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Everything posted by SoulJustIn

  1. Congratulations ! Tyrael-san and Cryillej1-san won the prizes .
  2. I new in visual novel , so,....... I don't have any knowledge advice for Vn . . . still i want to say is "Don't give up and motivation down during halfway of making Vn" ........... . That's all Thanks for reading and good luck on project.
  3. Marie-hime-sama, Me me me I want join . My avatar is.......any character Cat Girl please
  4. don't know , didn't saw them in . maybe reddit just put random or their favorite in tournament..........
  5. Congratulation to Kazami Kazuki & Fan winning the Best Girl in Visual Novel Tournament. List of vn in tournament Fate/stay night Grisaia no Kajitsu Fate/hollow ataraxia Muv-luv Clannad G-senjou no maou Steins;Gate Majikoi Little Buster Toradora Portable and Katawa shoujo
  6. Shortest Review "I like this vn , end of review. I recomend that vn , end of recommend" . . . . (PS: Joke only and forgive me if the post rude)
  7. Tay-san , May i ask ,..... require how many words? (minimum)
  8. Greeting, Steezus-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums. Enjoy your stay and sometime drop by on Fuwachat.
  9. Ever 17: The Out of Infinity...............
  10. Greeting , ninja_leetful-san Good luck on reading dozen of vn
  11. i think is fine ,protagonist's face appearing in the dialogue box . On the matter much worse , I read some vn don't have face on dialogue box , yet no name also , the vn text ADV and no voice .......... It really make me confuse & headache if dialogue more then two person,....... rude my mood to read too..........
  12. hmmm, Greeting, JuicyYuuji97-san Welcome .......... i guess , ....... (since i already know you on "Need More Moe Games" thread ) Enjoy your stay .
  13. yes,there is more .......but in Japanese Language Souten No Celenaria ~What a Beautiful World~ , Hikari no Valusia ~What a Beautiful Hopes~ Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a Beautiful Memories- Steampunk Full-voice Fandisk
  14. Count me in . ......... because i new in writing review , i may take long time to write. (if can guide me some basic writing review) when i done i will send pm , Title i haven't decide yet ,(maybe Ever17 ....... )
  15. I shock ......... AnoHana lost ...........
  16. I think currently FuwaFabulous better ..... because have Freedom feeling...... (Change color anytime primary & secondary) + (all statue on left side)
  17. I prefer FuwaFabulous better ,........ name ,post , location are all on left side ...........
  18. maybe i should find new avatar with small size......
  19. Greeting , julyan04-san Congratulation on success graduate from lurker. Welcome Back to the Fuwanovel Forums . Sometime drop by on Fuwachat too.
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