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Everything posted by BookwormOtaku

  1. Eh, I can spare 25 bucks in a month's time so I'll back it just for the game.
  2. Well in Kyonyuu Fantasy there's Martel for giving him a pretty good arc in the canon harem route, some nice character moments to the side in Gaiden and in Gaiden 2 a really nice role throughout the game from what he does for Ryuto and co. to an interesting subplot regarding how he relates to another minor character: And in KF2 and if there's the gnoll squad who are just plain delightful:
  3. Here's what I asked for: 1) Kyonyuu Fantasy series (I'm probably the only one here who had a nukige on the list and as #1 ) 2) Dies Irae (hey, last year's speculations got my interest...and I'm curious if anyone can actually translate it) 3) Evolimit (because we need more Propeller)
  4. I remember being introduced to that by Love Hina and even then thought it was stupid (of course that was only the start of that series' problems). This only ever works when the protagonist has amnesia
  5. This, or when something happens in an episode that seems to be setting things up for something to happen between the obvious romantic pair and then some bullshit misunderstanding/mixup on either character's part sets things back to square one for them until further notice because "status quo".
  6. Beat Senran Kagura 2 a few days ago. Overall I liked it, but it is the weakest of the series for me. Partially because of lack of a real lock on which makes solo fights a pain compared to paired ones, and on the writing end too much time was spent building things up, Yomi's character development was way weaker than in the original game's Hebijo story which makes the decision to retcon it all the more infuriating, and it is disappointing to not be able to play as Kagura or Naraku. I can say I liked the story though as the good parts were genuinely enjoyable, especially the comedy, and fighting in pairs was pretty fun, and it made the Yoma Nest side levels fun too. I also just beat Dragonball Z Extreme Butoden, the best things about it being its battle system and its villains' story was interesting. Unfortunately that story had a disappointing ending and the other story modes were terribly written. Currently playing Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl.
  7. Finished Nemu's route in euphoria and...that was an interesting ending. Does have me curious about what the true route's going to reveal. My only problem with the route though is how slow it got, it just seemed like they were building up Keisuke being pushed to the breaking point a little too much. It just felt like padding in between the plot revelations. On a side note, it may be just me but that H scene with the itching lotion is quite possibly the funniest ero scene I've read in a long time.
  8. It's this program someone made where you can do stuff like make your characters invincible, give them infinite attacks, freeze the turn counter, etc. before launching the game.
  9. Okay, preordered now that there's a cheaper shipping option. Now to bump Aselia up in my "to play list" (and thank God for that trainer cheat ).
  10. Finished Rinne's route in euphoria, which can be best summed up by this: Say what you want about Rika but at least her route made sense and had a conclusion. Now to decide whether to proceed to Nemu's route or resume Kara no Shojo 2 and hope we get back to the present sooner rather than later.
  11. Finished Natsuki's route in euphoria and I quite enjoyed it. She and Keisuke had some nice chemistry and the route had some surprisingly funny moments at the end be it a revelation about Natsuki (wish we could have seen more of that) or how the two of them don't include Rika in their rescue plan. Just started Rinne's route
  12. Well, Onamatope's Mecha-con series is pretty much based around "polygamy is legal if you're rich enough". Below is all but the first game since that one came out in 2011, don't worry their only connection is they take place in the same universe: https://vndb.org/v10876 https://vndb.org/v14321
  13. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbc-guest-trumps-alt-right-fans-childless-single-men-who-masturbate-to-anime/ Now I'm curious, does this include those of use who add eroge to the mix? Do doujinshi and H manga count? What about those who fap to the cartoons on this side of the ocean?
  14. I've got a question myself, seeing as this Kickstarter's doing so well, could this mean we may see a localization of the Mecha-con games someday? I'm asking since I've been playing Monomono from a recommendation from Clephas as a good harem eroge and from what I've played so far it's got a good character driven story comparable to the Kyonyuu Fantasy series. I get one complication would be that series is pretty ero heavy so an all ages release would probably be impossible, but then again you guys seem pretty chummy with Mangagamer now and the nukige they release tend to sell well (which includes ones that have story with euphoria being #7 on their 2015 best seller list)
  15. I may be remembering this wrong, but if I recall in the movie Seven Samurai Kikuchiyo had this longer than average katana which he could use. Would that even be usable in real life if the regular sized ones are so heavy?
  16. Voted again, and like before it was for an Iris after story. According to the results I got afterwards that seems to be winning by a slight margin
  17. One other thing I hope is that this could mean we may see a localization of onamatopes's Mecha-con series someday. Been enjoying Monomono and would love to see that in english since it would be good to see a localization of games that do a good job telling a harem story.
  18. Something's going to have to convince them to start translating it first as its spot on the project status page still says "Picked Up" http://blog.mangagamer.org/project-status/
  19. Okay strange coincidence today: earlier I watched the movie Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, then since after dinner I've been playing euphoria and am on Natsuki's route and...
  20. Glad to see No, Thank You!! did so well. Here's hoping this inspires them to make a sequel or fandisk
  21. Well, not to brag, but... *reads the subject* oh you meant something different Anyway for me it was how I took my first real step into the VN world where I watched an anime called Lunar Legend Tsukihime (which may also double as a discovery of my ability to pull things from alternate dimensions as so many say this doesn't exist ), thought it was good but pretty rushed so I began looking and asking around about a manga that surely would have more to tell, and soon found out it was based off a "dating game". This made me think "a game where you can date a vampire or an immortal vampire slayer? I must check this out" and further research got me to find out about Tsukihime, its then ongoing translation project and from there the revered Type Moon.
  22. Finally on the last route for Norn9: Natsuhiko's. Off to an interesting start now that he's actually showing up in his own route. Also finished Rika's route in euphoria and...it wasn't terrible like I was expecting. Yeah, Rika had her annoying moments but she's far from the worst heroine I've ever encountered and the story for her route was okay once the game ended. Admittedly the twist wasn't that surprising though it did make me think of this almost immediately...
  23. Well on the untranslated end there's Shinsetsu Ryouki no Ori Dai 2 Shou: http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2013/10/import-games-for-adults-halloween_17.html Don't worry about the 2 part, it's a prequel to the first game. It has what your looking for in some of the murder scenes and bad ends. There's also one character who can die pretty horribly (and graphically) depending on a choice you make. There's also Dark Blue: http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2014/10/import-games-for-adults-halloween-dark.html
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