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    Infernoplex reacted to tenshi25 in Pure x Connect Translation [Prologue and UI patch released]   
    Status update
    Prologue progress:
    Translation: Complete
    Editing:        1001/2120
    Overall progress:
    Translation: 4379/43896
    Editing:        1001/43896
    Now with holidays over we go back to a regular update schedule, also, on further news, @Meat_Bun1 has joined us as an editor, so expect faster progress on the editing side of things.
  2. Thanks
    Infernoplex got a reaction from kokoro in What is your favourite VN store?   
    Fair. After all, beggars can't be choosers. As someone who knows this very well, I am with you on this.
    But you'll never quit this shitty medium, and we both know that xD
    There will always be a "kamige" not yet ruined by a translation
  3. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Yeah, thinking about this more now, it makes it seem like the MC is breaking the 4th wall, while that may have not been the intention xD ... One thing is to put TL notes outside the narration lines in some .txt or .pdf document (or game's menu and similar - like pop-up notifications), and totally another to directly make it into narration. You're right. It doesn't work well.
    You're really investing yourself and your time into this project
    You read my mind. That's exactly how I feel regarding this stuff too. That's one of the main reasons I didn't want to touch A Sky Full of Stars' honorifics. You need to be seriously creative in writing if you want to do this right (and hopefully don't end up translating "Oniichan" as "Dude" xD). I still don't like how I can hear "Yoshioka" in VA's speech, but in translated lines see "Honoka" instead. However, I decided that it's for the best to leave it like that since it's not too big of a deal.
    Yeah, that sounds okay to me. Have in mind, though, that whichever style you pick here should be consistent with the entire script. It's one of the toughest editing jobs to just pay attention and make it all consistent at the end.
  4. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    I can see why they added those TL notes. I am not entirely against them here, but... isn't there a way to just write her line in another way then that won't require a TL note at all? Say, something like:
    As for honorifics...
    ...I just had a long discussion about it with someone a day ago or two. That question is quite problematic, and I don't know how to help you with that. It's a tough question. Considering how I myself am lost about it, I don't think I should be giving you advice on that matter.
  5. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Clephas in Guys, I finally made a twitter   
    Twitter is evil.  Immediately erase it so that you can escape the chains of the monster that is big social media corporations.
  6. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Today I finished editing backgrounds - upscaling and smoothing. For each image I created one or more smoothed versions, layered them with original, and then mixed them in various proportions by hand (using eraser tool with different settings). The goal was to make them look at least decently in 600p resolution - some were more forgiving, and some thougher. I didn't smooth them completely - after all, there's "pixel" in pixel-art However I think the effect is nice. Here's one image for comparison (it was used in previous screenshots, but I feel this version looks better):
    Original (480x296, 16 colors - game ran at 640x400 but interface took much space):

    Edited (1066x600):

    Now, graphics-wise, there are sprites and CGs left.
  7. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nandemonai in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    I have to say that I admire your madness. Sometimes reminds me of my own
  8. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Don't allow yourself to be too fixed on Japanese sentence structure. They have a different way of writing. Once you start reading more JP, you start noticing that even the sentence order isn't like in English (like for example, introducing the fact first, and then the action that caused it). And you probably already know that the order of information present in JP sentences is often in reverse compared to their English counterparts (like how final verbs in JP are usually at the end, while in English they come right after the subject).
    Now that's an old VN right there. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The art does look MS-DOSish xD
    The thing is... ピカピカ is a common "to" adverb (I saw it in some of those 1000 most used Onomatopoeic words in JP). It just means "shiny" (remember Pikachu from Pokemon? ). However, it can also denote something being new (as in "a shiny new thing I just bought"). And that's the sense in which it was used there in that line. "I am a brand new, fresh, first year high school student." However, the MC added (死語) after the word, probably as a mild joke (ピカピカ is definitely not an obscure, archaic word that's gotten out of use). I think it's one of those Japanese sarcasm thingies you see from time to time. Someone more experienced would probably be able to explain it better than me.
    Yes, it is awkward. It's too stiff and I'd argue it may have been done by a JP native, not an English speaker xD ... However, I am not surprised. VN translations in the 90s were shit. I read Divi-dead, and yeah... that one was quite an experience to read through.
  9. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    Shinfuji indeed sounds like a better name than Shindou. That being said... you didn't mention it, but is this VN voiced? If it isn't, you can go with either of the names which sound better. However, if it's voiced, I'd keep their names to how the seiyuu pronounce them.
    I feel so proud of myself, being able to understand this sentence just fine at my current level of JP xD
    I think the JP line held more punch than this, but it's okay. I would just rearrange the order to:
    "I'm Shuuji Yamagami. My new life as a high school student begins today." - it sounds more natural to me this way. Can't pinpoint why though xD
    That being said, if I had to TL it from scratch, I would have TLed it as:
    "I'm Shuuji Yamagami, a sixteen-year old, who just became a high-school student (today)."
    死語 - too bad this had to be dropped xD I like how it sounded in Japanese. I guess the MC of this VN tends to joke a lot
    I didn't read this VN yet, but if you do manage to finish this project of yours, I'll be quite interested in checking it out
  10. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    I have to say that I admire your madness. Sometimes reminds me of my own
  11. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    For me, Sakura no Kisetsu is a classic. However, it's a bit unapproachable now, with old engine and awkward adventure-gameplay system - which is much more annoying than, say, YU-NO. As I wrote recently in recommendations thread:
    Well, sometimes I do things on a whim, and shortly after writing the above, I decided to give it a try Actually it's quite fun for now - writing things in Ren'py is almost like directing your own puppet-show .
    The goal is to rewrite Sakura no Kisetsu into standard VN structure with branching choices system - getting rid of the "look/think/talk with everything to trigger next scene" system. I do this by arranging texts from various "think" "look" and "talk" sections into the order that gives the best flow (and inserting small connecting bits in between where absolutely neccessary). I also plan to re-edit it or partially retranslate the lines that annoy me too much 
    As I see, Brazilian Portugese translation uses similar approach, but they used assets (graphics and music) from the remake, which I'm not too fond of - they are very blurry, while the pixels from dithering are still very visible, so it's like the worst of both worlds . I'm working with assets from PC98 and DOS versions. I also plan to have switchable soundtrack, with all three versions available:  PC98 - original FM soundtrack, GS - PC98 MIDI music replayed with SoundCanvas soundfont and AdLib - PC DOS version FM soundtrack.
    While browsing graphic files extracted from both versions I was surprised. I expected Japanese PC98 version to have mosaics (and if such were the case, planned to have mosaics on/off switch in the options), however, the version that is floating around the net is uncensored. Probably somebody hacked files with HCGs from English PC version into it? Graphics and scripts formats are identical between two versions, only music files are different because of different sound hardware.
    I looked at files more closely and yes, it seems that some CG files were replaced - while all graphic files from PC98 have 1996-04 dates, HCGs have 1999-10.
    For now I have ported first two scenes - talk with parents in Shuuji's home and first meeting with Reiko on the way to school - complete with music and sprites with facial animations, just like in the original Some preliminary screenshots coming in ~12 hours.
    Of course for now it is all pretty basic - just full-screen background and standard ren'py textbox. I'm still not sure whether to go with that approach, or try something more like in the original, with borders etc, and the actual scenes taking just small portion of the screen? Also, I'm still not sure how much smoothing (if any) should I use while converting backgrounds and sprites. But we can discuss that when there are screenshots.
    *I'm not sure in which subforum should I place it. It's clearly not "Original Visual Novel", it's also not exactly "Translation Project" (although probably some translating will be involved). Well, I hope our mods will help me by moving it into most suited section.
  12. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in [project] Sakura no Kisetsu Ren'py remake project   
    So, here are screenshots from current state:

    I wanted to post a video too, but MSI Afterburner has problems with framerate...
    I found original censored version too - had to look for FDD images instead of HD images with preinstaled game.
  13. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Clephas in When does Dies Irae get good?   
    One thing with Dies Irae - and indeed a significant proportion of chuunige in general - is that the antagonists can have a tendency to overwhelm the protagonist's qualities.  Ren has a few good points, but when it comes down to it, he is essentially the ultimate version of the type that 'just wants to return to normal life' and Kasumi is Victim A.  For this reason, I skipped Kasumi's route entirely the first time I played Dies Irae and only reluctantly played it the second time. 
    Reinhardt, on the other hand, is a grand character who, for all that he is very obviously evil, is also glorious in his own way.  Mercurius, for all his evil, obviously loves Marie, even if he shows it in a really screwy way.  The fact is, you have to see Kasumi as a symbol rather than a character, when it comes down to it, since her character is a fairly standard osananajimi type. 
    Masada generally lavishes his full skills on descriptions of his villains/antagonists' internal qualities, their motivations, their pasts, etc.  He actually seems to prefer the villainous characters over the 'good guys', as is shown in Paradise Lost, where everyone is evil to one degree or another, with the possible exception of Riliel (though this is only in the sense that she isn't malicious, not that she doesn't kill people).  Lyle, the protagonist of Paradise Lost, is about as evil as they get, and most of the characters of Kajiri Kamui are also amoral or have a very strong dark side. 
    This can also be seen in Senshinkan, where the protagonist and his closest friends were so much more boring than the antagonists and side-characters (with the possible exception of the main heroine, who has a really wonderfully twisted personality). 
    Honestly, I just recommend you play the game through, then think on whether you liked the characters or not, since almost nobody is going to like Ren based on the events of Kasumi's path or the common route (he spends way too much time escaping from reality). 
    Edit: Honestly, I've never met anyone who loved Dies Irae based on Ren or Kasumi.  Most people just liked the antagonists and other heroines... or the writing and plot.  I personally am fond of Ren, but, except for his weird hangups (the biggest of which is the one that defines his power), his desires are fairly standard for an early-era chuunige protagonist. 
    The main reason you'll almost never see the untranslated readers criticize Dies Irae is because only chuunige-lovers ever play Dies Irae in Japanese.  The game is as well-written as it gets, and the presentation is first-class, with great opposition characters.  I can guarantee you that most of them think of the antagonists and the heroines first when they look back at the game, and Ren is probably an afterthought (except for the coupling with Rusalka, of course, since that was hugely popular).  The sheer difficulty level of Dies Irae in Japanese meant that only people with the level of Japanese knowledge to be able to enjoy the first-class writing ever played the game in the first place, and generally only chuunige readers had that level of understanding.
    I have declined to comment on the recent discussions on whether Dies Irae is 'good' or not because, regardless of what I say in that matter, it will end up being disregarded because I am a chuunige-addict and a player of untranslated games. 
    One thing that I should probably mention about my initial experience with Dies Irae was that, until I got through Marie's path, I experienced a great deal of frustration with the game and Ren and Kasumi.  I have mentioned this in some of my blog posts, but I personally believe that Victim A type heroines should never be present in chuunige, meaning that, even though I understand her role in the game as a symbol of everyday life/what Ren wants from life, I still loathed Kasumi's presence in the game.  For this reason, I've actually advocated in the past for skipping Kasumi's route entirely, since it doesn't add a whole lot to the story in comparison to Kei's route, which is actually a better intro in a lot of ways (Kei being a better heroine in general).  I had to actually finish Marie's path before I was ready to like Ren as a character, and I liked him even more after Rea's path. 
  14. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in When does Dies Irae get good?   
    I really liked all 4 routes, but it starts to get truly great by Marie's route. Kasumi and Kei have damn good routes, but Marie and Rea have some of the best routes I've ever read.
  15. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to alvinofelix in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I came to say, Thanks you for hardworks, as for me, as long you keep translating (not even thinking about abandoned this project, even you make a slow progession) i really grateful.
  16. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from adamstan in Easy to read Japanese visual novels   
    Good to hear grammar is at least not a clusterfuck I could probably manage with a ton of computer terms in katakana. Thanks.
  17. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from mitchhamilton in What Tools Can I Use to Read Untled VNs?   
    Hmmm... I did hear some people had trouble setting it up. Sorry, can't help you with it. I never used it myself.
  18. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to McDerpingheimer III in 25 Zisual Movels You Mutt Read Before You Die   
    long enough to make the letter z not look like a letter anymore
  19. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to McDerpingheimer III in 25 Zisual Movels You Mutt Read Before You Die   
    This is an article about 25 zisual movels, often called zakage, that I wholeheartedly recommend you read.
    Inspired by @Rain Spectre
  20. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in Lovekami Healing Harem   
    This is slightly off-topic, though related to Moenovel and our previous discussion about them/ Flight Diary here, so go easy on me. Just thought I'd correct my previous response to this a little bit. Hopefully you're still interested in this, lol. 
    I recently skimmed through Cruise Sign, and paid attention to differences between it and the original.
    Basically, it is exactly like the English version of ASFOF. General refrences to sex/ perverted jokes etc are left intact, and "lewd" CGs in the common route such as bath scenes are untouched, but with some added towels/ steam. (No text changes whatsoever. So, no silly "big eyes" lines like in Moenovel's original TL, lol. )
    The routes, however, got changed a little. All refrences to the characters having had sex are altered, as the H-scenes are replaced by kissing/ cuddling scenes. So, for instance, in Ageha's route, everything is the same except whenever they have sex as "sex buddies", they make out instead. Her route is still rather frisky, though direct refrences to sex are gone. (+ the CG where you can see her bra through her wet T-shirt was altered to not show her bra, most likely due to Sony being anal about that stuff, and not because of Pulltop wanted it.)
    This is the same for some gags later on in the game's routes, like when Amane watches porn to learn about sex. (She now watches a romance movie to learn about kissing.) What I like here is that they replaced/ re-wrote these parts, and didn't just cut them. They have added new voiced lines, new text and a few new CGs here and there. (Though a few lewd H-scenes are obviously 100% gone, with no replacements, mainly just because these are JUST porn, and don't fit in the this version, even when altered.) Overall, it's a fairly complete and "uncut" release all things considered, with the only real alterations being the changes where sex becomes more wholesome stuff like kissing / cuddling. The only thing I found a little strange was in Kotori's route, as she has a couple of H-scenes that contain totally SFW CGs, like when they sit together in the bath before having sex. This whole scene IS cut out of the game, perhaps because they wanted to keep things more consistent with the "wholesome" romance feel they are going for, especially in Kotori's route. (Lovers bathing together in Japan does generally mean sex, so it's not that strange, I suppose.)
    Flight Diary's routes do have more frisky stuff added where the H should be, though, like the twin's route, which has a scene where the girls are making out in nothing but bikinis while they sit on the protag's lap, lol.
    Now, what's interesting is, Moenovel is NOT using this version as a base for their TL. We know this because:
    1) They are not including the Akari route unique to Cruise Sign. There is NO reason not to include this if they have it, as it is created as an all-ages route to begin with.
    2) They are removing the Twin's after route, which IS left intact in Cruise Sign, but with replaced CGs where there is H. This is one of the original routes in Flight Diary, even the base 18+ version. This suggests they are probably removing/ altering content themselves, and just skipped this one as they have nothing to replace the H with. In other words, they don't have access to the Cruise Sign assets.
    My theory is that Pulltop probably had plans of making a PSvita version for ASFOS, but scrapped it for some reason, and Moenovel wound up with the assets. But, for Flight Diary, there IS a port, and so Moenovel did not get the Cruise Sign assets, possibly due to license issues. (This does make me wonder why the all-ages port for ASFOS never saw the light of day. I seriously doubt it was created just for the English version, as that is clearly not something they do for any other Moenovel releases, so they chose not to release the all-ages port, for some mysterious reason. Queue X-files theme) tl;dr, I sadly don't think we're ever going to see a decent release from Moenovel such as ASOFS, as they'd need all-ages assets to have been made in advance, something I doubt they'll get again.
    To keep this post a bit more on topic, there are still no news on the Healing Harem 18+ version in Japan, probably due to Pulltop's new major game being close to release. (Feb. 2019) I suspect they will announce Healing Harem, (under a different name, like they did with the previous Love Kami games in JP,) around March, after their new title has launched. As, if they announced it now, it would drown out their PR for their big title, which probably isn't a good idea.
  21. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Wildbreed in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Just because there are no updates for few weeks doesnt mean that the project is dead unless otherwise said so..
  22. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Fiddle in Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi (Complete Translation)   
    You can download the patch here!
    Instructions: Simply insert the patch file, root.pfs.003, into your Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi game folder (the folder with the other root.pfs files).

    Merry Christmas!
  23. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Main School - 100% (2691/2691)
    Miyabi Route - 86% (9365/10854)
    Tonoko Route - 100% (8709/8709)
    Branch School - 44% (2593/5846)
    Total - 37% (25149/68206)
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Main School - 6% (157/2691)
    Branch School - 3% (187/5846)
    Total - 3% (2135/68206)
    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)
    Main School - 6% (157/2691)
    Branch School - 44% (2583/5846)
    Total - 7% (4520/68206)
    We are still looking for a permanent TLC to work on this project. Please PM me if you're interested in working as a TLC for this project.
    That's all for now. See you in a couple of weeks.
  24. Thanks
    Infernoplex got a reaction from LoganW in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
  25. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Stormwolf in Lover Able TL   
    Well, i do agree, especially if the drama is good. Adultery though is a dealbreaker. Reading line upon line of a desperate MC trying to salvage a relationship or easily forgive (let's face it, anime/vn girls always gets of too easily) after something like that, only has 1 ending, and that's the pursuit of another girl after breaking up or breakup and route finished  
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