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Posts posted by XReaper

  1. 53 minutes ago, Marcus said:

    This latest meltdown may have made waves within the company. Or may not have. Who knows?


    feeling pretty bad for him, i mean whoever may be at fault, or not, he clearly wasnt. heck the job of his was doing only pr (which he did fine) and now seeing him getting (i suppose his was made go) showed the door is quite the strange feeling, like a sacrifice doll or sth. =/

    edit: sry for my crippled way of speaking, but reaper is drunk.

  2. CultureSelect:

    "There´re only 3 episodes listed on VNDB, which are actually 4 episodes! We will release all 4 episodes compiled together! It won't be split up, it'll be the whole series.

    Episode 4 has a very different feel to it, while as 1-3 focus on Jo and the Wild West theme in the game. The game as a whole builds off some common themes, though each episode has a specific focus.

    We are looking carefully at the feedback in this thread, but the font is not actually Comic Sans! Unfortunately the engine in it's current state doesn't support font switching, as each break line for each speech bubble needs to be manually programmed."

  3. So i just came across that nice & intriguing looking little something, which i never heard of before (same with the circle in question) and that is currently put on SteamGreenlight by CultureSelect. not much to say from my side, other than its visuals make my heart go all fuzzy and the writing/translation also seems quite befitting the story itself, e.g.: "unless you want that hood of yours blown straight to El Roso, you best move along". aye! (bit curious if @Ryechu had some sort of involvement there).
    eitherway stuff needs your very support in case high noon-ish waifus, social issues & lots of clang boom pow (literally) are what you´ve been always longing for.



    "Dead End Junction was written and directed by Hidume, the sole member of 773, creator of the acclaimed Cherry Tree High series and fan of old Westerns like The Magnificent Seven and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Their sharp sense of humor is on full display here, though they do an excellent job proving they can write a serious story with this title as well.
    To be localized by the start-up publisher Culture Select, Dead End Junction is a visual novel that captures the aura of the Wild West while addressing social issues that are relevant to contemporary society."

    edit: personal hype train just went off at maxx speed after re-reading the passage above, simply because the one who decided on creating fiction, possibly influenced by "good, bad & ugly´s" grandiosity, is more than worth my given support.

  4. 23 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

    Btw, am I the only one who didn't know that the eighth placed Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart is getting an English release directly by Harukaze? I mean, a full cast of Onee-sama type heroines with gorgeous art and a rating of > 8 with a hundred votes on VNDB. That's definitely my cup of tea, so why the heck didn't I know about that release?! Was I just blind and missed the announcement, or wasn't there any? :o

    there have been some pretty crudely worded flyers handed out to ax visitors, at frontwing´s panel if i remember correctly, and definitely nothing to look forward to in case they wont hire some professional staff for doing better, but who knows at this point...

  5. 1 hour ago, Qrqe said:

    They are not otome games.

    didnt mean those titles listed above, more generally speaking and been merely referring to the assumption of otome mostly being played/read by females.

    edit: & regarding the topic itself, only dal segno´s good sales managed to surprise me quite abit

  6. 9 minutes ago, Okarin said:

    Homely and unpopular Japanese girls need entertainment, too.

    b-but those are called fujoshi and mostly interested in fictional(?) dudes getting pounded...

    edit: sure there´re some who read otome, but surprisingly the majority of people i personally know of enjoying said genre is male.

  7. 9 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

    Still surprised about the high sales of Eushully's Sankai Ou no Yubiwa. Considering how bad it was received I'd expected it lower.

    compared to their previous one, it´s already been a whole damn less in terms of sales, but i guess stuff like that is bound to happen when company x starts giving a shit about it´s customers/long-term fanbase. rip

  8. kino no tabi (as already mentioned above)
    shin sekai yori
    blue gender
    wolfs rain
    city hunter series (incl. angel heart)

    other than those, you might want to watch out for the upcoming "genocidal organ", which should start airing sometimes later this year and/or evangelion´s 4th movie, now that anno hideaki finally (2years late :P) begun his work on said title

    honorable mentions, you may also find interesting:
    tsubasa chronicles (+related media)
    empire of corpses
    cowboy beebop

  9. 8 hours ago, メルP said:

    Fun thing is what RusAnon said about ETA in 1st post. He forgot to mention YEAR. I believe it has to be 2017! :wacko:

    this thread was orginally started for the creation of kono oozora´s restoration patch, which got finished a good while ago. everything pabloc (&compagnions) does is a whole re-translation of said title, basically a new project, whilst continue using the old thread for the sake of not having to make zillions that ultimately lead to the same goal.

  10. made a massive mistake by having started reading "soramimi×diamond" on some ill-willed recommendation, when originally only in need of something more light/amusing.
    feeling physically bad now. mentally hurt. soul of mine starts falling apart.
    in a way it´s almost comparable to madoka´s overall take on the world, paired with the grotesque, merciless and evil, all whilst staying hidden under a childishly innocent appearance.






  11. 12 hours ago, Shini44 said:

    but now i rather learn japanese and not deal with sekaiproject again ... i feel they are not here for us ....

    why is that so? because they mentioned not having any plans of working together with august at the moment?
    did you even consider the possibility of them might having already tried, but got refused?
    maybee another publisher has already striked a deal, or august simply wants to do it by themselves, same as frontwing, makura etc etc etc.
    not to mention the worst case scenario of august NOT having any interest in the western market in the first place.

    as you see there´s a little bit more to a title getting licensed by company a-c than just telling the jp-devs "yo our fans want that title", or by spamming twitter in hopes of it working out in the end. sure your actions were birthed of good intend and somehow understandable, but licensing procedures, or anything related to suchalike are a delicate matters that could very much backfire hard if an (carefully) approached company´s speaksman/ceo/staffmember were put in the situation of feeling harassed by a rioting fandom.

  12. On 21.7.2016 at 6:46 PM, Suzu Fanatic said:

    Hmm, not to rain on anyone's parade - but the above official reply is basically SP's typical response to any TL requested by fans.

    Haven't checked out their new website, but I know the old one had a long list of requested licenses..

    the difference is that most of those requests have been handled by sekai themselves in a way that´s befitting a publisher, e.g. establishing contact, inquiring etc. & NOT to send out literally hordes of fanboy-ish weaboos to start harassing a company of interest publicly. that´s a disgusting business practice, almost some form of blackmail, or guilttripping aka "better give us the license or my buddies will make you quit your peaceful days".

    edit: also how conveniently to already include a kickstarter tag in there, so it at least reeks of possible big money to make, when looking at sekais past history of pretty successful campaigns. world you disgust me.

    edit2: now that it seems to be a non legit/official attempt NOT coming from sekai themselves, but a nobody-ish dude instead, i take back what´s been directed at their address. the central essence of my post above stands still and should go for ANY publisher of ANY kind at ANY time.

  13. thanks to @CeruleanGamer having been the more fast one my recommendations are now obsolete. :P
    not much to say, just try reading those mentioned above, especially lune bitters has quite the cool lineup.
    anyway, just in case you´re also looking for sth more archaic, go for bishop´s titles, as they know how to deliver stuff in a good & believable manner. lots of chicks are getting abused/harmed in a sexual manner and it´s mostly none other than your fictional self (mc). almost the same goes for some of lune´s other titles such as jutaijima & fuurinkanzan (GO FUCKING READ THAT ONE!!!). aside from these you might want to look into silky´s jokei kazoku series, you might...

    edit: ALMOST forgot mentioning isaku´s /shuusaku´s/kisaku´s literary superiority in every possible regard. it´s raw, it´s ugly, it´s archaic urges at their very best - pretty much the genre´s deconstruction par excellence.
    simply wonderful!

    edit2: on another note waffle´s yabai! has a certain nostalgic flair about it, you know, that glorious depiction of rape/physical violence as it´s been originally intended, unlike the vanilla-lized travesty it turned into over the past years, like when rape still wasnt sth to be enjoyed , but used for eradicating a peoples body & soul instead.

    edit3: wouldn´t include the tantaidans in the list of ntr-focused titles by default, simply because there´s way more to the pretty cool series, than its trait of sexual abuse. basically saying you´re going to be dissappointed if that´s the only thing you´re looking forward to. otherwise go for it, it´s well worth the invested time.

  14. 7 hours ago, Deep Blue said:

    this campaign is going to fail :/ what a shame.

    even more so since the devs stance is pretty much clear regarding possible future projects if that one wont make it into the goal. cant see them going the dlc way like nextninja at all. guess it´s rip akagoei & stuff for eternity.

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