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Everything posted by bakauchuujin

  1. Magical Marriage Lunatics!! which just released today has moster girls. Sakura Dungeon a lesbian moster girl dungeon crawler Neko-nin exHeart has catgirls For ones not released The Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me which has already been mentioned. As well as Monmusu.
  2. Starless has dominant female leads, however calling them villains is probably more appropriate than calling them heroines. They also give of a mature vibe.
  3. I have a link to this thread in my original list of VNs with official english release so people should be able to find it from there. Ofc having to go through that probably isn't the best solution, but it will at least make it so it isn't completely lost by falling further down in the section. Having this tagged would ofc make it easier to find for people looking for it, but whether this thread is deemed usefull enough to get tagged is something that ofc is up to the mods.
  4. At the moment I own too many VNs that I haven't finished to really start going back and replaying the once I have already played. Though with good VNs I imagine I would want to go back and replay it after a while even if I have the CG collection.
  5. I like to collect all CGs and take screenshots of them and sort them on a folder on my PC so that I can look through CGs of all the different VNs I have played through without having to start the VN and go into the VN itself. Because of this I will collect all the CGs and try to make sure that I didn't miss an alternate version of one.
  6. They don't have to pay for the license and they probably get the titles translated cheap. There are also some people who for some reason seems to love them even though they are just butchering the VNs. Considering the speed at which they have released titles as of late I will assume that they are going to ruin many more titles for us.
  7. I am not that good at japanese grammar myself so I couldn't really spot any mistakes myself, I just assumed based on Ayase not understanding you, this was before she said that it was VN she didn't understand.
  8. Among the western VN fanbase there are a lot of people who want to learn japanese, many of which work on japanese by themselves. Because of this there are probably many who don't have much experience with actually writing and talking in japanese, instead they have mostly practised reading. These people probably want to try to use their japanese knowledge when it is possible. It should probably not be unexpected that at least one person who isn't that good at japanese grammar would try to reply in japanese on this thread.
  9. When people think the earth is flat you know there is no chance of them ever listening to logic. It is probably easier to convince them that the moon is a cheese made by unicorns rather than to actually convince them that the earth is not flat.
  10. Something I have wondered about for a while is how common it is for girls in Japan under the age of 18 to play eroge. Many anime have had female characters under the age of 18 play eroge, some examples being, Sena Kashiwazaki from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, Konata Izumi from Lucky☆Star, Momo Belia Deviluke from To Love-Ru and Konoha Hoshinomori from Gamers! just to mention a few. So I wonder if you as a japanese girl that started reading eroge before you were 18 know if this is something that is more common than one might expect or if it is just something people making VNs, lightnovels, manga and anime put into their work because they like the idea of it. Of course I know that this might be a bit difficult to answer, but just wanted to ask out of curiosity. I gues I should also say welcome
  11. I am now done with all the ones on PC, which I assume is what most people care about, I will not link to where to buy the ones on console, but will write if it is not available if it is from a KS that is done.
  12. I have now added where the titles from Mangagamer, Sekai Project and Frontwing are available
  13. I plan to mark limited currently available and items no longer available with colour. So it should be usefull in finding out the physicals one can buy Btw does anyone know which of the MG physicals that are event exclusives are sold out?
  14. As the title suggest this is a list of the VNs released in english that has a physcial release. I personally love to have physcial copies of VNs as I like collecting things. I recently made a list with the VNs that have official english releases and figured I could use that to make this list. I have marked availablility with colour, red means no longer available, blue means officially available but hard to get (generally things like conventions) yellow means currently available but only for a short period and orange is not yet opened for pre order. Also if I make some mistakes when making the list please say so. Things that are marked as not available could potentially be found at places like Amazon or Ebay, since I didn't include pages like this for availability. There might be sales or discounts on some sites but not other sites, so if you are thinking of buying it and would rather save some money I would recommend to go through the sites selling it, mainly Mangagamer, Jlist and rightstufanime. I guess I should also go a bit more into details about what I mean by limited time, this includes physicals that are only sold through a kickstarter within a limited time as well as titles that seem to go out of stock soon. MangaGamer ( Store ) JAST USA ( Store ) Sekai Project (Homepage)/Denpasoft Front Wing (Homepage) Other Himeya Soft (Bankrupt) Hirameki International (Quit the VN market) Console
  15. Considering how many of these VNs they have crapped out in english as of late, ofc they don't have time or budget to actually get good translators
  16. Title seems interesting and since it is an all ages which has already released in Japan it seems like it won't get censored, though I will not buy this because I don't think giving Moenovel money is a good idea. I will by princible refrain from buying this as I have promised myself never to support Moenovel after what they have done, unless they clearly change how they do things and provide at least patches to their old VNs.
  17. About 2 days after season 3 of spice and wolf is finished
  18. Titles released by MG so far in 2018 Titles released by SP so far in 2018 Titles released by MG in 2017 Titles released by SP in 2017 I would say MG has had better releases so far this year, but in 2017 SP did release a lot of major titles.
  19. Yes and that is better than no response because it makes it easier to see how incompetent they are so less people back their kickstarters. I meant better for us who just want them gone and replaced by a better company not better for them
  20. Well at least some response is better than nothing, which seems to be how they currently handle things
  21. Well at least Jast USA have physicals, the only way to get physical editions from SP is through their kickstarters, which isn't really an option.
  22. If they continue just outsourcing everything, which means not being able to have controll of the things themselves they will not improve at all. Given the current trend I think it is much more likely that they will become even worse. As they grow as a company and get more titles and licenses, it will be even harder for them to keep track of it all which likely will lead to continued long delays and a general decline in QA (something we have already seen become a problem lately). They either have to completely change the way they function as a company or there is almost no chance of there being any notable improvement.
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