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  1. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in Princess Evangile Steam Key giveaway! (OVER)   
    I don't really want the key, I just wanted to post best girl.
  2. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Hanako in [PSA] Where's muh Fuwachat?   
    For the 3 or 4 people who use Fuwachat and are wondering where it went, our IPB license hasn't been renewed so the chat functionality is currently down.
    It'll (probably) be back up whenever Tay can find some time.
    You're free to panic.
    1 like = 1 prayer
  3. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Silvz in [PSA] Where's muh Fuwachat?   
    For the 3 or 4 people who use Fuwachat and are wondering where it went, our IPB license hasn't been renewed so the chat functionality is currently down.
    It'll (probably) be back up whenever Tay can find some time.
    You're free to panic.
    1 like = 1 prayer
  4. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Nebjula in [PSA] Where's muh Fuwachat?   
    For the 3 or 4 people who use Fuwachat and are wondering where it went, our IPB license hasn't been renewed so the chat functionality is currently down.
    It'll (probably) be back up whenever Tay can find some time.
    You're free to panic.
    1 like = 1 prayer
  5. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in Recent (Japanese) Things You Have Purchased   
    Meanwhile I'm still waiting for my Citrus volumes... quality mail service.
  6. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Jade in [PSA] Where's muh Fuwachat?   
    For the 3 or 4 people who use Fuwachat and are wondering where it went, our IPB license hasn't been renewed so the chat functionality is currently down.
    It'll (probably) be back up whenever Tay can find some time.
    You're free to panic.
    1 like = 1 prayer
  7. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from AaronIsCrunchy in [PSA] Where's muh Fuwachat?   
    For the 3 or 4 people who use Fuwachat and are wondering where it went, our IPB license hasn't been renewed so the chat functionality is currently down.
    It'll (probably) be back up whenever Tay can find some time.
    You're free to panic.
    1 like = 1 prayer
  8. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in [PSA] Where's muh Fuwachat?   
    For the 3 or 4 people who use Fuwachat and are wondering where it went, our IPB license hasn't been renewed so the chat functionality is currently down.
    It'll (probably) be back up whenever Tay can find some time.
    You're free to panic.
    1 like = 1 prayer
  9. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Rose in WT Maker Project   
    I'd definitely love to make use of an app like this, linear walkthroughs are fine if all you want is the ending itself, but diagrams let you discover a route without fearing a wrong choice. I think a downloadable program is more practical in general but I wouldn't mind using a web app either.
  10. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from finiteHP in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  11. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in What nukige would you most like to see translated   
    Okay guys, this has been going on for a couple of pages now so I'd like to ask ask that you stop going so off-topic. Although I can see how discussing the worth of nukige is somewhat relevant to this thread, it's not really its original purpose and is generating a lot of unnecessary flaming.
    If needed I can move the discussion somewhere else.
    Also please keep the insults and provocation off the thread, it's really not helpful.
  12. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Templarseeker in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  13. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Suzu Fanatic in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  14. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Silvz in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  15. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Gibberish in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    Sure, I question their decision too, but I'm going to write this one off as an amateur group who's not knowledgeable on the Steam market trusting someone to help. Then they got betrayed by the guy and Steam as a platform is not helping them. That second part is what I believe to be the bigger issue.
    Sure it was a bad decision, but I believe it's unfair for them to be out of options like this when they're clearly in the right. I mean, couldn't you classify this under fraud or something? 
    To me saying they have nothing but themselves to blame is like yelling at an elderly lady who got scammed on the phone. I'm pretty sure they just didn't know better.
  16. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from LiquidShu in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  17. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in Legal issues importing physical eroge to Norway   
    Pretty predictable outcome.
    For the record, it's also illegal to ship obscene material in most mail carriers as well, it's just that they don't usually give a shit to check and/or enforce the rules. In Portugal the mail carrier explicitly says they will not handle obscene material, but you're fine if you cover it up lol.
    If I were you I probably wouldn't order it either because if I were to be caught something like euphoria isn't really "just porn" and could have further consequences for me.
    Don't worry, there's other things you can waste your money on!
  18. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from DarkZedge in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  19. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Rose in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  20. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Gibberish in The developers of Shan Gui lost the right to publish the game they made   
    I am baffled and saddened: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307050/discussions/0/357287304431021101/
    I had been following this story for a while and it now seems to have reached its peak, with Magenta Factory (the developers of Shan Gui) giving up on publishing the game because they are unable to file a lawsuit against the guy who fucked them over. All problems that had happened before seem to also be related to this one guy.
    And I thought Youtube was the site that had the most atrocious copyright policy ever, but I should have realized the DMCA system is an overall problem for every site.
    So now these Chinese developers are forced to give up on a game they made because a guy kicked them all out of the team without authorization and they do not have the funds to fight in a court of justice. Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I think it's really sad to see a developer who just wanted to publish their game getting fucked over like this.
    I know you can make the argument that "they should have known who to trust" but I find that not very compelling because it's usually pretty hard to know who's going to screw you over. And I'm sure the developers also placed their faith on Steam as a platform in case something went South, a choice which has clearly betrayed them now.
    What do you guys think of this situation?
  21. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in Recent (Japanese) Things You Have Purchased   
    See? Told you you'd get yours first, even if you ordered after me. 
    They look beautiful indeed. Hopefully mine come tomorrow or Wednesday.
  22. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Templarseeker in Do you watch let plays of VN on Youtube?   
    Honestly? No.
    The thing with VN lets plays in specific is that it's essentially just someone reading a story to you, and I'd much rather just read the story myself at my own pace without someone's voice over it.
    I understand some people might enjoy it, but i simply can't get into it. And the fact tons of Lets Players are just people who overreact to shit, it's even more unbearable. I don't need to hear someone to go "WTF Japan L0lz" 100 times.
    Perhaps if the person speaking is someone that's trying to provide INTERESTING commentary that adds something to the story and not just lulz and memes i could watch it, but if it's like Lost Pause, I'd rather stab my eyes and ears with forks.
  23. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in Do you watch let plays of VN on Youtube?   
    Honestly? No.
    The thing with VN lets plays in specific is that it's essentially just someone reading a story to you, and I'd much rather just read the story myself at my own pace without someone's voice over it.
    I understand some people might enjoy it, but i simply can't get into it. And the fact tons of Lets Players are just people who overreact to shit, it's even more unbearable. I don't need to hear someone to go "WTF Japan L0lz" 100 times.
    Perhaps if the person speaking is someone that's trying to provide INTERESTING commentary that adds something to the story and not just lulz and memes i could watch it, but if it's like Lost Pause, I'd rather stab my eyes and ears with forks.
  24. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Narcosis in Do you watch let plays of VN on Youtube?   
    Honestly? No.
    The thing with VN lets plays in specific is that it's essentially just someone reading a story to you, and I'd much rather just read the story myself at my own pace without someone's voice over it.
    I understand some people might enjoy it, but i simply can't get into it. And the fact tons of Lets Players are just people who overreact to shit, it's even more unbearable. I don't need to hear someone to go "WTF Japan L0lz" 100 times.
    Perhaps if the person speaking is someone that's trying to provide INTERESTING commentary that adds something to the story and not just lulz and memes i could watch it, but if it's like Lost Pause, I'd rather stab my eyes and ears with forks.
  25. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Asonn in Do you watch let plays of VN on Youtube?   
    Honestly? No.
    The thing with VN lets plays in specific is that it's essentially just someone reading a story to you, and I'd much rather just read the story myself at my own pace without someone's voice over it.
    I understand some people might enjoy it, but i simply can't get into it. And the fact tons of Lets Players are just people who overreact to shit, it's even more unbearable. I don't need to hear someone to go "WTF Japan L0lz" 100 times.
    Perhaps if the person speaking is someone that's trying to provide INTERESTING commentary that adds something to the story and not just lulz and memes i could watch it, but if it's like Lost Pause, I'd rather stab my eyes and ears with forks.
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