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Everything posted by Stormwolf

  1. Who gives a shit about social norms in those cases? Life isnt always so easy that you can change a persons mind about someone so having different ending scenarios is a good thing and very realistic. Limiting creative freedom because of social norms is a very bad thing to do. I dont think many readers would pull out their pitchforks because a couple in a vn eloped and started a happy life free from the bonds of a controlling family.
  2. Regular vn's will never become mainstream in the west.
  3. And? Its for that reason and that reason alone they tell you to avoid reading up or watching pictures. Strange tactic for such an hated genre.
  4. Doesnt sound like what i mean at all though. Just picked the first video i found on youtube to illustrate what i mean. It's super childish.
  5. Japanese stories are great, but japanese writers are not known for their brilliant villains. Its quite rare seeing good ones as they come off as from the imagination of a child. Crackling laugh, extended laugh, licking a knife, only being evil for the sake of being evil, prennding they've been beaten only to now use their true power (or any kind of variation to this). All in all terrible villains.
  6. Here is the secret to success. Don't ever give examples of your translation quality. Do your best and at most show people your progress but keep your actual translation for yourself. People will trash your hide for simple grammatical errors and that does nothing good for your morale. Translate and release when done (if you get that far)
  7. Which means that we'll never see it of course.
  8. I think western devs craft better silent protagonists. The way the stories are told they easily get away by being silent. In japanese games however they more often than not come off as goofs too stupid to have anything meaninful to say. Grunts, moans, nods.. It often just don't work..
  9. Dragon quest has done this differently i think. Think i read that VIII had a very nice protagonist with different expressions. 11 however... Even a zombie has bigger emotional range than him. What possessed them to design him this way is beyond me. Who can relate to that shit?
  10. A self created problem to trick people into cutting costs with no backlash. As in, not really a problem they've just made people aware that voiced protagonist is more expensive than unvoiced. They can handle the costs just fine
  11. Well, it doesnt help that japanese women sounds horrible in bed either. I'm not sure if it's a widespread pedo thing to sound squeaky and young, or if it's just how they sound naturally. I feel bad for my cousin if it's the latter.
  12. Why do they keep dying though? All japanese can't be controlled by a hive mind. Or are they?
  13. Well at least im not losing shit, which is just fine with me
  14. weird recommending a company for one short series. Horror and moonstone in this case.
  15. Mangagamer isn't the best with following up on their games. I'm gonna hold off until they announce the sequel
  16. Sounds like you need to read some proper eroges. Sharin no kuni, grisaia are tje only examples my tired mind can conjure up. They got romance and they're both damn exciting.
  17. Well the idiot devs are shooting themselves in the foot. THey''re giving midgar so much focus, but fatigue will set in and a lot of the game will become a rushjob. You heard it here first
  18. I'd definitely choose midgar over evangeline. Not even a question xD
  19. First episodes are always the best because you don't know what to expect. Will always be eerie when you first notice that something is not right. You know what to expect in following episodes to they have to approach them in different ways.
  20. Souless husks as maggie puts it so perfectly shouldnt be prioritized. Financially i can understand it from the standpoint on smaller firms, but its an embarassment if big companies with popular vn's or other games have to cut protag to cut costs.
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