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Posts posted by r0xm2n

  1. Keep in mind I've only read a handful on VN's so far. So my list of favourites might change over time....

    Best Protag: Kazami Yuuji (Grisaia series). I just love his quotes and thought processes. Guy is a badass too.

    Best Heroine: Habane Kotori (If my Heart Had Wings). I actually liked her bratty attitude. She also had quite a lot character development. Also, finale of her route was EPIC.

    Best Waifu: Matsushima Michiru (Grisaia series). Otherwise known as ChiruChiru. She was the girl that caught my eye on looks alone, before I even played the game. Turns out she's LOL funny, is a loveable airhead, has the cutest voice ever (that is also funny when she flips out). And her backstory punched me right in the feels....

  2. Protag in IMHHW is pretty standard (though he does have a bit of a backstory).

    Yes, I was talking about Kotori. Her route is soo good (I even teared up, due to how feel good one scene was).

    The first Grisaia game can almost be considered standalone. If you're going to get the 2nd game, you may as well buy the 3rd game as well (2nd game is a massive teaser for the 3rd game).

    And speaking of Eden of Grisaia, the +18 version of due out very soon (it's reportedly in testing right now).

    But yeah, get lots of free time on your hands before you start reading that series xD

  3. My username is a random alias I made when I was playing Unreal Tournament 2004. Then I stopped playing that game, and used my alias to sign up for forums instead.

    In case you're wondering, it's said rox-man. And rox was a short hand for rocket. So ..... whatever :michiru:

    I use r0xm2n on Twitch too. And all the various streamers I encounter all say it differently :wahaha:

  4. Emotionally, what a weird day I've had.

    Started off depressed. Then that morphed into frustrated anger (I was even throwing things, and kicking things, though never really in sight of anyone).

    When I reach my parents, I decide NOT to rant about it. I'm rewarded by two of the dogs sitting at my feet, facing away from me, sitting side by side, their heads perfectly parallel, as I pet them. It was the most uncanny thing I've ever seen them do. Soon enough, I'm feeling pretty good (at least I choose the higher road in not going into a rant).

    Then I come come, reach an ending in CLANNAD. And I tear up, due to how heart warming that scene was.


    Probably the 2nd weirdest day I've had in the last 5 years. :sachi:

  5. Apparently, 6 people controlling half of the entire world's wealth is permitted by the universe (and so is attempting to monetize everything under the sun). So if they can do that, then we can indulge in whatever sexual fetishes we like. Also, we as a species are too sexually repressed for my liking (I say that as a sexually frustrated male myself xD).

    Cynicism aside, I don't have any real issues with incest anyways. I'm not really into it, but I don't mind it.

  6. Grisaia no Kajitsu https://vndb.org/v5154 has you covered on the first 2 fronts. And sort of on the 4th point...

    Protag is quite competent, says what's on his mind (even if he misunderstands things at times), and is pretty much phased by nothing (even a half waked woman suddenly appearing in his room doesn't phase him). Protag is actually a badass...

    The girls are virgins ....


    but the protag isn't....

    Relationships don't form instantly. Protag typically has to dig into and deal with the (typically psychological) issues the girl is having before any real romance happens.

    Yes, they are all highschool students. But it isn't your typical highschool, and they all have backstories that necessitate them being there. The characters are ..... somewhat eccentric at times...

    Once you get past the rather long common route (which tends to be random comedy skits, and small amounts of foreshadowing), and flag a character's route, there's tons of drama. And feels. Trust me...

  7. First one I've seen? A let's play of the first Ace Attorney game. Then earlier this year, someone streaming some of Steins;Gate.

    First one I've played? Grisaia no Kajitsu (like so many others here apparently xD). Laughs were had, feels were experienced, and a certain flashback (and especially it's music) are forever burned into memory, due to how haunting it was.

    I've since played Kono Oozora ni Tsubasa wo Hirogete (one of the routes had an amazing finale), Grisaia No Meiyuu (dat cliffhanger ending, and the unrated version of the next game isn't out yet), and Katawa Shoujo (pretty unique, I liked some of it's characters).

    Currently playing through CLANNAD...

  8. Started (and finished) Leisure of Grisaia. Only went for 90 minutes. Still, it was nice to hang out with ChiruChiru and the gang again.


    LOL at the game teasing that Yuri scene xD

    Then I started Doki Doki Literature Club.

    Also, just bought the CLANNAD bundle on the Steam sale....

  9. Can I not be so friggin' depressed for once?

    I go onto game forums, it's Loot Boxes this, Net Neutrality that....

    I go to re-organize my room, and create some space ..... but NOPE! Stupid magpies want to chip outside my room and tick me off....

    This is just the story of my life. Things getting drawn out, indefinitely, merely for the sake of being drawn out....

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