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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. Just now, linkuan said:

    Hi, is it possible to post gameplays of VNs and monetize them? If so what could be the conditions?

    This would depend on the VN and the company that made it. In a general sense, monetizing videos of the entire game in pure form, with no voice over, cuts etc would literally just be stealing the game and is of course not allowed.

    Reading up on fair use and actually cutting the video correctly / turning off potentially copyrighted music etc might make it a bit less of a problem.


    Again though, it really depends on what VN it is and what exactly is in the video.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Kawasumi said:

    This is so good, I was expecting sono hanabira-esque heteromale pandering, but I got a cute yuri vn with decent drama (some of the drama subjects are pretty stupid though lol) and h-scenes that works and doesnt feel like I walked in on a porno shoot all of a sudden lol.

    This might be one of my favorite SoL titles so far, might even write a review lol (like we know thats gonna happen :makina: )

    Did you just insult sonohana? :jinpou:

    I will never forgive you for this. Never...


    But hey, awesome to hear that the game is good. Havent picked it up yet; will play it after nekopara vol 2.

    Have so many games to go through when my vacation starts in four days. :pyaa:

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    Can you post a screenshot of the options you have available?

    Also what font did you try to change to? Usually MS Gothic is the font that most VNs use so if you didn't try changing it to that you might want to do so.

    I tried a lot of fonts, MS gothic included.


    This is the font menu which seems to change the text back, though I have essentially tried all of it at this point. It just goes right back to being broken.





  4. So after installing this game, I have run into a problem... The text is pure bullshit. Apperantly others have this issue as well. (My text format and my locale is set to Japanese by the way. I have also tested this on both windows 8, 8.1 and 7 over 3 different computers.)


    The text in the game doesnt add up with what the character is supposed to be saying, and it also just display gibberish most of the time. By going into the game menu and changing something like the font, it will fix the text, however once you go to the next line, it breaks again. Does anyone have ANY idea how to fix this permanently??

    Here is how it looks. Picture 1 is the broken text, picture 2 is after changing a setting.







  5. Been playing some more maggot baits, though damn is it going slowly. They use so many big words to set the mood and explain the situation to really paint a clear mental image. I still feel like I understand whats going on, but I get stuck reading the sentence several times before I feel like I can continue. Sometimes I just get lazy and look up the word in the parser but then I kind of fall out of the context...

    Basically, this will prolly take me a while, but its a title I really want to get through so that really doesn't bother me much.


    I like how two witches have literally been introdouced and killed in the same scene so far :wahaha:

    Alison got tortured to death and Carla got raped to death.

    Well, they were a little vague with Carla so I guess she might not be dead, and considering they are "immortal" they could come back. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably.


  6. Came into this thread thinking it was linked to the "FIRST PORN GAME ON STEAM!" that just released :wahaha:


    Suppose this is the right way to handle it. I actually have some games with steam keys that I havent redeemed yet, though luckily they accounted for that:

    "Purchases on our site will be disabled while we work with our payment processor to sort this issue out. Users who have previously purchased games that have been advertised to come with a Steam key will still be able to retrieve their keys, but future purchases of our titles will not be provided with Steam keys."


    Like was mentioned here, I just hope this wont have any big negative effect on mangagamer.


  7. 32 minutes ago, Good_Haro said:

    No, this is untrue, CryingWestern is misinformed on this particular subject. We very rarely have had CGs redrawn. The only game in recent memory that we had to do this for was Cartagra because a handful of uncensored assets were lost (I believe it was less than 10% of the CGs). 

    Generally if the uncensored CGs do not exist, the game is released with mosaics intact. I believe some of the confusion may be coming from the fact that we do some de-mosaicing in-house, but this simply involves reprocessing the original PSD files (namely, turning off the mosaic layer and re-generating all of the variations), not redrawing anything. Occasionally, our image editors will do some minor touch-ups (shifting some elements around so they line up correctly with the mosaic removed or adding a bit of shading if the underlying art was left flat or was miscolored) because quite frequently very little care is put into the art beneath the mosaics because it isn't meant to be seen in the first place. A few companies do put a lot of effort into what's beneath the mosaics (ClockUp for example), but many don't bother because the art was always intended to be censored.

    Ooooh! This is interesting, thanks. :miyako: 

  8. Poll is up. Actually vote you scrubs :miyako:

    4 minutes ago, Arcadeotic said:

    You shouldn't use any of these, they all are trash

    Honestly, I liked Saya's the most, but why not keep up with the latest trends and go with Coconut?

    That's what I would do if I was given such a trashy collection of pictures to choose from

    Dont bash on my awesome pictures! :pyaa: Shame on you! They are beautiful.


  9. Aaaaaand the winner is, saya, Miagete goran, with 36% of the votes.


    Alright! Recently I havent been able to choose what pic to use as my avatar.

    19 hours ago, Arcadeotic said:

    Derg, you're really trigger-happy with your avatars


    Beofre I picked one, used it for a month, then switched. But recently its been like, 2 a week. I just couldnt find the right one. And so, I will leave it up to you guys!


    Which one of these shall I use for the rest of febuary? (Will start using 1 for a whole month after febuary is over.)


    The pictures are here in spoilers.

    EDIT: None of them are cropped quite yet. So, the actual avatar would be a cropped version of them basically. Cant be asked to crop it at the moment :miyako:


    My current one - Nekopara, Chocola or:


    XX of the dead - Touka



    Maggot Baits - Carol



    Miagete goran - saya (a cropped version of this)



    Nekopara - Coconut



    Nekopara - Azuki



    SonoHana - ai




    So guys! Help me pick! Which avatar should I use?!

  10. 1 minute ago, VirginSmasher said:

    There are a lot of art snobs in these forums who won't play a VN unless it has good art, which is a stupid mindset to have because they could be missing a great story.

    I personally love good art. Not gonna lie, I got hanasaki work spring just because of the pwetty colors :kosame:

    That being said, I would never throw away a VN because the art is "bad." A lot of older VNs have a little iffy art, but that doesn't mean they are bad.

    (And, like was mentioned, some VNs have great art but .. suck :miyako: )


    For me it usually comes down to a combination of a lot of things.

    Unless its a nukige. I can read a nukige with horrible story if the art is hot enough. I'm kind of a simple person when it comes to nukige :makina:

  11. 1 minute ago, DarkZedge said:

    *Smacks senpai* Don't go recommending that kind of thing...i hesitate to call it a vn

    It fits the criteria and its not as bad as everyone says. Let the OP decide for himself if he wants to play it or not.

    2 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    Sick burn for senpai though :wahaha: Now all his yuri waifus will abandon him because of the shame

    My yuri harem will never leave me. I have them tied up in my basement, so they can never escape :illya:

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