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Posts posted by r0xm2n

  1. ef . Has a ton of plot, some comedy, and relationship drama. And emotional feels ....... strong emotional feels. And some dark themes too...

    Fureraba . Really lighthearted read that is packed with comedy. It probably had the best comedy since Grisaia. And quite a lot of H content too.

    Kono Oozora . Lighthearted romance comedy and adventure. Has some of the most feel good character routes too.

    Muv-Luv . I've only started reading it recently (well, Extra anyways). So far it's an absolutely absurd anime type comedy that is quite funny. Reportedly, Unlimited starts to dial up the seriousness aspect. And I've heard Alternative dials it upto 12 out of 10.

    * Nekopara series. If you want nothing but sex, and really adorable catgirl harems, then look no further.

    Sorcery Jokers . Has a ton of action! Basically it's like characters plucked out of a JRPG (magic and all), and dumped into a modern city, that's Sorcery Jokers. I thought some of it's themes were quite profound.

    Wagamama High Spec . Similar to Fureraba, it's lighthearted. Has cute music and great artwork. And the most H content I've ever seen packed into a single VN.


    I'll also recommend Clannad too. Even though it has nothing in the way of H, or fanservice. But it's ability to hit your emotions like a truck is second to none.

  2. Finished Sorcery Jokers the other day. What a ride and a half that was! That VN had some rather profound themes too.

    Asahi best girl (I just love how bold she is). While Ruu is ..... unforgettable (that scene when the tables FINALLY flipped on her was crazy extreme!).


    Time for my next read ......... well ........ thy time has cometh!

    *Installs Muv-Luv*


    ..... doesn't Sumika's voice sound familiar?

    *checks VNDB*

    Yep, has the same voice as Grisaia's Amane. Apparently all the big sister types have the same voice :makina:

  3. 14 hours ago, adamstan said:

    Continuing with Clannad, I'm currently going for Mei's route. Then suddenly I hear familiar voice... No way, can't be, let's check... YUP!

      Reveal hidden contents

    Sanae Furukawa is Belldandy :D (both voiced by Kikuko Inoue)


    You play enough VN's, you start recognizing some voice actresses (when they use the same voice at least). Sometimes even the characters they voice across multiple VN's have very similar personalities.

    Then again, one voice actress can voice an "imouto" in one VN (Sorcery Jokers), only to voice a cat (yes, a cat!) and a timid basketball player, which funny enough, BOTH meet horrible ends (Grisaia).

  4. Fureraba . The plot is basically "high school dating drama". It is loaded with comedy though.

    * Nekopara series. If you want a mindless read about ultra cute (and ultra horny) catgirls, look no further.

    Kono Oozora . Light hearted all around, but still has some light drama and adventure.

    Grisaia no Kajitsu . A mixed bag. The comedy is insanely good. But it does have some pretty dark moments too. Still, watching those girls move past their traumas in the good endings is rewarding too.

    As for Clannad ....... it's far less "pure depression" and more "it's themes will smack you in the heart", to make you cry bittersweet (and sometimes happy) tears.

  5. Some visual novels to give the antagonists a taste of their own medicine. Like Sorcery Jokers....


    Ruu: The extremely twisted sister ...... get her own powers used on her ...... and is completely and utterly Psychologically Raped. Her mind was more or less destroyed. Pretty damn extreme...

    Touya: The false god, the angel of ruin ...... is cast to earth like trash ...... then is discovered by his two most devastating killers, Fiona ..... and Ruu! Fiona gives her "blessings", while Ruu begins to psychologically torment him. Cue his scream of absolute terror as she activates her powers....

    Sometimes, baddies create their own Hell on Earth :makina:

  6. Seriously, pickup and buy Clannad this second (and a box of tissues while you're at it). Has quite a lot of themes that will smack you in the heart.

    Other suggestions....

    Eden . The setting for the VN speaks for itself...

    ef - a fairy tale of the two . Various relationships, which are all somehow interconnected. Packs serious emotional feels later on too...

    Kono Oozora . Quite a lot more light hearted then the other picks. But you're still helping girls move forward in their lives. Has some breathtaking flight scenes.

    Symphonic Rain . Interesting setting, and some plot twists.

  7. Well there's the "childhood friend" heroines. But those are rather common.

    Grisaia no Kajitsu's big sister heroine has a rather ........ complicated past...

    ef - a fairy tale of the two, has a heroine who is the 3rd wheel in a love triangle. Who spends the next chapter trying to mesh with another protag. And the relationships get even more unusual from there...

    Also, Symphonic Rain. Let's just say that nothing is what it seems there...

  8. I'm probably a bit biased in my opinion, since it was my first ever VN ...... but I recommend Grisaia. It has emotional feels, and themes, ranging all over the place. Romance and psychological themes. And over the top comedy in the common route.

    I havn't even read the other two yet. But G-senjou no Maou is right at the top of my wishlist (if an official unrated version is released).

  9. Sorcery Jokers ...... reaches the end of Haruto's route. Thoughts....


    - Well that was one heck of a fight scene ........ but victory is ours!

    - Cue heartwarming reunion scene.....

    - Cue the fingersnap ........ cue me knowing exactly who it is.....

    - Cue me yelling "OH FUUUCK!!"

    - Tragedy happens....

    - Cue Riku's scream of terror....

    Yep, that ended well :Keepo:

  10. Also, most people aren't protags, where a bunch of romanceable females will inexplicably appear in their life within a week timeframe (nor will you see an accidental panty shot either). Heck, most people won't already have a romanceable female friend they've already known for several years following them....

    Also, real romances don't go so well you'll be sexing them up within 2 weeks of a confession.

    Also, it doesn't take 5 minutes to "reload" between sex scenes.

    Nor do girls get "moist" merely from 1 minute of groping and fingering.


  11. 27 minutes ago, Dreamysyu said:

    Aaaand...  I already want to take my words back. :notlikemiya: I somehow managed to make this post right before I reached a major plot twist which made all of the complaints I previously had about the story not legit anymore. And after that the story gets really interesting, and I'm actually hooked.

    You know, that's exactly why I love reading VNs completely blind, without any idea o what they're actually about. Usually gives the best result in terms of enjoyment (in case that the VN in question is actually good of course).

    I'll post more detailed comments after I finish at least one route.

    Yes, reading visual novel's demands patience. And an open mind helps too.

    One VN I read had a really, really slow start. Then suddenly slugged me with a plot twist that left me speechless.

  12. Steam/All ages censors more then just the H scenes (like some sexual jokes). Though ironically, the Steam version still has nudity with barely covered nipples in some scenes.

    Kajitsu does have an official uncensor patch. But the other 2 games don't.

    I recommend just getting the Denpa version. For H scenes you don't like, there's always the CTRL key.

    16 minutes ago, Okarin said:

    Grisaia seems to have decent H, that's definitely not its weakest point. Me, I'm having problems enjoying the common route, and I don't like Yuuji that much. So if you don't have the same problem, get the whole game (with H) if you can. Review the H flavour in VNDB to see if it matches your liking.

    Common route is awesome for it's ludicrous comedy (which stands in contrast to how serious the character routes get). The common route IS ........ pretty long though....

  13. Finished Rina's route in Fureraba. Pretty much the best route in the game, and 2nd best girl overall (Yuzuyu still best girl).


    The deal with Rina's parents smacked me in the heart too.

    And that was the last route. Fureraba finished! Kyousuke's near infinite enthusiasm (and childlike antics) won me over as one of my most favorite protags so far (top 2 currently).

    Now what do I read next......?

  14. Took a mini break from Fureraba, to clear out a short game from my backlog.

    To the Moon isn't technically a VN. It's a story driven RPGMaker game. It has such an emotionally impactful story though. So for all intents and purposes, To the Moon can be counted as a VN (even if it isn't technically).

    Some of the silly memes (including a DBZ reference) had me cracking up.

    On the other hand, the topic of autism hit very close to home for me. The game even mentions one Tony Attwood, a real life expert on autism ....... and I was diagnosed by him personally.

    So ....... yeah.

    The music was pretty good too (it's somewhat similar to ef - a fairy tale of the two).

    I'll give it a 9/10

    Well worth it if you're after a 6/7 hour game.

  15. * ef - a fairy tale of the two. Multiple romance stories which are somehow connected. Quite a lot of drama (and emotional feels).

    * Grisaia no Kajitsu. Great writing and comedy (in the common route). Character routes ..... get pretty suspenseful. It explores quite a lot of themes.

    * Clannad. Some routes have pretty good romance. It's themes will smack you in the heart at times.

    * Symphonic Rain. Pretty much drops the moege elements (mostly). There's surprising depth in the characters, and some plot twists. It's a pretty unique VN.

    * I second Katawa Shoujo. It's subject matter and characters are handled pretty well.

    * Kono Oozora. Manages to be very light hearted, and yet still has some action. It has some adventure, with romance along the way. A new fan translation was released recently, which you should use.

    * Wagamama High Spec. Similar to Fureraba in a lot of ways (and has even more ero content).

  16. Back to Fureraba. Decided to pursue the unnamed "Mystery Girl X". And after many scenes, I finally actually meet her.......

    ....... and she's not what I expected at all!

    I was expecting an Ice Queen Kuudere :yumiko: . Instead I got....


    Kotomi from Clannad basically....

    This should be real interesting :sachi:

  17. ..... and I finished Planetarian.....

    .... seriously KEY, why do you get off on making a grown man cry?? *sniffle* :kosame:


    KEY sure loves making it's main female characters die in sad ways. That seems to be a common thing in KEY novels.


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