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Princess Evangile Release 2015


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Ok I am still progressing.... somehow. I had to skip some since I am getting bored of it.


I am really pissed there is no route for miraka(blonde chick)


Another thing that pisses me off is all the heroines just want you instantly. there is no "earning"  their love.


Ritsuko is the only one that looks interesting so far but still looks like she is falling for him.



I guess the only good thing I can say is I like the protagonist? that is about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Soooo...finally got back to PE.  Just got into Chiho's route, and suddenly I'm presented with the "ever fascinating" Chiho-Rise drama.  I hated it when I had to read about it in Rise's route, mostly because it felt kinda weak and overemphasized, so I really hope this doesn't last too long, because they aren't doing drama in a way that I can really tolerate for a decent amount of time.  Not really a big fan of drama in general, but it's falling pretty flat, in my opinion.

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That bad, huh?  I mean, Chiho's route was the one I was looking forward to the least, but is it that terrible?  It'd be a bit of a bummer if it really was.

It's not bad but it does suffer from an "Idiot Plot" as in all the drama in it is simply caused by people being idiots. 

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Darn.  And here I was hoping that it would go away.  Then again, if they're announcing in the school newspaper that

Chiho and Rise are in a love triangle with Masaya

, I doubt it could get any less stupid at this point.

It was a slow news day. 

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I don't even remember how the love triangle played out in Chiho's route but ya it should only go on for a chapter or two so you can skip and do the couple chapters of so-so romance before you get slapped with the most last minute shoved in drama ever for the last couple chapters :sachi:

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Well...Chiho's route is turning out to be an "interesting experience".


Who the hell takes their girlfriend of one day to go buy porn on their first date?  To top it all off, they're going to use it as a primer for sex...just...stop.  Please.  Why are you doing this?  I thought publicly announcing the love triangle in the newspaper and the fact that Masaya loves Chiho in front of a bunch of their classmates and complete strangers was dumb, but this is on a whole new level.

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Well...Chiho's route is turning out to be an "interesting experience".


Who the hell takes their girlfriend of one day to go buy porn on their first date?  To top it all off, they're going to use it as a primer for sex...just...stop.  Please.  Why are you doing this?  I thought publicly announcing the love triangle in the newspaper and the fact that Masaya loves Chiho in front of a bunch of their classmates and complete strangers was dumb, but this is on a whole new level.

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Well...Chiho's route is turning out to be an "interesting experience".


Who the hell takes their girlfriend of one day to go buy porn on their first date?  To top it all off, they're going to use it as a primer for sex...just...stop.  Please.  Why are you doing this?

I thought of this as something that could happen in real life. Not on an everyday basis, mind you, but... you know, a couple of two unexperienced kids eighteen year-olds have interest and decide to approach it like that...


It's actually kind of cute, in a twisted way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got through Chiho's route.  That was...really dumb.  I shook my head at several points at the pure stupidity some of the characters showed, but Masaya took the cake. 

I mean, he leaves a heavily guarded area to hide from his father, who in no way could have gotten into Vincennes.  The fact that his mom told him to do that made it even more stupid, but at least that could possibly be explained by her being doped up on meds after being stabbed.  Masaya has no excuse.


Starting Ayaka's route.  Heard this one is pretty good, so I'm fairly excited.

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Weird I remember somebody write at Erogegames at Princess Evangile have bug and you must save and load opp the save


ive never heard or experienced this bug before. there are a few glitches where part of a sprite will merge with the background, but nothing game breaking.


Starting Ayaka's route.  Heard this one is pretty good, so I'm fairly excited.


im curious on what you think of it.


also, its nice to be back discussing this vn. :)

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