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Everything posted by SoulJustIn

  1. Zero no Tsukaima - Futatsuki no Kishi (S2)...........
  2. Zero no Tsukaima - Futatsuki no Kishi (Season 2)
  3. Greeting , Adsterhappy-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . I'm pleased that I got to know you and sometime drop by on Fuwachat . I read previously post, look like still haven't recommend Rewrite . So I recommend it .
  4. yep , i sure because i still have the game install with my save file "last moment scene"....
  5. might as well add Sekien no Inganock too. 10 act (Last act)
  6. While Liar-soft's other steampunk games had been set in fictional places, Sakurai decided to set Shikkoku no Sharnoth in London as she wanted to approach the game from a different angle. She also felt that London was a very important city in the steampunk genre.http://www.game-style.jp/extra/200911/16/05ext_gs-01.php'>
  7. Confessions : I very confuse ...... and panic when i saw the thread in Holding Cell
  8. Confession : It creep me out when i read some previously post ...........
  9. have you look at mirror when you playing Lucia's route from Rewrite? -->
  10. 180 page becoming 2nd most popular thread in Fuwanovel Forums .
  11. I can't help about it since i lack of experience writing ..... and why this thread lacks discussions ?
  12. Announcement......... ~I have earn new experience~
  13. Ceris-san, Thank you for advice or warning , or something ...... I guess I already have fun with it Please , don't remind me again .......
  14. (PS: forgive me if my thoughts offense someone or mistake ) A piece of my thoughts..... you don't have to read it if you don't want to.......... (quite embarrassing somehow)....... .....but the scene just actually encounter Bram Stoker , greeting each other & Bram Stoker leave. Nothing happened. (begin with Bram Stoker "I'll pass a word to Henry") -Another part "Repetition" example other example Because of those two part "narration & self narration" and "Repetition" keep remind me like novel..... .....(and light novel too?) ..... if person didn't ever try read novel before or don't have patience to read or only want H-secene...... I sure that person 100% press "crtl" or "skip icon" to skip and miss out many thing or worse of all maybe drop halfway read too........ Next topic....... Hmmm, what part i like "Shikkoku no Sharnoth -What a Beautiful Tomorrow-" One of part i like , "Realistic Reaction" ...... how should i explain...... maybe thanks to "Self narration" example i guess i stop here for today...... (i starter tired of thinking.......) *during check spelling or error words* look like I still got many haven't write.....(character,story plot,mini game,ending scene or experience gameplay) .............................................................................. I guess not need rush since i write them with my free will ........... (+ mood?) nothing here
  15. Thanks for huge guide "how to create a visual novel" and "how to run Ren'py" . Great work guys.
  16. hmmm , i late ..... i want to be 1st one post it Angel Beats when Yui "obliterated/rest in peace" + flashback Graduation and Final Scene "obliterated/rest in peace"
  17. by the ways, what your current reading vn ? any of favorite genre? favorite vn ?
  18. ....everyone in war ..... Don't mind me , i just passing through . . . . "Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~"
  19. Greeting, TyR-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . by the ways, what's your current reading vn? Enjoy your stay and sometime drop by on Fuwachat.
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