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Everything posted by SoulJustIn

  1. TRUE The next person like to joke around
  2. i have something to ask....... since reddit have tournament best girl ......... will Fuwanovel plan tournament best girl in future ?
  3. I see , now i get it "playing h-scene half of minute while your little sister staring to it too" ...........indeed embarrassing and also sound "lewd" too
  4. hmmm, where the "Embarassing moments" ? hmmm, only shock and panic i can see............. okay, THAT Embarassing moments ......... lucky you didn't play h-scene "stewardess cosplay"........
  5. I stall a vn when i tired to continue .............. after awhile if didn't continue , i drop it . . . . . until i have the curiosity or interest to that vn.
  6. "Don't play. Seriously. This is one of those VNs that you play and feel like you wasted your time."
  7. nasty food? meal made by insect material .
  8. True , The next person is having motion sickness when travel.
  9. it was very old classic game , Confession: I irritating to 'Duck Hunt' also , the dog indeed creepy,
  10. me too , .......... we have same opinion .
  11. finish watch Kimi no Iru Machi .......... hmmm, last month got thread about "which one to watch",that time i recommend Kimi ni Todoke because i haven't watch Kimi no Iru Machi. i guess my answer still same ever i watch already . Oh , Kimi no Iru Machi got many Fan service too , (Ps: i bet many guy get hot when watch lol )
  12. True The next person like fast food .
  13. Greeting , Gtalolita-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Enjoy your stay.
  14. All of the comedy fails terribly, the routes are almost exactly the same excluding a few scenes, the H-scenes dumb, the characters are annoying...
  15. i guess so ........... different people with different appetite .
  16. Little Busters! is a 6/10 game. It has great moments, yes, but overall it isn't all that impressive. IMHO it does not deserve very high a place in the hallmark of VN's.
  17. you have quite big appetite for breakfast ...... ...............
  18. this anime , i totally forget about it, i keep remind myself to watch it and yet i forget about it and keep store in my External hard disk .
  19. Nice thread Eclipsed-san ---------------------------------- my lunch? menu Lunch set A.........
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