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Everything posted by Okarin

  1. So far most interesting route has been Makoto's and best girl is maybe DD.
  2. Obviously Steins;Gate, but Subahibi is damn good too.
  3. I feel it's a great romance because romance really flourishes in dangerous and life-or-death situations. There was plenty of that from people who knew themselves well beforehand, so there you have it. That's also why Indiana Jones also got the girl he lived adventures with, every time.
  4. There have been cases of people who advertised a project (mildly interesting), it got funded, and ran away with the money. Of course, the project never didn't even start. Like this: Man, to get 8000 dollars (even through a scam) has to be nice.
  5. I enjoyed previous Minori works. And they were of quality, too, only a bit old (but that doesn't really matter that much). About Trinoline, it should be enjoyable, but not really a masterpiece, is what I think. If you have little time to read, read something else. If you have plenty of time, then give it a go.
  6. Don't think you're bad at conveying ideas just because a couple of people didn't get it... is what I'd say.
  7. Yes, BC is explained right in Natsuhiko's route. Which is a bit of a chore, with the slice of life that clashes with the first route. Also Natsuhiko's state as an esper is explained, even thoroughly, I think. They go to great lengths to explore everything BC-related.
  8. Michiru is a bit tiresome, with all the sexual innuendo (and non-innuendo). Pretty plain character. I liked "the other" Michiru better, and she's the actual protagonist of that route really. The route itself was a chore until the end. Misaki also was a bit plain and meh. Seems like I started the game with my least favourite characters XD
  9. Ef is pretty decent, and a nakige, one of my favourite genres. So I can only recommend it.
  10. Not good riddance... I wanted to read it and bask on the kitsunes. Seems like the whole project was a mess, in that case it deserved to fail (but the game itself seems good enough). They screwed both themselves and the fan TLers.
  11. The H seems pretty tame and standard, according to VNDB. Depends on whether you must have it no matter what, or not.
  12. It's tagged as "Nakige" with 3.0 at VNDB, so maybe... I expected it to release later in the year. Now, I want release dates for Farther than the blue sky and Maggot Baits.
  13. Crowdfunding literally means helping to fund projects. Yes, most companies don't really need them. And yes, money-raising originates from charities and has a strong connection to them. But if the project can't happen otherwise, no matter what, you might want a KS. For example, Obsidian Entertainment was at tatters at the time of the first Pillars of Eternity. The massive nostalgia wave raised 4 million dollars. What was sleazy was, after some years of success, doing the same for the second part. But since people were already accustomed to it... There are many isometric RPGs in the works with the KS model and they aren't looking half bad... I don't think they could compare to "real" projects (as in, they're probably gonna fall short in some category or the other), but since KS lets you grab the game at a reduced price compared to the final retail price at launch, it's not that bad either.
  14. Well I might not have ended a 100% proper adult, but at least I have my priorities clear. I wouldn't pick one of the top-tier rewards in ANY Kickstarter under any circumstances. Maybe if I'm a millionnaire one day. It should be funded by the lower tiers attracting a lot of people. In the end I just saved a few dollars, and the problem with paying the money upfront is that I have no guarantee on the TL, but at least I contributed to make it happen.
  15. Strangely enough, LB moved me far more than Clannad (didn't give too much of anything with Nagisa, yeah she's cute, but Ushio is just cuter). I like Nagisa but not that much. I like LB's characters more, and the feeling of friendship. In fact LB is an amazing story for all its shortcomings. Not so much the true underlying plot, but the whole journey. I disagree with Planetarian being labeled a "masterpiece" on Steam. For me it's pretty overrated. Harmonia is good too, but not that impactful. Air, I liked it, but it's not that great. Tomoyo After and Clannad After Stories are nice (TA is really heart-rending) and round up the whole package well.
  16. A perfect dessert to Chaos;Child.
  17. Well I, like always, asked myself what I stood to gain. It didn't seem too much to me to drop 36 euros (40 dollars) as I'm a European "rich" bastard (currency exchange heh) for the digital game + soundtrack package. This game is probably gonna be pretty expensive when it releases, and Sol Press doesn't have cheap retail prices in the first place. So I figured I might as well contribute to their charade, and make the whole thing happen. I want to read the novel too. Even if it's in 2021-2022.
  18. Currently playing Ponkotsu Akuma (really good nukige) and today I finally cleared Michiru's route from Chrono Clock, which felt like a true chore at the start and middle but that had a nice end.
  19. You have to be trolling lol. First of all, there's not that many VNs published in English each year. Since 2012, and especially 2015 with Steam into the fray they have been mounting. But still you can clear them in some years, depending on how fast you read. Also I don't really think that just EVERY VN out there appeals to you, right? If you know Japanese the thing is different. Yes, there are bazillions of titles, but available? Not so many of them. There are lots of old ones that maybe you can't grab. Anyway, I'd suggest, either English or Japanese, to draw a schedule and stick to it. Yes, it sounds like a job, but there's no other way around it.
  20. Can't remember if there was a Steam achievement for getting ALL bad endings. If you're not using Steam or don't care about achievements, avoid them. I overall liked the game quite a tad, though it was obviously very influenced by Ever 17 in particular. I loved all the gossip about radioactivity, and playing a rescue leader in a nuclear meltdown. The science wasn't that bad either, though the underlying setting is not that good ("BC"). Maybe better than what Uchikoshi did with Zero Time Dilemma.
  21. I can buy the futanari as it's part of a sexual fantasy, but the bestiality? It wasn't supposed to be nowhere near fetish pandering. It was a disgusting scene and it conveyed that. Though in all honesty, the game dropped the scene and then didn't touch it in any significant way. In a way, Kimika's and Zakuro's abuse scenes where even more shocking. In fact I believe the H scenes in Subahibi serve as a tool to make the game spicier and more shocking. And if you delve into those yuri scenes between Yuki and Tsukasa, it can get disturbing if you've played the whole game. My point is, there's not much fap material in Subahibi really.
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