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Darklord Rooke

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Everything posted by Darklord Rooke

  1. Heh, I remember one of Mikandi's translators used to post on this forum. He came on to defend the 'desu' inclusion. He refused to listen to the advice everyone was giving him until he practically had no choice. It's one thing to receive feedback, it's another to read it, but it's yet another to analyse and critique the feedback given to you because you're committed to improve. We'll see what happens. Kudos to Derg for shoving complaints down their throat till they could ignore him no longer
  2. "Cockthirsty" I know, I know, it's a brilliant suggestion. You're all welcome
  3. 0.0 I must be coming down with something … knowing my luck, something hideously fatal with lots of pus It’s been nice knowing you all Someone write a nice eulogy for me, and don’t forget to mention “how handsome and debonair” I was
  4. It's more logical and consistent to me -> I play this game, I play that game, I play cricket (not "at cricket"), we play rugby, I play his game, I play my game. To me it's more logical to say "That's his game. Well, I can play it just as well" which morphs into "two can play that game" rather than say "two can play at that game". People use both, but I like the version I use better
  5. Shuma will refuse too? "If you refuse, then I too will refuse. And you shall suffer as I am suffering, and we can suffer together throughout eternity. And at the end of days you shall know that I too can refuse as well as you, Mwahahaha" The meaning of the phrase is slightly different. It means that the person will copy the others' plan, trick, or strategy. So Shuma is saying he will copy her strategy of ... whatever she's doing and possibly direct it back at her. Taken from the meaning of "game" that means plan, tactic, or strategy ("oh, so that's her game.") That may not sound like a big difference but it makes a big difference when applying the technique. Whether this line makes sense or not really depends on context, and whether there's a game she's playing (or that he thinks she's playing) for him to copy. If there is it makes sense, if there isn't it doesn't make sense. If it does make sense, I still think the sentence could still benefit from a slight rearranging :3 : "if you refuse, well ... two can play that game." The first part of the sentence is horrible, BTW xD Shifting the position of the pause to where I put it gives emphasis and weight to the message that "two can play that game" in a similar way that giving it its own sentence does. It isolates it and focuses the readers' attention solely onto it, thereby giving that message more importance. Whereas placing the pause where it currently is in the screenshot is just an incompetent piece of writing Kidding, kidding (Totally not kidding xD)
  6. That's footage of them still on the first page trying to figure out what the hell "The sun already exploded so it's not even dangerous. You should have pointed that part out when you butted in on my line. You need to work on that." actually means ...
  7. I'm wondering how the final product released compares to earlier versions. That is, did they use the delay to improve the translation at all?
  8. I meant that most people who value translation quality have had plenty of warning about this product and are probably staying away and can't be bothered. Those (few) who buy a digital copy are probably those who don't care so much about how it reads in English and therefore the reviews are mostly positive. I mean, I think we've had a good month or two warning about the game now, and to be honest I didn't even know it was released (that's how little interest I have in it )
  9. Steam - most people who value translation quality know to stay away, which is why you're left with a mere 7ish reviews on the Steam page. Kickstarter - I loaded up the page and was confronted with complaints about technical issues. My guess would be 'one thing at a time' [sarcasm] I love the practice of keeping romanised Japanese words in the script and putting the translation in brackets, that's just genius. They should have done it all like that [/sarcasm]
  10. "Hill stats don't work in cycling manager 2017" Yes I agree, a cycling VN would be glorious. If the reader chose to attack hard on the downhill in the rain, the game would boot them off a mountain and they'll get a 2 minute internal monologue lamenting they're last choice, philosophically discussing the rain and they're impending doom, and a "oh no, I'm going to land on that cute squirrel" wail at the end. If the reader chose not to attack on the downhill ... the game would still boot them off the mountain.
  11. I really wish you wouldn't I am pleased Grisaia knocked out the far-too-hyped-by-far-too-few Fata, though :3
  12. Nup. It seems like it was caused by a new version of the program (I think,) and while my virus definitions are up to date (kinda ... generally up to date anyway) I have an older version of the program. Mainly because on occasion updates have a habit of breaking things and so I let other people be the guinea pigs and I'll just stick with what works That and I rarely do full scans with Avast. I surfed for years on XP with zero antivirus protection and without a problem, so I don't feel the need to keep on top of my scans. I mainly use Avast for real time protection and every once in a great while I'll run some scans xD
  13. Avast antivirus, windows firewall. Good protection, but it's a bit bloated. Doesn't matter so much when you have an excess of RAM, but if I were RAM deprived and using Windows 10 I'd probably just stick with Windows Defender/Windows essential security. Malwarebytes is good to have as an offline scan also. It complements your antivirus software.
  14. I keep a copy of Word on the desktop because you sometimes need it when working with others, but it doesn’t really see much use. I hate that I’m forced to have a copy ... although the desktop is currently in pieces atm xD. Life without Word isn't so bad :3
  15. There's a couple of reasons people should use MS Office. 1) They need to make heavy use of Excel or another non-Word program. The excel program in LibreOffice is not very good, for example. 2) Compatible formats with colleagues. For those using MS Office mainly for MS Word (and possibly some light excel use,) but want to use Word for casual purposes, LibreOffice is almost as good and is free. I'd seriously consider it mainly because MS Word is not that great a word processor, and Libre's version is pretty much MS Word 2003 so it's almost as good.Journalists/bloggers/researchers/writers who need an intensive word program will probably want to fork out for Scrivener. It's many times better than MS Word for any kind of professional writing. I have Scrivener and do most of my actual writing on that, and casually use LibreOffice for junk text stuff. I don't really use Excel and Powerpoint so I don't need MSOffice
  16. I'm suddenly quite pleased that I uninstalled anything to do with MS Office the same day I got this W10 laptop and have opted for LibreOffice instead :3
  17. Heh, watched Red Dwarf the other day and heard the line "let's go out there and twat it". I remember thinking how many Americans would have been bat-shit confused by it . Along with all the mentions of "scousers" "gits" "taking the smegs" and the rest of it. You should watch Red Dwarf, it's amazing :3 Heh, or when Kryten laments "You sold your unique set of haploid chromosomes? You traded away the very essence of your genetic make up for 100 pounds, and half a packet of fags?" I mean, I'm pretty sure Americans don't use 'fags' in that context but it's a common part of the British lexicon xD
  18. xD Murakami's works are apparently translated into English by Alfred Birnbaum (American) and Philip Gabriel (American). Mishima's works are translated by Hiroaki Sato (been called the finest translator of Japanese poetry into AMERICAN english) Donald Keene (American) Michael Gallagher (American.) You can see the pattern? The only exception I've found so far is "After the banquet" by Mishima, translated by Morris, a British man. So my guess would be the vast majority of translated literature you've read were translated by Americans xD
  19. Vns are translated predominantly by a) people who speak English as a second language or b) people native to America or Canada. Genre fiction from overseas are often “localised” into American for the American audience when published. And literature isn’t very popular outside the classics, so I’m going to assume you mean classic literature, “taking the piss” originated around the second world war and so no piece of classic literature would have it. I would assume some sort of modern British literature would include the phrase, but I'm not going to dig for it. Anyway, because of these reasons I’m not surprised you’ve never come across it However you may (MAY) run across it in Anthony Briggs translation of War and Peace. Many people didn’t like how soldiers talked in cockney in that book, and “taking the Mickey” is a piece of cockney. Edit: If you watched British TV you'd come across it semi frequently
  20. I'd thought I'd quickly correct something (I'm pretty much offline for a few days.) The definition of "armour piercing" is "capable of, or used for piercing armour." That's taken from the Merriam Webster, and if you look up the meaning in a more technical manual it lists specific attributes those bullets (or shells) must have (like being full metal jacket etc.) Therefore "armour piercing bullets" are by definition bullets capable of penetrating armour. If you look up the definition of "decapitating" and apply it the same way, you will get a very different meaning than what you are stating. Nowhere in the definition of "decapitating" does it say "being capable of removing your head from your shoulders." However, that doesn't mean it isn't a metaphor. A metaphor is a piece not meant to be taken literally but rather symbolically to aid in the creation of imagery. You could argue the use of "decapitating" was not meant to be a literal take, but rather something to evoke pictures in the readers' imagination. It could be hyperbole, because it was first person narration. So you could head down one of these paths to justify the usage, but please don't compare it to "armour piercing" because that's a very LITERAL adjective And I really need to leave it there and jet.
  21. Google translate is notoriously unreliable. Allow me: Asonn: "Your avatar looks delicious! Wouldn't even need much, lightly fried with maybe a small amount of salt and pepper." Zakamutt: "By Merlin's suspiciously sticky pants, not more salt! There's enough salt floating around Fuwa already. I recommend grabbing the rodent while it's still alive and just swallowing it whole." This accurate translation service is brought to you by Rooke. Also welcome to Fuwa
  22. Heh, that word's used almost every day by people in Ozzie-land. It might seem a bit weird at first ... but you should probably get used to it, because when Australia is the sole survivor of the coming apocalypse everybody will be using that word May also be used in Britain (I'm not sure.)
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