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Posts posted by r0xm2n

  1. 11 minutes ago, Trickay said:

    I've been reading Grisaia, and I know others complain about the long common route but I'm really enjoying all the day to day stuff.

    Plus I'm loving that the MC is not some weak moron but someone skilled and with attitude.

    Glad to see someone else getting into that VN. For me, the weird and wacky antics of the characters was one of the best things about that VN. Yuuji's quotes as well...


    Back on topic ....... I finished my current read. And have to pick what to read next...

  2. I guess it started with me watching let's plays and streams of Ace Attorney and Steins Gate. Then a small time streamer I knew was streaming Grisaia no Kajitsu. I heard it was a hentai game, and for that (and other reasons I forget), I picked it up in a steam sale.

    And I was utterly hooked (and not just on the hentai).

    ........ ChiruChiru is still best girl. No other VN heroine has topped her yet (though a few have come close). :michiru:

  3. Many moments in Grisaia no Kajitsu...


    Amane's Angelic Howl flashback is a unforgettable setting I will never forget.

    A hospital scene in Michiru's route being so depressing, I sobbed for the first time playing a game ever.

    Grisaia no Rakuen...


    The Angelic Howl (part 2) flashback, returns to utterly traumatize me. Scene was only an hour long, but it was so brutal and insane, it took me 3 attempts to push through it.

    Game had a few awesome fight scenes!

    If My Heart Had Wings....


    That bike chase scene in Kotori's route! That was so awesome I was in tears.....

    Me crying like a bitch in Clannad ...... more times then I could count. I probably cried more times then I did in my entire life upto that point...

    Symphonic Rain was a very unique VN, ditching the japanese setting and moe elements the typical visual novel would usually have.


    Falsita revealing her true colors. I could not pick my jaw off the floor....

    The Al Fine mode, gently turning the game's setting on it's head. And you find out almost everything is a lie....


  4. If we can get one dedicated platform for selling visual novels, that isn't host to takedowns and morality police, then I'm all for it. But since those factors aren't going away anytime soon, then I don't want anything that could possibly monopolize visual novels. This world already has too many abusive monopolies as is, across various industries....

    All we need is a portal that lists all the visual novels out there, and where and how to buy them.

  5. For people who want to cry like a bitch ..... repeatedly: Clannad

    For people who want adorably cute and horny underaged cat harems (and sex scenes with said cat girls): Nekopara series

    For people who want comedy, sexual themes, colorful characters, fanservice, awesome inner monologues, psychological trauma, borderline horror, political intrigue, and nearly everything else: Grisaia trilogy

    For people who want light hearted drama (and loli sex scenes): If My Heart Had Wings

    For people who want manga and eroge references, a protag that loves panty shots, and LOTS of sex scenes: Wagamama High Spec

    For something melancholic, characters and a setting that has more then meets the eye, and a few plot twists (and it very unique among visual novels): Symphonic Rain

    For a mostly earthern based Space Opera in the near future: Himawari

  6. Gotta love the bi polar loli twins from Kono Oozora. Both of them get some delicious H scenes too (there's even a scene with BOTH of them).

    The Kazami siblings wins the award for "most powerful duo in the universe", most likely.

    The Fujibayashi twins are pretty cute.


    Other interesting pairs I've seen.....

    * Aries and Aqua from Himawari (a cute and powerful duo).

    * Chocola and Vanilla from Nekopara (series has threesome scenes with both of them).

    * Kouki and Toa from Wagamama High Spec (complete with incest H scenes if you're into that sort of thing).

  7. Granted, I havn't read most of those choices yet (and as a general rule, I only comment on VN's I've actually read)...

    But I'm always going to suggest Grisaia. Funny writing (especially the protag's inner monologues), loveable characters, nice music, and quite a lot of sexual themes (I've never seen a VN cast this horny). Though said loveable characters have some dark backstories (but that's one of the reasons this VN is so great).

    The only other VN on that list I've read (well actually, I'm still reading it), is Himawari. Slice of Life, meets Sci Fi, meets some over the top drama. It's basically a space opera (though for the most part, it's on earth).

  8. Being Yuuji, and having that island and the harem to yourself does sound appealing. Especially since best girl ChiruChiru is part of said harem.

    But the main characters kinda went through a ton of psychological trauma. So that's a turnoff....


    Guess I'll be the protag in Nekopara then :makina:

    .... or if I want some delicious loli action, I'll be the protag in If My Heart Had Wings then :makina:

  9. Most of the ones I've read so far are recommended....

    - Kono Oozora https://vndb.org/v9093 . Very light hearted in general (but still has some drama). This game has a brand new fan translation that came out days ago too.

    - Wagamama High Spec https://vndb.org/v17823 . Also light hearted, with some great artwork and cutesy music. Plot has a lot of manga and eroge references (since the protag is a manga author). And this VN has a LOT of H content too.

    - Grisaia no Kajitsu https://vndb.org/v5154 . I'm always going to recommend this to everyone. Great cast, funny writing, nice music. The common route is VERY light hearted and full of comedy. The character routes get quite serious though.

  10. Makina's route is kinda similar to Yumiko's route. Quite a lot of badass Yuuji moments in it. It provides more clues on Yuuji's past then any other route.

    Amane's route has a really good flashback. Though said flashback is quite long (and depressing). Also the side character in that flashback is pretty cool.

    Michiru's route is ...... kinda weird. Just ..... don't take it seriously, and you're in for quite an emotional rollercoaster. This was the first time I ever cried in any game ever....

    Sachi's route ....... has a ton of impact. Both her flashback, and her ending. The romance is very real (even the flashback has some). And that ending....

  11. 3 hours ago, Orakana Newbie said:

    Currently play Katawa Shoujo. and yeah, This very cool . For my first OELVN I high rated for this one. And because of this, I interested for Try another OELVN ( I think I need some recommendation) . I'm not really know about OELVN (and, hey, I just started it for try it this week ) and yeah, Really, We can't judge VN just from their arts/Graphic. ( Deep into my heart, I has little dream, katawa shoujo can get Japanese Voice Acting :leecher:)

    Then, I starting for learn Ren'py. my programming is good enough for starting debut. but I just has single problem for starting my own VN... :  My drawing is fckin bad :wahaha:

    Katawa Shoujo was a good experience for me. Rin's one of my favorite VN heroines. I'd love it if she was voiced. Though Rin does go into total "wall of text" mode at times, voicing that might be hard :wahaha:

  12. 9 hours ago, milkteebaby said:

    I was going through my Steam Library and I'm horrified to find that I've somehow managed to pick up a copy of Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru. Pt 1 AND Pt 2.

    No one hates on Chiru Chiru and gets away with it. :pyaa:

    ChiruChiru is love! ChiruChiru is life! :michiru:


    Back to the topic of hand ..... nothing really. I have Nekopara and If My Heart Had Wings (both of which have threesome scenes with lolis). So I have no shame really :P

  13. Sorry for the double post .... but chapter 2 of Himawari just turned into a mind screw.....


    I was jokingly thinking "he's a bit of a mad scientist", but really thought nothing of it......

    ... even though he has fake feelings for his adopted daughter.....

    .... then cue Souichirou's subtle heel turn. And you think little by little on what it means, and it gets more and more sinister, and it starts to really hit you...

    ..... then you remember all the forshadowing going on throughout the entire chapter. Turns out Aqua was absolutely right when "she wasn't acting herself".... inherited memories man....

    .... and apparently Aries knew what was going on, when she said earlier "you can replace her"....


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