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Everything posted by SoulJustIn

  1. Grisaia no Kajitsu is a 6/10 game. It has great moments, yes, but overall it isn't all that impressive. IMHO it does not deserve very high a place in the hallmark of VN's.
  2. now breakfast , before is dinner ....... later will be lunch or supper . -------------------------- my is random , depend who prepare ....... today is sunny side up with glass of milk.
  3. The task quite challenge , because i don't have any knowledge at all ...... (ps: don't have any possession figure too) --------------------------- I pick Miyafuji Yoshika figure Why do you like it? because is Miyafuji Yoshika I like Kemonomimi I like Strike Witches ........ (Ps: The movie is the best) What don't you like about it? Nothing If the character in question has multiple figures, what is another that you like (it can be from a different manufacturer)? This figure Miyafuji Yoshika using Striker Unit 震電 "Magnificent Lightning" Would you buy the figure if you had the money to do so? Yes , at least i want to own one Figure. Suggestion I recommend this figure Tenshi (Tachibana Kanade) Because is Most beautiful figure of Tenshi (Tachibana Kanade) It worth to own (for collector figure) Very popular If you fan to Angel Beat or Key . Creation Banner
  4. window 8.1? do you try this already? http://goo.gl/mFdncf
  5. If success , it will be good news for Corpse party fan with 3DS user .......... I only wait for PC version include more scenes, more endings, + one extra chapter ........... released in 2015? .........
  6. Devil girl in Shuffle .......... and giving h-scene (heroine) i guess is Nerine or Primula .
  7. yesterday , fuwanovel also sometime "error 404" because of update "blog?" , so quite silent i guess ........ or maybe after valentine indeed quite tired ............ lazy max
  8. the thread about "Trade" in General Discussion is gone........
  9. i wonder that background is serious or joke? ........ which one ?
  10. Interesting , i should try it when 1bitHeart complete .
  11. Greeting, Althoris-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . I'm pleased that I got to know you.
  12. i same with Satsuki-san. not suit my taste, or the translation is worse
  13. don't know when to use this gif.............. maybe now the time?
  14. since when here became outstanding creative about art of Guy's room..........
  15. somehow i get feeling that this thread going to be heavy soon ............
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