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Everything posted by Stormwolf

  1. Now you'll just have to be good with waiting forever! And Saya no uta is a good choice.
  2. Sounds like real life tbh! The usual protagonist wouldn't wet many girls tbh
  3. Yeah, the shit behind peoples backs is normal. It's mostly a coping mechanism as people don't really realize how much of a piece of shit they are, and then it's the quantity of pieces of shits a customer service employee has to deal with. Need to unload and vent, and this happens for every every profession where you deal with customers. Getting angry and talking shit to customers directly is inexcusable though. Make proper rules and when kids keep pestering on NSFW channels, warn and ban if the little shit doesn't get it though his skull. Then vent in private with coworkers
  4. I'd get the disc oke, but only because i own so many retail ps4 games. Its not the same, but fortunately we have emulators for the rest
  5. I think it was either idiots or people using it as netflix/spoitify device.. yeah, idiots. Xbone was absolute shit and no one can mention one single good reason to own it.
  6. Ohh, but i dont care about their services. I want good games. Im simple that way.
  7. Not sympathies for microsoft. They were completely useless this current generation. Its up to them to make themselves more attractive.
  8. Ohh but the switch is crap too, always was. Doesnt change the fact that it has good games though which it cant run satisfyingly. 4k means nothing, you'll get a horrible console too slow to run the games in the distant future and devs need to sacrifice this and that for you to run games in 30 fps. Read ID already complaining about its slow memory. Dont get defensive, some things might appeal to you, but it is not a good console. Heed my warning or not, entirely up to you
  9. Well, they cherry pick most likely. Picking the vn's that are most in line with normal moe trash and putting out the others for show. Mangagamer has surprised me before though.
  10. S series is crap. Save up your money and buy the proper one one.
  11. People have shit tastes and suggestions like normal. Either a crap game or an already translated one... jeez
  12. In my case i think it was some PTSD-ish trigger. My first relationship went that way when i was young and i guess you don't easily forget such a thing Now i'll happily avoid the content, but i don't react to it.
  13. Is this a ladder style vn series with each installment being one route?
  14. Maybe its based on realism? Girls getting too much attention grows complacent and just take the bf for granted, while giving less attention makes her work for it.
  15. People are saying it all the time for a reason. A valid one at that. I have all those 3 types of harddrives (5400rpm, 7200rpm and ssd) and i know exactly what works best where. They have their uses. Vn's you can stick whereever as they demand nothing. Games 7200rpm works (longer loading times than SSD but most games nowadays have so few loading points that it doesnt matter much). I put my FInal fantasy XIV and mmo's on a SSD though. I'd not bother with an SSD for gaming except for MMO's that all have lots of loading and just buy a fast normal harddrive like WD Ultrastar. Not mentioning VN now as that requires nothing out of anything. For most daily uses you won't notice the difference between a SSD and a mechanical drive. You'll feel it during installation of something, loading times in games, unpacking large files with winrar etc and searching for files using windows.
  16. And if they refuse to have the sequel be translated then i won't buy the first part, which is my choice to make.
  17. You only need a cheap storage drive for vn's, movies etc. For normal gaming it's insufficient though.
  18. Weirdest question today, but i'll bite. One at a time and because it would be too easy to switch before i finish one if it started getting boring in certain parts.
  19. Riddle me this: People fan translate because of their passion for Visual novels and learning Japanese. They can select anything they want as they won't get paid for their work. Absolutely anything. What do they pick 9/10 times? More moe yawnfests with regurgitated characters, personalities with a nonsensical or nonexistent plot. Might not even be short VN's.
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