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Posts posted by r0xm2n

  1. Lolis huh?

    Here's some of my favorites.....

    https://vndb.org/c9336  ,  https://vndb.org/c9337  ,   (jailbait bi-polar twins ftw)

    https://vndb.org/c577  , biggest motormouth ever! :makina:



    https://vndb.org/c35046 , evil loli

    https://vndb.org/c34928 , Imouto loli

    https://vndb.org/c36023 , Cousin Loli roleplaying the Imouto xD

    https://vndb.org/c36022 , game itself describes her as a Goth Loli

    https://vndb.org/c501 , has almost as much attitude as Makina, has the best theme music ever xD

    https://vndb.org/c15865 , another Imouto loli (though not the protag's Imouto)

    https://vndb.org/c20 , pretty shy

  2. Never played any actually scary VN's yet. Played a few that have been mildly disturbing or suspenseful though.

    Grisaia no Kajitsu certainly has it's moments. It goes from extreme laugh out loud comedy in the common route, to various kinds of psychological traumas in the character routes. It's still the darkest VN I've read (even though it also gave me the greatest laughs). In particular, you'll like Amane's flashback...

    ef - a fairy tale of the two . Has a lot of relationship drama. Then the Latter Tale part of it starts to progressively hit you in the gut. The only other VN I've read that had some darker themes.


    Of course, if you want something that is really disturbing, Subarashiki is apparently exactly that (I havn't read it yet, but I plan to). You could like The House in Fata Morgana too (apparently has a real mystery vibe to it).

  3. So much love for Kotori in this thread. Definitely best girl from that game. That route made me tear up in pure happiness too....


    That bike chase scene was too much for my feels. The music was perfect...


  4. ..... I'm suffering from visual novel withdrawal symptoms. :michiru:

    .... and reading through "alternative" media (what most people would consider conspiracy theories) ........ isn't helping :makina:

    I may or may not have learned too much about the world


    Oh well, I'll have a brand new 27inch monitor (with lightning fast 144Hz refresh times) to play VN's on soon.

  5. Ugh. It's a little difficult to recommend stuff when TC has already read most of the stuff I would have recommended (I only tend to recommend stuff I've actually read)...

    Also, define "wholesome".

    DS Dal Segno . Has some light fantasy elements.

    ef - a fairy tale of the two . Various kinds of relationship drama (with comedy here and there). Packs some major emotional punch later on too...

    Symphonic Rain . Maybe not quite what you're looking for. But has some well written characters, with some twists thrown in.

  6. Seemingly, I have a choice. An abstract one. A choice maybe everyone faces at some time....

    * Make counter measures against the oncoming storm. Flight. Some might call it cowardice. Some may call it an attempt to preserve oneself.

    * Stand my ground. See the possible end, accept responsibility for it.

    * Accept that everything is temporary. Try to live through as many experiences as possible. And let the universe decides what happens.

    And I thought my life was going to be incredibly dull, and I was going to die unhappy. Now I see, one way or another, it's going to change. Rather drastically. Sooner, rather then later. And I have a choice.


    I think that applies to all of us. To all of humanity. We are collectively making a choice.

  7. Seriously, pickup Grisaia no Kajitsu this instant. You'll thank me later! It has the best writing I've read in a VN so far. It mixes outrageous comedy and sexual jokes, with some darker psychological themes.

    Others you might like....

    Clannad . Notable, in that nothing else will be capable of making you shed so many bittersweet tears. Actually has a canon route too.

    ef - a fairy tale of the two . Has various types of relationship drama. Doesn't have any "routes", so that makes all the relationships canon.

    Kono Oozora . Pretty light hearted all around.

    Muv Luv . I've only read a bit of Extra, but it seems like some crazy anime style slice of life. Then there's Unlimited. Then there's the sequel Muv Luv Alternative, which is the highest rated VN of all time.

    There's also Steins;Gate. Which I havn't read yet, but it's an epic sci fi plot about time travel

  8. Fureraba ~ Friend to Lover . The most comedic and lighthearted VN I've ever read. And has quite a lot of H scenes.

    Kono Oozora . Pretty light hearted. Music is quite funny at times. Bonus points for having sexable bi-polar twins :makina:

    * Nekopara series. Ridiculously cutesy and over the top lewd action. Threesome scenes with underaged cat harems :makina:

    Wagamama High Spec . Great artwork and cutesy music. Absolutely PACKED with H scenes. Even has an imouto route :makina:

  9. Clannad . Yes, this game is known to make many people cry. A lot. But most of the tears are of the somewhat happy kind. It's the themes (and the music) that smack you in the heart.

    ef - a fairytale of the two . Drama, with some darker tones (about on the level of Grisaia). No routes, but has multiple protags.

    Fureraba . Over the top comedic high school drama.

    Kono Oozora . Pretty lighthearted, with some drama and adventure. Has a few feel great moments...

    Sorcery Jokers . Quite a lot of fight scenes. No routes, but has multiple protags.

    Symphonic Rain . Has a bit of a mysterious setting.

  10. ef - a fairytale of the two . Various types of relationship drama. And emotional feels later on.

    Fureraba . Light hearted high-school drama with lots of comedy.

    Grisaia no Kajitsu . Manages to have insanely good comedy, and more darker backstories as well (psychological issues are a big theme here). This is the VN that got me hooked on the medium.

    Kono Oozora . Pretty light hearted, with a focus on aviation.

    Symphonic Rain . Unique in that it mostly ditches the moe elements VN's tend to have. Characters and the setting have some depth to them.

    Wagamana High Spec . Similar to Fureraba. Also loaded with erotic content.

  11. Due to my PC not working for a few days ....... and due to me getting it working again temporarily, just so I can research and get an upgraded build ....... I'm basically not reading VN's for the time being.

    Thus my playthrough of Muv-Luv is Stalled. I wasn't very far into it at least.

    I'll promptly begin reading again on my new build.

  12. 2 hours ago, Xykros said:

    Not exactly 'read' since I'm not exactly finished. I still haven't completed Amane's route lol.

    Amane's route had the mother of all flashbacks. I've read dozens of VNs, and very few scenes even compare to that scenario....

    You need to experience it (even if you don't care for Amane's character).

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