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Everything posted by SoulJustIn

  1. are you planning on Solo? Bakabutt-san soukou akki muramasa is very long length vn (50+hour) , ........ are you sure about it? . . . . . ........
  2. Greeting, AnthranDawn-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Enjoy your stay and sometime drop by on Fuwachat .
  3. I guess i should add new word to my dictionary "Fuwan" = member of Fuwa
  4. What a bad announcement ......... somehow inside me don't want to believe ....... My condolences to his family and all the fan of RWBY.
  5. confession: i kind of happy when i read it because i found someone same with me.
  6. Actually got many i want to read ..... -"Isogashii hito no tame no" - "for Busy people" series (Kasuga Soft) -Any of Vn from (Black Cyc) -Ore-tachi ni tsubasa wa nai AfterStory - No wings to us. (Navel) -Rui wa tomo wo yobu - Birds of a feather flock together (Akatsuki Works) -Ao no kanata no Four Rhythm (Sprite) <----- (PS: Thank you to Fuwans who helping the project translation) -and other
  7. Shikkoku no Sharnoth ~What a Beautiful Tomorrow~ Nice title , and very suit to ending too "What a Beautiful Tomorrow"
  8. royal battle completing task.......... until last person remaining ........ . . . . . good luck to all the participants completing task (including me)
  9. ??? Beato-san, I curious.... why delete save folder ? got old save inside? . . . got 100% Cg save ?
  10. Gore Screaming Show ..................
  11. Greeting, touhou fan Thunderbro-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Nice to meet you . Enjoy your stay and sometime drop by on Fuwachat.
  12. I like the idea . I also interesting those vn too. Funyarenpa-san, why don't have copse party series in list? (Corpse Party BloodCovered) . . Moon.? Bakudanā˜…Handan ?
  13. Yandere......... very interesting ........ I should try it at least once.
  14. Shikkoku no Sharnoth ~What a Beautiful Tomorrow~ ? nice vn , Kaguya-sama, may i ask.... can i post location stage of mini game A , B , C and D as i play ?
  15. Greeting, Sparkker-san I'm just new arrive in Fuwanovel Forums . (1 month) which mean i your kouhai . Pleased to meet you and hope for guide in future . (Ps:by the ways, why Regnum Spiritus? why not Possessus Spiritus? )
  16. Greeting, Chris25-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . and i also agree too , translation project not the easy thing to do ...... (need maintain motivation high in year or else......) for each group success translate vn should proud of it .
  17. hmmm, how to describe .....? ..............i not good in describe ...... "slice of life stories of dramatic nature" ? with "love does not exist" at first and "an accident or a mishap is an incidental and unplanned event or circumstance" in love to heroine at end? my own opinion "realistic" = "maybe will happen in real life" or "representing things in a way that is accurate and true to life" ? (ps: sorry if my explaining bad and my grammar too)
  18. Greeting , Nobuki-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Good to have you here. Do you enjoy Koichoco already? (or waiting for full patch?) Sometime drop by on Fuwachat and shout something . (quite lonely in Fuwachat)
  19. Nagisa_Fawkes-san, when i read your post "realistic"...... somehow my mind just remind me the vn Yume Miru Kusuri . (i bet you read it already right?) (forgiven me if i recommend wrong , somehow it remind me)
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