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Posts posted by r0xm2n

  1. Chapter 2 of Himawari.....


    I'm now convinced that a spacestation can be a special place in hell. The game is really doing quite the job of painting this spacestation as an incredibly lonely place.

    Aqua and the others are little more than prisoners in an ice cold prison in orbit.


  2. Thanks for the awesome job!

    This VN is highly recommended from me if you like a lighthearted story (that still has some drama). Music ranges from quirky to breathtaking....

    Kotori best girl (though I like Yoru too).


    This game also has some delicious loli H content too :makina:


  3. Double Post. But I've actually found some youtube uploads for the rest of the Grisaia trilogy, so I'll post some here...

    Grisaia no Meikyuu


    Quite chill and homey...

    Pretty damn chilling piece.

    Nice piano piece...

    Coming to terms, or something like that...

    Grisaia no Rakuen


    Acknowledging your feelings....

    Epic fight music!

    When things go, VERY tragically wrong, on a large scale. Song is aptly named....

    ..... and this is the song that plays when pretty much EVERYONE around you is dead....


  4. * Kono Oozora is highly recommended https://vndb.org/v9093 . About as light hearted as you can get, while still having some drama.

    * Nekopara series is extremely light hearted. Ridiculously cute catgirls doing ridiculously cute things. And over the top lewd things too. Games are pretty short too.

    * Wagamama High Spec https://vndb.org/v17823 . Very light hearted, great music, manga references, nice artwork. And a LOT of H content.

    * Clannad https://vndb.org/v4 . Light hearted for the most part. But the game really loves to tug on your heart strings and make you cry (but not the type to make you depressed or despair).

  5. Symphonic Rain completed.

    Had a really, really slow build up, but I'm glad I kept at it. Had some interesting characters (compared to standard moege chars, Symphonic Rain's chars were more realistic, and had more depth).


    Falsita's heel turn reveal is still one of the most surprising moments I've ever read. Torta, and her labyrinth of secrets was interesting too.

    The music was good too.


    Wonder what I'll read next...

  6. Time for me to post some more of my favs from VN's I've recently played.....

    D.S Dal Segno


    Pretty chill title theme. Almost as good as Katawa Shoujo's title theme....

    Gotta love the "daughter of darkness". Fitting theme for the goth loli...

    Noeri is still in my top4 for cutest heroines ever (and yes that is a panty shot in that youtube picture).

    Seriously, I wish Yamato was my friend in real life! He's just ..... cool dude.


    Symphonic Rain


    This VN has a lot of piano pieces...

    This VN also has quite a few music box pieces...

    Few music tracks inspire a deep, foreboding dread, like this track does. It's second only to Grisaia's Kasabuta in fact....

    Fitting theme for the main heroine of the game. And in retrospect, the title of the song is fitting too...


  7. * Either stirs the emotions, or is thought provoking. Maybe both.

    * Nice writing.

    * Great music that really nails whatever atmosphere the VN is going for. This I find really important...

    Anything other that that depends on the genre or the target audience of the VN itself. Not all VN's are fanservice or sexy, or are thrillers, or have gripping plot, or have warm fuzzy feelings, or will tug on your heartstrings relentlessly, etc.

  8. Can I just nominate the entire cast of Wagamama High Spec? Especially Mihiro (the pink haired one). Not only is she the most adorable, but her bust size vs her body size is ridiculous...

    Basically, everyone in this game just has their bust size 2 sizes higher then normal. Even the "little sister" char (the silver haired girl), her bust size is almost as big as busty girls from other VN's...


  9. I present to you .... Michiru Matsushima (nicknamed ChiruChiru, also nicknamed Bottle Blonde). The chronically unlucky, dimwitted, fake Tsundere.

    From the Grisaia series (she also has her own spinoff Idol game).

    Reasons why I love her (let me count the ways)

    * Before I even played the game, and knew the first thing about the characters, she stood out to me, on looks alone.

    * Her voice is AMAZING! It's hilarious when she flips out (which tends to be often). And she has the girliest, most adorable giggles I've ever heard....

    * Love her facial expressions, which are over the top...

    * Pretty much the funniest character ever. Her antics had me in stitches. Helped in part by having nice chemistry with the rest of the cast.

    * Her unlucky buttmonkey status, and her general dimwittedness, combined with the fact she throws her heart and soul into everything, just makes you want to cheer her on.

    * Peel back her Tsundere act, and she's a total sweetheart. She's there to put smiles on everyone's faces.

    * Always manages to have accidental fanservice moments at the beach (the first one got me pretty aroused as I remember).

    * Actually more then just the token comedic character. Her backstory reveals quite a lot of depth to her character (that goes for the whole Grisaia cast though).

    * She wears a cat on her head sometimes! Which she called KittyMeow...









  10. Playing Lise's route in Symphonic Rain.....


    That CG of Grave pointing that cane across Lise's throat ...... that sent a chill down my spine.

    Also imagining how traumatizing that type of "discipline" would be was enough to make me shed a few tears.


    Yeah, that was one of the more uncomfortable scenes I've read yet...

  11. Still playing Symphonic Rain. Game seemed uneventful for the longest time ..... but WTF just happened there!?


    Falsita sure twisted the knife in there, at Asino's expense, then admits she was using me...

    Not used to having strangely realistic (two faced) characters like that. Quite a surprise.

  12. Depends on what makes you cry. Whether it's super depressing stuff, themes which tug at the heartstrings, or super heroic awesome moments.

    I know you said no KEY suggestions ...... but Clannad will seriously make you cry, many times. Half of it was due to to the awesome music.

    Otherwise, Grisaia no Kajitsu packs an emotional wallop at times too. Grisaia was the first time I ever cried while playing a game. The extra long common route, and it's colorful quirky characters, and comedy being ramped upto 11, only makes the darker moments stand out even more in contrast. And then there's the bad endings....


    Some other potential tearjerkers (I havn't read any of these yet)....

    * Himawari https://vndb.org/v210 .

    * Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~ https://vndb.org/v3144 . I've heard this one gets particularly dark, and isn't for the faint of heart...

    * Saya no Uta https://vndb.org/v97 . Something on the horror side....

    * Enigma https://vndb.org/v18315 .


    I've also heard To the Moon is a serious tearjerker. It's not a visual novel, but it's a short purely story driven game regardless. There's also it's sequel Finding Paradise...

  13. So far, I've skipped bad endings when I've had a choice in the matter. I've stumbled into a few bad endings blindly. Most of them of the "nonsensical game over" variety, but also that bad end from Clannad...


    .... which was basically an unrequited love triangle ending....


    I'm glad I skipped the bad endings from Grisaia. Apparently, from what I've read....


    Michiru's bad ending is nightmare fuel, especially since she was the character I cared the most about. Basically, that was a fate worse then death....


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