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  1. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Nier in Fatal Twelve from aiueoKompany has a Kickstarter that was just launched by Sekai Project   
    Fuck off with your fake outrage bullshit, you're just a shit-stirring hipster who enjoy making up drama out of thin air. This is a japanese VN, of course it would have japanese audio.
    aiueoKompany is Japanese dev and their last title "Sound of Drop -fall into poison" didn't have any voice acting, but for their next title "Fatal Twelve" they aim to have voice acting.
  2. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in ChronoClock Translation Re-Editing   
    What was it they say about glass houses and throwing stones?
    Now, I want you to understand I'm not doing this to be mean.  (How did you say it?  I mean absolutely no offense.)  I want to make sure you understand what you're getting into.  Before embarking on a course of action that will take you at least eighteen months, you should seriously consider this: Either you didn't proofread your original post, or you didn't notice anything wrong with it.
    The problem is, when you make a post like this, you are asking strangers to help you.  For free.  This is a big ask, and the people who you're asking are going to judge you as if this were a job application.  Because - basically - it is.
    So aside from the fact that I fundamentally disagree with, well, all of your complaints aside from the lack of QC (which Sekai has admitted and already plans to fix literally in a few days), I have to question the viability of your project solely on the basis that you are unlikely to attract the help you need.
  3. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Darklord Rooke in ChronoClock Translation Re-Editing   
    Okay, there's an assumption implicit in your statement which is that LightningRod is qualified to improve the script, and that's a big assumption to make. IMO it's not very likely that LightningRod is qualified, and his clumsy attempts to make things more understandable for those with a grade-school English vocabulary will not be desirable.
    Furthermore, his idea of using bold, or italics to denote a word spoken (but not written) in a different language is ... not correct usage. Neither are these [].
    TL;DR no, I don't look forward to his attempts because I doubt he's qualified to make them. 
  4. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in ChronoClock Translation Re-Editing   
    The CC translation is far from flawless, but none of its biggest issues are even addressed by the OP, and instead he singles out subjective localization choices he disagrees with, hinting that he'd prefer to turn it into a really dry, overly-literal experience. This reaction is because it looks like we're seeing something on the level of that god-awful attempt at "fixing" the good Gabriel Dropout CR subs.
  5. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in ChronoClock Translation Re-Editing   
    +1, this is pretty much impeccable usage of the word "buster". On a personal note, I've actually already used the word once in the Majo Koi Nikki edit, from the mouth of a similar character, in a situation where she was upset with the main character. So, yeah, it didn't seem even remotely out of place to me when I read it in Chrono Clock. I also think you're wrong about the D. D. decision. Your suggestion would lose a great deal of the flavor of the character, and I frankly think the line "Douzo, lad" is freaking hilarious.
    By all means, do complain about the lack of edit on the release - there are actual problems, like the proofing errors you found (or constant maddening flipping back and forth between past and present tense, which makes me want to cry), and they're working on fixing the ones you pointed out (but probably not the tense issues, whyyyyyyy). And I think it's also fair to question the heavy use of British English, which you're implicitly doing in point 1, when describing all the shit you don't understand (which, sorry, is mostly your failing, not the game's). Using British English is honestly not a normal thing in English-localized releases that end up in America; this was clearly a conscious decision, but that doesn't make it a good one, and IMO it's one I'd like to see them not make again (because, as an American, I have a pretty biased opinion about which English I'd rather read, and there are more of us, so there ).
    That said, I agree with the general sense I get from this thread: I'll be satisfied by them fixing most of the typos and editing the unedited scenes, and there are much bigger fish to fry in the world of VN editing than the problems you're pointing out, even considering only already-officially-released VNs. Also, you didn't even point out the constant, maddening tense errors, whyyyyyyy.
  6. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Mr Poltroon in ChronoClock Translation Re-Editing   
    Hmm, it's almost as if someone told me they wanted to form a team to edit all the best bits out of a translation.
  7. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in ChronoClock Translation Re-Editing   
    Buster is very commonly used in modern english in "busta" form. Unironically using "buster" instead is a really awkward-white-guy-trying-too-hard-to-look-tough thing to do. Which is actually pretty appropriate for Misaki and why I found it to be a genuinely amusing bit of localization.
    Anyway, though none of the things the OP mentioned besides the lack of QC in the h-scenes are actual issues that SP needs to address, let alone fix, they did post an update to their kickstarter detailing an update plan: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/chronoclock-limited-edition-box-set-and-exclusive/posts/1828698
    As they said prior to launch, they will patch in the rest of the editing as it finishes. Hopefully the update coming Monday fixes the blatant issues in the h-scenes.
  8. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Tay in Nocturnal Illusion Renewal Translation Project   
    Hah.  I think I'll take you up on that, @Darklord Rooke.  Meanwhile, I guess it's time for a new status update post.  A month to the day after I posted the last one saying six weeks was too long in between updates.  Aaarglbaaargl.
    In January, Ryechu decided it had been too long since he started working on it, and so he decided to start fresh.  (That is, start over.)  He has, uh, not gotten as far as he had the first time.  Consequently, the project is now 5.2% edited.  (Confession time, this is the reason I didn't post terribly frequent updates in the last few months.  I was attempting to avoid posting a congress update.)
    Thank you, @Ryechu, for agreeing to spend your free time on this.  It's just a shame it turned out you don't actually have any.  Best of luck, I know you're crazy busy.
  9. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Chuee in Chrono Clock Discussion!!   
    Congratulations you've discovered the point of her character. Her speech is just as bad and cringey in Japanese and I guarantee leaving those words in English would have nowhere near a similar effect. 
  10. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Ryechu in Nocturnal Illusion Renewal Translation Project   
    Hey all!
    So, there hasn't been progress in a while. And that's entirely my fault. Unfortunately, due to real life concerns, I have been forced to prioritize other things over this project. While I don't want to step down, I don't realistically know when I'll have an opportunity to really work on this.
    Thus, if somebody wants to take over this project on the editing side, it won't be painful. The process is actually pretty easy, as Nandemonai has done a phenomenal job on the translating front. It's been a blast working with him, and I wish I could give him the time he deserves, but I hope somebody else will take the reins and get this project up and going!
    If not, and if I can find time again, I'll get back to work on it!
  11. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Ningen in Visual novel download   
    the trial edition can usually be downloaded for free from the developer's hp, so get that one
  12. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Mr Poltroon in Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Kickstarter Campaign Launches on the 6th March 2017 at 6:00PM PST   
    It's essentially a preorder campaign.  Preorders have been asking you to do the same thing for years now.
    I'll probably stay away from this since I haven't even started Grisaia yet.
  13. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Nier in 428: Shibuya Scramble, official Steam and PS4 english port+localization announced   
    That the likes of XSEED can make a living putting out Vita games isn't a strong endorsement for the platform.  XSEED thrives by being small enough to be able to survive on smaller sales.  The platform's creator thinks it's dead.  That means it's dead, irregardless of how well it seems to be doing otherwise.  There won't be any attempts to make the system more viable.  There probably won't even be a follow-up.  At this point there might not even be a follow-up to the 3DS, which was far more successful than the DS.  Or at least, the 3DS's successor is the Switch (as much as Nintendo says it's not).
  14. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from krill in Visual novel download   
    If I'm not mistaken, asking for help pirating stuff is not allowed here.
  15. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from The Last Melody in Visual novel download   
    If I'm not mistaken, asking for help pirating stuff is not allowed here.
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Majo Koi Nikki Translation Project   
    As a long-winded man who seems to have stopped writing books in favor of an HBO series once said, "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger." I'm pleased to announce that, as of yesterday, our search for a lead TL is complete, and TBAC (who doesn't have a Fuwa account or I'd tag him) has joined the Majo Koi Nikki translation team as our new Lead TL. TBAC will be both TLCing existing translated work that hasn't yet been TLCed and picking up translation of Konron's route, as well as finishing the Cinderella route assuming Sanzy doesn't reappear.
    Also, I forgot to mention that TLC progress moved back a little bit a few weeks ago along with TL progress when we decided to re-TL one of the routes. So although we actually do have a bit of TLC progress this week thanks to TBAC getting started, the number is actually less than the last TLC number I posted
    At any rate, here are the current numbers, mostly to set the current TLC baseline:
    TL: 29479/40208 (73.3%) - unchanged
    Edit: 27031/40208 (67.2%), +104 (0.3%)
    TLC: 6054/40208 (15.1%), +153 (0.4%)
  17. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Chrono Clock question   
    Yeah, same thing happened to me. I think it's a combination of unusual factors, but this is all hypothesis, however likely:
    Nutaku as a platform probably doesn't have codes for them to give out Denpasoft store can only give out codes for things that are on sale They have an agreement that the game will be available exclusively on Nutaku for one month.
  18. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Dreamysyu in Kono Oozora H-Scenes Porting Project   
    So it would seem .  I can't find the "delete post" button, so I guess I will leave my vile necromancy there for people to make fun of
  19. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Tyr in Is Visual Novel Reader Dead?   
    Stop spreading misinformation @ahan94. Mireado is not the "second admin" of sakuradite. He is just a very active member of the VNR community and the one who updates his own custom build of ITHVNR which is essentially the successor to the original tool since the original ITHVNR only used VNR's latest hooking engine and Mireado, now that VNR isn't updated anymore, implements his own hacks and hooks. But he is certainly not in any position to maintain the actual VNR application or the sakuradite website. In the blogtext you linked he only said that he tried to contact jichi-sama but he didn't get any response. Like everyone else who tried that.
    I'm astonished how out of touch with reality the VNR community apparently is, who refuses to accept the harsh truth which is really not that hard to figure out. Let's look at the facts again, shall we?
    jichi-sama is a highly motivated and talented individual, was updating VNR nearly every day and was also always online on sakuradite to chat with his community one year ago, he suddenly stops updating VNR, nobody has seen him ever since You can deny reality as much as you want, but don't tell people who are genuinely interested in VNR's fate to wait and raise their hopes... when there is no hope left and this chapter in the history of text hooking is already over.
    Just move on.
  20. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Caio000 in Tayutama 2 -You're the Only One- on Steam   
    That's still not going to be enough to support a claim of fraud.  There are two defenses such a company will deploy, and they will be very difficult to overcome:
    1) We were honestly planning on it, but the plans fell through.  We're very sorry and we removed the claim promptly.
    2) It was a mistake, it never should have been there, we removed it right away once we realized it was there.
  21. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in Tayutama 2 -You're the Only One- on Steam   
    That's still not going to be enough to support a claim of fraud.  There are two defenses such a company will deploy, and they will be very difficult to overcome:
    1) We were honestly planning on it, but the plans fell through.  We're very sorry and we removed the claim promptly.
    2) It was a mistake, it never should have been there, we removed it right away once we realized it was there.
  22. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Darklord Rooke in [POLL] What Do You Think MangaGamer Should Have Done? Sold Kuroinu as a Full Game for 75 USD or Split Into 3 Parts Sold at 25 USD Each?   
    To get offended by the lectures  #OutrageCulture
    It's important for other people to know how much we don't care. It adds to our hipster image xD
  23. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in [POLL] What Do You Think MangaGamer Should Have Done? Sold Kuroinu as a Full Game for 75 USD or Split Into 3 Parts Sold at 25 USD Each?   
    I came into this thread only so I could post basically what @Narcosis said, except that, in addition to not caring about the game anyway, even if I did want to play it, I also wouldn't give a shit how they released it.
  24. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Narcosis in [POLL] What Do You Think MangaGamer Should Have Done? Sold Kuroinu as a Full Game for 75 USD or Split Into 3 Parts Sold at 25 USD Each?   
    Where's the "I don't care and still wouldn't buy it" option? I'm demolished
  25. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in {NSFW} Kuroinu Chapter 1 available for pre-order   
    And?  It's also 3 games.  It comes in both forms.
    No, they're selling you 3 digital games, that were already made by Liquid when Liquid themselves decided to cut up Kuroinu into 3 parts.  They don't appear to be doing anything to those 3 games other than translating them into English.
    Why MangaGamer decided to license the 3-release version, I don't know.  They're skittish about large releases, so it might have been that they took the opportunity to hedge their bets.  After all, parts 2 and 3 could easily be cancelled if part 1 bombs horribly.  (Although that's not too likely since part 2 is already 40% translated, it could still happen.)  Or maybe Liquid themselves said "no, we want you to sell the game in 3 pieces" and made them take either the 3 parts, or nothing.  We don't know.  They aren't likely to tell us.
    But if you want more brutish fare like Kuroinu (which, I'll be honest, I'd rather pull my own teeth), then ... you have to decide how pissed off you really are.  Because MangaGamer hasn't really released a lot of things in that vein recently.  Euphoria did well for them, so they've licensed Maggot Baits.  That's two games in - well, in a while.  If Kuroinu bombs because people feel like they're being overcharged, well, that will tell them "stop doing that".  So they won't be releasing more games like it.
    Also, keep in mind that Kuroinu was announced at a con in 2015, and the first part is just now being released, coming up on con season 2 years later.  A year and a half to translate a third of the game means the full version would likely take as long as Da Capo 3 did.
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