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  1. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dreamysyu in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    And later the same 10k people will complain about the lack of quality releases.
  2. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Hammer in Your Diary+ Re-TL Project   
    Hello there. You are a translator right? Won't you join? ;-)
  3. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Novel21 in Your Diary+ Re-TL Project   
    No one more than me would wish for something like this to happen. But I am afraid that you won't find a good TLer to help you out with this.
  4. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to sanahtlig in SRPG eroge Venus Blood Frontier to get an English Kickstarter   
    Ninetail is quite fortunate to have JAST as a partner and @Ryechu as editor.  The project would truly be in bad shape if Ninetail had tried to go it alone.  The partnership with JAST provides the following:
    Full adult release (and a FREE patch for the Steam version) No mosaics A competent and proven English editor JAST's support in promoting the Kickstarter I pushed heavily for this and I'm glad Ninetail acted on the feedback from myself and others.  While the partnership with JAST will likely limit Ninetail's ability to sell on other platforms, JAST has a vested interest in the project's success and will be working extra hard on publicity, as this is a big title for them too.
    The project has progressed a long way since the initial announcement: an obscure project that appeared doomed to failure (along the lines of Kagura Douchuuki) is beginning to look professional.  I look forward to continued progress and hope for a hype-filled Kickstarter launch, maybe at the end of August but more likely in September.
  5. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to voidpointer in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I was originally super passionate about waiting to play this until the TL was done, but at the rate of 3 lines per day and seemingly very little community contribution to this project, I think I'm changing my mind. If it all comes down to H-scenes, I can get my faps elsewhere. IMHHW was an entirely different situation, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Once I finish this title, I might run through it again later for the fan-TL'd parts, though. Definitely keep up the good work though!
  6. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Yuuko in Another Case of Steam Withholding a VN Release Indefinitely Over Petty Nonsense   
    These devs could just like...
    I don't know use a fucking different store and release there instantly.
    Steam marketing is a bad meme
  7. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Dreamysyu in Mangagamer Otakon 2018 Announcement   
    Whatever title it is, some people will still think it's another Sakura game.
  8. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to kokoro in Mangagamer Otakon 2018 Announcement   
    It's sakuuta. My dad works for MG.
  9. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Nier in Mangagamer Otakon 2018 Announcement   
    Fuurinkanzan is very old and Jutai Hen seem to just be an eroge about school stuff, Elf at least uses a more original setting and would probably sell more and be more popular, it's just the kind of game that catches your attention.
    The anime adaptation is also one of the highest rated 18+ anime on anidb:
    It has spot number 5.
  10. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Decay in Mangagamer Otakon 2018 Announcement   
    The real answer is that the translator translates faster than anyone else at the company can keep up with. Arunaru is a beast.
  11. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dreamysyu in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    To be clear, I don't think the first chapter is bad. It serves as a nice introduction to the themes of the story, and the atmosphere is great. On the other hand, the slice-of-life parts aren't written particularly well, and if the other parts don't appeal to you, it might be a challenging task to finish it. And considering that this chapter doesn't even matter much before the very end of the story, in some cases it actually might be a good idea to simply skip it.
    To be honest, the whole "kamige" term is so pretentious that it shouldn't be used at all.
    I personally quite like Subahibi. If I decide to make a list of all VNs I ever played, this one will definitely be in my top 5. At the same time, I can't say I consider it an "enlightening experience" like some other people. It was simply an enjoyable read, and though there are some moments that I didn't like at all (like, some h-scenes were really, really pointlessly fetishistic), I'm still willing to forgive it for them.
  12. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nier in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I think I said this somewhere earlier before, but... in fact, I never finished my reading of Miazora xD And that last sentence you said is precisely why I stopped reading it. I wanted a full, unaltered, uncensored VN, and it's what motivated me to begin this journey. Yeah, it's going slow because I am a terribly slow guy (and also might be a little bit of a perfectionist), but I am very motivated. I think that the help I managed to find so far is very good and I couldn't ask for more. It's more than I had hoped I would get by making this thread here on Fuwa. This might sound selfish and egoistic a bit, but my main motivation for this came because I wanted this patch the most. Yeah, others will definitively benefit out of this patch too (including the shitty Moenovel that might get its entire mess fixed) but my main reason for doing this was because I wanted it the most. So yeah, if I were in your shoes (and anyone else for that matter who feels the same way), I'd very likely feel the same way and wouldn't touch Miazora until a fanpatch for it came out
  13. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nier in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I wish it was at 90% That's definitely far away from the truth. Only 1/4 heroine H-scenes are translated and when I finish editing, the TL will move on. And I am not planning on giving up, thank you
    Don't worry. I got more help than I expected I would, so all is fine
    IMHHW took a lot of time, and this project will also take a lot of time too. That's why I keep telling people not to bother waiting. But if you want the ultimate experience, yeah, perhaps it'd be worth a wait
  14. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Nandemonai in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    This is not a big change.  For as long as VNs have been getting localized, sales have been this poor.  It is only in the last few years that are the exception.  Since the opening of Steam, and their success on Kickstarter, some of them have started finding more mainstream success.  In 2011, for example, MangaGamer projected that Koihime Musou wouldn't crack 2000 sales, so they couldn't afford to pay the VA licensing fee, so they had to strip it out.
    Many years ago someone did a VN panel at ACen.  (This would have been more than 10 years ago; it was a one-off thing from the days when there was Jast, and that was it.)  The guy pulls up a copy of Tokimeki Checkin! and says "there isn't any voice in this game", to which I said 'That's funny.  There most definitely is voice in the game'.  The guy says "there, uh, isn't in the copy that I have".  (Meaning it was pirated; in those days h-game pirates cut out voice to make the game smaller.)  When I got on his case about it he was like 'yeah okay maybe I'll start buying them' and I said 'what about this one right here?  There are copies right across the street [in the dealer's room].'  And the guy tells me to my face "I already have it."
    I guarantee way more than 2-3 thousand people have played Subahibi.
  15. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    Localizing kamige like Subahibi and Dies Irae is probably the most pointless thing you could do in this scene. They'll always get low sales and have the original companies back out of the West, plus they were only localized because people constantly asked for such VNs only for the majority to torrent the VN anyway. 
    I'm glad I started learning Japanese because the localization scene, while semi-thriving in certain VNs' sales, is only gonna get worse in terms of quality announcements since all the good VNs won't sell and companies won't invest their time and money into the West anymore.
  16. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to tymmur in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    If I am to take a guess, then it's because of the amount of people in the target demographic. If it's a nukige, it targets anybody who likes the screenshots/characters and that's it (assume they are fine with nukige). If it's a story driven VN, you both have to like the characters, the settings and the story. Each step filters out some people. Also some people just want instant gratification, don't want to read and just want H scenes to pop up.
    Take for instance Maitetsu. In addition to the love reading requirement, the target audience would have to not dislike loli characters and at the same time not be bored with talk about trains. This will naturally make a smaller target demographic than a nukige.
    I suspect that (at least generally speaking), the more strict the target audience filters are, the more the readers will enjoy them if they match the filters. This could explain "why didn't title X sell better? It's awesome" kind of statements we see once in a while.
  17. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Narcosis in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    But that's literally what most japanese companies always did The modern successes behind certain titles in Japan are mostly because studios behind them actually learned good PR work, actively advertising their products to their respective, potential audiences.
  18. Sad
    Infernoplex reacted to Narcosis in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    Not enough to actually warrant all the effort that went into western localization. In terms of japanese sales numbers, that's far below average; if not for the fact KS literally funded the entire localization, it would be a flop. In other words, it pretty much became a one time thing with little to no actual revenue, lowering any chances for possible future releases. In all of this, I presume Sca-Ji is certainly more concerned he only managed to reach out to so very few people despite his best efforts, which is simply sad.
  19. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Nier in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    The repercussions are more than just lost money though, it will definitly affects the decisions to release other VN titles, at 2k-3k sales per title, do you think they will even think about bothering for that anymore when they can get XXk sales from Japan alone? For information Subarashiki Hibi was the winner in Best Story category of the 2010 Moe Game Awards, so back home in Japan it's not just any run-of-the-mil title.
    It's so popular that it just got re-released in Japan this time with full voices, a whole new chapter, new character sprites and HD visuals.

  20. Sad
    Infernoplex reacted to Nier in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    The worst thing is that when you release a game in english, you are basically releasing to a worldwide audience since english is (unlike japanese) an international language, imagine your work as a writter, director etc. being adulated when it releases in your own domestic market and then in contrast being basically ignored when it releases to everybody else a few years later, it's like sending the message saying "your work ain't worth paying for" or "your work ain't worth shit!".
    In contrast Subarashiki Hibi just got released again in Japan a few days ago:

  21. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nier in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    I didn't want to name these titles, but yeah, it's pretty known that chuuniges sell like shit. MangaGamer confirmed for all these that they sold poorly. So plot-centric titles rarely sell well. It's a great shame in my opinion. Titles that deserve more attention usually don't get any or barely any. Fata Morgana was praised by word of mouth so much and it still didn't sell that well apparently.
  22. Sad
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    This just proves the West doesn't deserve kamige. Sales tells companies all they need to know and they don't give a shit if people want it enough if they know from past experience that it won't sell to their expectations.
  23. Confused
    Infernoplex got a reaction from kokoro in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    We don't deserve translations of good VNs. When I look at these numbers, it kinda makes me believe that all these MTLs lately are just a punishment for this.
  24. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to kokoro in It's Official, Almost 1 Year After it's Release Subarashiki Hibi One of the Best VN Ever Made Didn't Sell   
    It's even more depressing when you compare it to DDLC's numbers. 
  25. Sad
    Infernoplex reacted to Decay in "Your Diary" is coming out   
    Hobibox is a huge corporation that has been actively trying to release stuff internationally for a very long time. See their parent producer: https://vndb.org/p1665
    Many of their imprints have games released by english-language VN publishers. They are also a subsidiary of DMM, a big online adult entertainment group. It's worth noting that there's some misinformation going around stating that this is being self-published by the original Japanese developers/publishers. This is not the case. The original developer was Cube, a subsidiary of Cuffs, which from what I can tell has no formal relationship with DMM/Hobibox. What appears to have happened is an actual licensing arrangement where DMM/Hobibox licensed the rights to a chinese and english release from Cuffs, just like how a western VN publisher like MangaGamer would. So essentially, it's still the same setup of a third-party company licensing, translating, and releasing a game in another language, except that Cuff turned down offers from proper English companies in order to work with a Japanese company that has no idea what they're doing. Fun stuff.
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