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Everything posted by SoulJustIn

  1. Confession : oh god forgive me , now i currently dislike one newest member name "Caitsith" ,who simple create new id member and ask for complete save data of Comyu (I fan to Comyu) , and also simple say want to play last route? (i get the feeling that he only want h-scene) ......... Very dark of my heart currently is , mistrust someone so easily............ (maybe because of valentine , i starter tired ) . . . . (PS: forgive me............. I won't blame anyone if i get warning , and thank you for reading my released stress post )
  2. The third option reduces the pixel-ness while in fullscreen (Likely a smoother of some sort)
  3. Don't mind ! Everyone here mostly have similar embarrassing , so cheer up .
  4. ef - the latter tale.................
  5. True , The next person enjoy playing "True or False" thread game.
  6. quite many anime haven't watch after i read previously post........... ------------ didn't cry , but it hit me hard since i quite fan to it...... Hidamari Sketch Sae & Hiro Graduation
  7. True, The next person received valentine choco from someone
  8. True , i prefer physical manga (only to some genre) The next person "get sad when they done something out of kindness for someone but get result of insult" during of Valentine day .
  9. Greeting , Yuri-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Just go and post your thought about it (ever if you perverted) here got many lewd person , they don't mind about it .
  10. ........... maybe? ....................... *after read Decay post* maybe i should go to sleep , and have a dream about it
  11. Nice Review & Impressive Review Blog ! I browsing around the blog , your hardworking should get praised
  12. i guess poll #5 will fall to "The guy who pretended to be batman" . I wonder what the surprise will be?
  13. (due to some lesson i learn) I just the stranger...... but i want to say this , "Happy Valentine's Day"
  14. Greeting, SaintOfVoid-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Enjoy your stay and sometime drop by on Fuwachat .
  15. Greeting, FrostyPanda-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Enjoy your stay .
  16. Greeting, Sayna-san Welcome back to the Fuwanovel Forums.
  17. SoulJustIn


    Greeting, Sakai_Yuji-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums .
  18. hmmm, i may nameless , or unknown , or stranger , or whatever you may think...... But,..... I Still want to say , "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ryoji-san , DrKleiner-san , Fiya-san , Khodan-san , Hidekyu-san , Keaton-san and Checkmate-san " “The birth of a child is divine miracle.”
  19. Sometime i ask myself , "What is loli?" , ever i know the answer already........but my mind keep playing trick remind me that "lollipop"
  20. Greeting, Systemfatigue-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Enjoy your stay and sometime drop by on Fuwachat.
  21. may i ask?..... who the new VN players ? outsider of Fuwanovel ? if outsider , so the mentor need contact new mentee by using personal e-mail ? or......
  22. B ............. due to many reason, so i ignore it .
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