for a two week long job as a servant in a mansion belonging to a rich family consisting of a mother her two daugthers and one son. During the interview Sawatari finds out that the job is more like that of a sex slave rather than that of a normal servant, though due to the high wage and not wanting to back down after all the things they had done to him during the interview he decides to stay. The next day a woman named Mitarai who is in desperate need of money also applies for the job and reluctantly accepts it due to her suituation. After this you follow Sawatari's daily life as a servants of the family for two weeks. During these two weeks you and the other servants of the mansion act out the messed up desire of the family as you try to keep your sanity. Throughout your stay you learn pieces of information about all the shady and messed up things that the family is doing behind the scenes and ultimately your aim is to get yourself and Mitarai out of the mansion alive and with your sanity intact. Some things that I liked The art of this VN is really good, I suppose rather than me telling you about it you can look at the pictures bellow or you can look at the screenshots at vndb. As for the music I liked it quite a lot. I found it to always work with the mood of the scene. The main character is actually able to think and I found his inner monologue to be interesting. I really liked how they built up the different mysteries in the mansion, it was quite fun not really knowing what secrets were hidden in the basement and the shady things the family did behind the scenes. The characters were well writen, their distinctive personality really showed. After the first few days they start having sexual lectures and I found it interesting not knowing what type of lecture the next day would bring. I felt that this was quite good for building up anticipation for what would happen next and keep you playing. The VN has a rediculous amount of sexual content since it is a long nukige, I would estimate that the VN is about 40 hours long and most of it is just sex scenes. The genitalia is really well drawn. It covers pretty much every fetish you can think of, excluding fetishes found only in fantasy VNs, you know like monsters. Some things that I didn't like While the music is good there are few tracks compared to the length of the VN, this makes it feel somewhat repetative. During one part of the VN there are a lot of scat scenes, the high amount of scat scenes was something I really didn't like that much. Towards the end of the common route and during most of the endings I found the content to be too extreeme for my liking. During the last parts of the VN I honestly just wanted to get it over with. This is of course based on taste, but if you don't feel up for a lot of really messed up things I would advice avoiding the title. Too many bad endings in my opinion. I really hated the secound daugther of the family, though since the family are the villains of this VN I can't really call that a bad thing. Also while I despiced her I do remember being at the edge of my seat everytime she was involved with something just waiting for her to do something horrible. Guess this is more of a neutral point. Some of the content is censored due to legal reasons, things like scat and beastiality. This can be restored easily by using an unofficial patch, which to my knowledge is pretty much actually an official patch that they had someone else publish to avoid legal problems. While it is easy to fix I think it is somewhat annoying not to have all of the VN on the disc. In conclusion This is a high quality long nukige with good writing, art and music, but it is not for everyone. This title is only for those who really want a completely messed up nukige with a ton of fetishes ranging from slightly messed up to absolutely horrifyingly messed up. Personally I really enjoyed the first part, but as I got towards the end of it I found it to be way too extreeme for my liking. As for whether or not I would like to pick up any other VNs from Empress after this my answer is no, the reason being that I hated the later part of it. While I wouldn't pick up another similar title I am glad to have experienced this title since it was quite a unique experience that I haven't really had before. Translation As for the translation I found the translation itself to be really good, the lines had a good flow and captured the different characters personality quite well. However one thing I found annoying about the translation was that there were a lot of typos. It seemed to me like the one translating did a really good job, but that they then just didn't do proper quality control afterwards. Pictures of the limited edition In advance I would like to appologize about the pictures bellow not being that good, I am not really good at taking pictures and my iphone's camera isn't the best either. Outside of the limited edition box The inside of the limited edition box. The artbook is to the left and the DVD case for the game is to the right. The game itself as well as a user manual and a card with a code for starless that can be used through Jast USA. Of course the DVD works for the game so the code is just an extra. Here are some samples from the artbook As for my review of the limited edition I would say that it is really worth it, the box looks really good and the artbook is really nice to take a look in. If you think of picking up the title I would really recommend going for the limited edition. When I wrote this post the limited edition was available, but it has now been sold out and been replaced by a regular edition.
  17. I am thinking of doing more similar stuff where I show some of the different physical copies of the VNs I own, though I think that I will also have a proper review of the VN as well rather than the short opinion I had at the end of this post. So it will be something like a VN review and a showcase of the physical edition.
  18. I wouldn't count on it, considering that it has taken about 2 and a half year for them to get close to selling out. Mangagamer choose to only make physicals for VNs that they think they can sell a good amount of physicals for, most people who want a physical of Princess Evangile has already bought it and because of that they don't really have an incentive to make more.
  19. Recently I looked at Mangagamer's store and found that the limited edition of Princess Evangile only had 35 copies left. While it also is available at other stores like Jlist I would assume that there aren't that many copies left. Because of this I wanted to share some pictures of the physical edition in case there are anyone who is on the fence about buying the physical copy or if there are anyone who might have not known about it having a physical release who is interested in the VN. This also comes with a steam key so that anyone who buys it also gets the steam edition as well as the 18+ editon which is on disc. This is the slipcase This is the front of the game case Here is the game disc itself Here is the back of the game case Here is the front of the original sound track Here is the disc of the original sound track Here is a small sample of what is inside the artbook that is included with the limited edition I would also end this by saying that I am really loving this VN so far, I have not yet completed all of it but I am pretty close to the Rise ending. I would recommend the VN itself to anyone who would like to play through a lighthearted VN with a little bit of drama to spice things up.
  20. I changed the requirements for titles not from Japan, it is now 6.00+ score on titles between 50 and 199 votes while all over 200 votes are added.
  21. When something is so bad that you have to fix it in your dreams
  22. I have now added how many there are left for the hardcopies by MG that are about to be sold out, these titles are in yellow text by the way. If anyone know if any of the other stores that sell physical say how many copies are left once only a few copies are left please tell me
  23. Would be fun to see how the rankings would be if you had gone through all the Sakura VNs. Would expect golden poo for all yuri and smelly poo for all that has a male MC.
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