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Posts posted by r0xm2n

  1. It's taken me such a long time to get through Clannad. Just gotta complete Nagisa's route, and then I'll finally unlock After Story.

    Clannad's slow pacing does make it hard to get through. I stopped briefly to play Grisaia no Rakuen, and have stopped again to play Dal Segno. But those endings in Clannad are so powerful.

    I have every intention of eventually finishing it.

  2. 1 hour ago, Kurisu-Chan said:

    Steins;Gate got me into visual novel.
    I'd say the barrier i got before was...eh..the fact i had to read an actual book with pictures on my screen, i mean, why should i do that? i can pretty much play a video with explosions and be the guy who make these explosions happen.

    But no videogame gave me the feelings those 66 hours of Steins;Gate gave me, no one was even close to it, that's why i read VN, to experience something different, something closer to opening a book. 

    Pretty much this for me. I really enjoy how VN's give my imagination a workout. I also enjoy facial expressions and voice overs (2 things a book won't give you).

  3. Let's Plays on youtube and Twitch I guess got me interested. Watched SuperJeenius' let's play of Ace Attorney, and Cirno_TV's stream of Steins;Gate.

    Then around the halfway mark last year, one of my friends on Twitch was streaming Grisaia. Heard the unrated version had H content. Bought it, got instantly hooked on the humor and characters. And the rest was history.

  4. CLANNAD had some funny ones. Silly ones like:


    * Messing with Sunohara

    * Playing pranks on Fuko when she spaces out (you even get an achievement for doing it enough times)

    * Getting a 64 hit combo from Tomoyo

    And Wagamana High Spec had choices on:


    Where to 'climax' during a H scene


  5. I don't mind H scenes. H scenes was half the reason I originally bought The Fruit of Grisaia (my first VN). Of course, the plot of that game was like 80% of the enjoyment for me.

    That said, some H scenes just drag on too long. You can probably cut out half of the dialogue and it would be fine.

    I don't mind the foreplay, romance, kissing, and upskirt shots taking a long time though. But once they start actually 'getting it on', it should be quicker. And going for 'three rounds' in a single scene is over the top. If a game wants tons of H content, then divide them up into smaller, optional scenes.

  6. Probably no such thing as an emotionless heroine (if there is one, she'd be a robot or AI). Some just come awfully close, and have a cold exterior. These tend to be Kuuderes, or Danderes.

    Here are the ones I know about....

    • Yumiko (Grisaia series). Classic Kuudere, though her exterior is more prickly then usual.
    • Kazuki (Grisaia series). She's a super genius among super geniuses basically (her IQ probably exceeds 400). The random antics from the other girls are the only things that have ever even remotely flustered her slightly.
    • Hanako (Katawa Shoujo). Classic Dandere. Super shy, and she has her reasons.
    • Kotomi (CLANNAD). Another Dandere. She also has her reasons for being shy.
    • Yoru (If My Heart Had Wings). A genius loli kuudere, who seems a little sarcastic.
  7. Clannad is probably right up your street. Has some moments that will hit you emotionally, like a truck.

    For something pretty lighthearted (and VERY lewd), check out Wagamama High Spec https://vndb.org/v17823 . Awesome art, cute music, and a ton of fap material.


    Now I've yet to play either, but if you want pure engaging plot, check out Steins;Gate and Fate Night Stay.

    Since you liked Kono Oozora (I loved it as well btw), maybe check out Dal Segno https://vndb.org/v17742

    Also, the ONLY reason I'm not playing G-senjou no Maou https://vndb.org/v211 right now is because +18 version hasn't been released yet. This is one heck of a crime thriller apparently, and I personally can't wait to play it. One youtube video even described it as the 'Deathnote of Visual Novels'.

  8. I'll add a few question types.....


    Favorite 'Violent" girl: Kyou (CLANNAD). Bonus points for throwing dictionaries with remarkable skill, and having a demonic death glare....

    Favorite Airhead: Michiru (Grisaia)

    Favorite 'Super Genius': Amane (IMHHW). Actually, she's a somewhat eccentric, airheaded super genius ..... with big breasts xD

    Favorite Male sidekick: Sunohara (CLANNAD). Though he does kinda tick me off at times too...

    Best Dialogue: Makina (Grisaia), EASILY. Though Sachi (Grisaia) comes somewhat close....

    Favorite 'unlucky idiot': Honestly, I can't pick between Sunohara (CLANNAD), and Michiru (Grisaia). They both have chronic bad luck....

    Most Lewd Heroine: Can't pick between Sachi (Grisaia), Amane (Grisaia), and Mihiro (Wagamana High Spec)

  9. Favorite VN: Can't pick between Fruit of Grisaia and Eden of Grisaia...

    Favorite Loli: I can't pick between Asa and Yoru (both from IMHHW)

    Favorite kyonyuu: Mihiro (Wagamama High Spec)

    Favorite "dere" type: Kuudere

    Favorite Waifu: Michiru (Grisaia)

    Favorite Route: Kotori (IMHHW)

    Favorite Side character: Can't pick between Kenji (Katawa Shoujo) and Kazuki (Grisaia)


    My own question

    Favorite Imuto: Tao (Wagamana High Spec)

  10. Eden is the best VN I've ever read. It had a slow build up, but once it finally got going, omg! Had a few epic fight scenes at times..


    Assault Maid Sachi ftw!!

    Also had the most extreme mood shift I've ever seen in any work of fiction ever. From


    The total horror fest that was 'Angelic Howl, Part Final' ..... which even had 2 unique BGMs made for it

    to, just 2 hours later...


    Michiru's mad cap globe trotting adventure, while a quirky comedy country BGM was playing


    Some of the BGM was downright amazing too (or outright funny).

  11. Finished the main route of Grisaia no Rakuen. What a ride that was!


    The duel against 'Typhon' was seriously epic.

    And I'm guessing the other choice at that very last choice box leads to a bad ending where you rule the world. Have to check that out later....


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