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    nohman got a reaction from Stray Cat in Christmas Music Topic   
  2. Like
    nohman reacted to Cyrillej1 in Christmas Music Topic   
    I couldn't help but giggle at this.  Snow~
  3. Like
    nohman reacted to Darklord Rooke in How To Report Threads   
    Yeah, very good post actually. At the end of the day the "report" button is regularly used because the rules of the forums are so poorly administered, even with a hundred mods now roaming the place. Take this thread for example, it clearly breaks Fuwa's number 1 rule and yet it's allowed to stay open. If you apply the rules to only some of the forum's members then you will always have dissatisfaction regarding the way the forum is run.
    I didn't want to add my opinion to this thread because I'm winding down my presence on Fuwa (I'm only here to give InvertMouse some feedback on his upcoming project because he's a champ.) However this is essentially a thread for people to air their private grievances in public - something I have never been a fan of. I heard Ren and Maef had quite the argument the other day and I assume this thread is an extension of that. It’s an undesirable situation but I’d appreciate it if people wouldn’t bring the whole of Fuwa into what’s essentially a private spat.
    Sorry, but it’s tacky. You’re all adults, I’ve heard dialogue is good, it has nothing to do with Fuwa, and Fuwa has enough drama without people adding meaningless fights to it. If someone’s abusing the report function then the mods can deal with it, their job is to filter through the reports and assess what is reasonable and what isn’t. 
    TL;DR - Either keep the spat private or make sure the fight escalates to involve a ring, a good deal of nakedness, oil and mud. I would pay good money to see Ren and Maef go at it sans clothes. Otherwise it's getting boring fellas. 
    PS: This isn't a personal attack on anyone, I like ALL the participants involved. That being said If you have a problem with me voicing my disapproval of this thread, that's your problem. If you believe you should be above reproach because you've sacrificed much for Fuwa - tough, because it sure as hell doesn't. If you feel the need to insult me because of this response, then knock yourself out. I've been abused by professionals so I doubt you're good enough to bother me.
    I know Maef, I know Ren, I think they're both top fellas. I suppose I'll include Bats in that list also . But Ren and Maef have been butting heads for a while now, and I no longer care about it .
    I've always been a fan of saying what I think, that way people aren't left wondering so... get into a room and sort it out or just ignore each other. Jesus, what is it with Fuwa and the freaking teenage angst?
  4. Like
    nohman reacted to solidbatman in How To Report Threads   
    Hey there everyone. I'm solidbatman, author of how to become Fuwa Famous. Today I am proud to introduce my second guide in helping you become an active member of the Fuwanovel Community. By following this guide you will learn a few things such as, what a report button does, how to report, and what should be reported. Lets begin shall we?
    1) What is a Report
    I'm glad you asked. A report is a tool for all members of this wonderful community. It is a button that sends a message to all of the global moderators regarding a specific post or thread. You can find the report button at the bottom of every post on Fuwanovel as shown in image A

    Image A
    2) How Do I Report Something?
    Now that we know what a report button is, its time to learn how to use it. For some people, this is like second nature to them. For others with thicker skin or higher tolerance for silliness, they may have no clue what to do. Luckily for them, it's very simple! All you have to do is click the button. Once you click the Report button, you will be taken to a dialog box to type the reason you reported the thread. From there, all you have to do is click "Send Report" and your report will make its way to the super secret Report Inbox for Fuwanovel Global Staff. It is then up to them to decide what to do about your report.  Refer to image B for reference. 
    Image B
    3) What Should I Report?

    This is the simplest part of the guide. What is supposed to be reported? The answer is simple. Report anything that is fun, or that you disagree with. If someone makes a giveaway thread in General Discussion, report it. If they make a podcast thread in the Community Hub, report it. If they ask for input on a system they want to implement, report it. Report anything good that might require visibility. The only things that should remain unreported are to be strictly moderated Visual Novel threads. Anything else, should be reported and deleted. To avoid confusion, I will provide visual examples for you all. 
    And there you have it! A step by step guide on how to report threads on Fuwanovel.I know some people will use this thread to practice, but those people need no practice do they? I hope I have been a help to some of you, and if you have any questions about anything I've covered in this guide, please feel free to ask. 
  5. Like
    nohman reacted to ServeTheServant in JAST Sale (12/1/2014)   
    Not sure if this is the right subforum to post this, but JAST is having a pretty good sale right now, up to 50% off, which brings a bunch of titles below $10.  Supposedly it'll last the whole week, not sure if that means til next Monday or just until the weekend.
    I think I have to pick up Steins; Gate at $22.49... Not sure what else though, I haven't played many JAST games.
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    nohman reacted to Decay in JAST Sale (12/1/2014)   
    Be sure to click on the 18+ link on the top right of the page otherwise you won't see the entire catalog. A whole lot of half-off deals there.
  7. Like
    nohman got a reaction from Zalor in Long VS Short   
    Some stories benefit from brevity and others overstay their welcome. Others have such a rich setting that it's better if things are fully explored. Like most things, it depends. I say this as someone who really liked Grisaia's common route, though.
    That said, I get not wanting a good book, TV show, movie, VN to end.
  8. Like
    nohman reacted to OriginalRen in A love for things other than people   
    I am in love with crispy M&Ms, the greatest candy to ever exist in this universe, both romantically and sexually. America decided that back in 2003 the candy was a flop, and as such removed it from the Mar's Company lineup. Thankfully, the rest of the world kept making it, and as such I was not without my loveable candies. As of 4 months ago, seeing that in every single person who loved M&Ms missed these babies, the company has decided that they will make a triumphant return in January of 2015. Crispy M&Ms are returning to the states, and as such, to my heart.
    Thank you candy god, you do exist.
  9. Like
    nohman reacted to Eclipsed in The OriginalRun and Solidbatman Feedback Thread   
    solidbatmanbeyond confirmed 2015
  10. Like
    nohman reacted to arakura in What type of music are you all into ?   
    Tom. mofo. Waits.
    What a voice. I hear his warm-up before shows is to go into a closet and scream himself hoarse
  11. Like
    nohman got a reaction from Chitose-chan in Hi everyone!   
    Welcome to the forum, I hope to see you around.
  12. Like
    nohman got a reaction from Vario in Request VN Setting Christmas Setting !   
    It's not Christmas themed, but I believe G-senjou no Maou takes place right when the season is starting to turn and carries all the way through winter. If that's enough to qualify for you, I'd super recommend it. Great VN.
  13. Like
    nohman got a reaction from Zenophilious in What Are You Watching: Movie and TV Show Edition   
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    nohman reacted to joehawks12 in What are you listening to right now?   
    goosebumps man. goosebumps.
  15. Like
    nohman reacted to FruitsPunchSamurai in What are you listening to right now?   
  16. Like
    nohman got a reaction from aikaflip in Oh, hai there...   
    Welcome to the forums.
    I hope to see you around.
  17. Like
    nohman got a reaction from Eclipsed in Are you that type of VN player?   
    I wouldn't characterize Fuwanovel to that degree. We have a varying degrees of... crazy, and there are a few members that come to mind that fit the reclusive otaku bill to a T,  but I wouldn't call the majority of this site depressed or even anti-social. Obviously I'm speaking solely from observation, so fuck me if there's some giant pity party I haven't been invited to. Other than that, you're right about how the whole 2D>3D mindset. It's an unhealthy coping mechanism.
  18. Like
    nohman got a reaction from suikashoujo in Are you that type of VN player?   
    Eh, not really. 
    I'm in the boat that reads visual novels for the story, not the waifu experience. I'll obviously develop preferences for characters, but it doesn't extend so far that I feel guilty for completing a title. That's not to say I haven't felt off completing multiple routes before. Aeka's route in Yume Miru Kusuri comes to mind. With how explicitly her problem plays out in her route, the implication that it still continues in the other routes put a bit of a damper on the when I immediately went to Mizuki's route. That added the experience though (in a good way), since the game is about societal problems at large.
    That's not true. VNs can be a medium to tell a story like any other. Just because you like to self-insert and find wish fulfillment, doesn't mean it's incorrect that other people don't.
  19. Like
    nohman got a reaction from Eclipsed in Are you that type of VN player?   
    Eh, not really. 
    I'm in the boat that reads visual novels for the story, not the waifu experience. I'll obviously develop preferences for characters, but it doesn't extend so far that I feel guilty for completing a title. That's not to say I haven't felt off completing multiple routes before. Aeka's route in Yume Miru Kusuri comes to mind. With how explicitly her problem plays out in her route, the implication that it still continues in the other routes put a bit of a damper on the when I immediately went to Mizuki's route. That added the experience though (in a good way), since the game is about societal problems at large.
    That's not true. VNs can be a medium to tell a story like any other. Just because you like to self-insert and find wish fulfillment, doesn't mean it's incorrect that other people don't.
  20. Like
    nohman reacted to Ryechu in Question about playing Nukiges   
    I typically read a nukige or two between larger pieces, just for that feeling of "Ah, now I can relax and play a game with an actual story."  It helps clear my mind and prepare myself to jump into a new story.
    Just my mind, you perverts.
    There are a few nukige out there I've genuinely enjoyed (the Sono Hanabira stuff is well done, X-Change is a fetish interest of mine, and Bible Black was good), but truthfully they are few and far between.  If they have good art, and there aren't a billion grammatical errors (I'm looking at you, Mangagamer), I'll take the couple of hours to play it.
  21. Like
    nohman got a reaction from SilverLi in Question about playing Nukiges   
    I'll play through the game, but I'll usually make liberal use of the skip function.
  22. Like
    nohman reacted to Decay in What do you look for in a Translation Project?   
    The main translator for the Ace Attorney franchise recently wrote a good article about translation versus localization (or in other words, literal translation versus liberal translation): http://www.capcom-unity.com/zeroobjections/blog/2014/11/21/localization-and-ace-attorney
    I found it to be highly interesting and relevant to this thread's topic. Even if you don't agree with everything said, it's good food for thought for anyone on a translation team.
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    nohman got a reaction from Frogie in 'allo 'allo   
    Welcome to the forums.
    I hope to see you around.
  25. Like
    nohman reacted to solidbatman in Welcome to FuwaReviews   
    Hey everyone, a while back I gathered up a few members to begin reviewing visual novels. Well, we now have our first review completed and published. FuwaReviews will post at least 3 visual novel reviews monthly. Our first review was written by Down, and he takes a look at a recent release. 

    We are currently using free wordpress hosting until the server move takes place and we get our permanent home on the Fuwanovel domain. 
    Be sure to follow the blog to keep up with all of our reviews as we post them. Our next review goes up on Thursday! 

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