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Princess Evangile Release 2015


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forgot to ask this, but was anybody else bothered by the mc not having eyes. the chibi stuff i could understand but other cg where we get a good look at his face? i really like it when vns really characterizes its mc's, like in if my heart had wings. the second cg we see is minase aoi, with eyes and everything, it really adds character to him. i know they dont really show much of the mc usually so its easier for readers to project themselves onto the mc

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I mean honestly. You showed us this already, why even bother? The inconsistency pisses me off more than the intention. Da Capo II did the same thing, for some reason.


i really like it when vns really characterizes its mc's, like in if my heart had wings. the second cg we see is minase aoi, with eyes and everything, it really adds character to him.

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Hello there~.Made this account to say this.

Princess Evangile has only 4 routes,the rest of the girls are on Princess Evangile W Happiness.Which is kinda lame since i finished Ayaka route and wanted to continue with Ruriko and Marika just to get dissapointed.


*Sigh* now i don't have any motivation to finish other rutes.

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Ayase Route

Truth be told, I was convinced Ayase would be a terrible heroine. She's flirty and a joker at all times. While I can tolerate any individual halves, the two combined become a recipe for disaster.

Yet, it easily evaded my low expectations.


Having finished it, the things which remain on my mind are basically the entire mystery regarding her mother's past and them finding out they were actually sisters forward. I can't even recall anything before that so there's my thoughts on those parts.


As for the mother stuff? Incredibly unexpected and not too bad as a consequence.


I liked her father and I liked Ayase turning good girl like. 

...I can't honestly think of anything else. So much for any kind of coherent thoughts.

Edited by Tiagofvarela
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Ayase Route

Truth be told, I was convinced Ayase would be a terrible heroine. She's flirty and a joker at all times. While I can tolerate any individual halves, the two combined become a recipe for disaster.

Yet, it easily evaded my low expectations.


Having finished it, the things which remain on my mind are basically the entire mystery regarding her mother's past and them finding out they were actually sisters forward. I can't even recall anything before that so there's my thoughts on those parts.


As for the mother stuff? Incredibly unexpected and not too bad as a consequence.


I liked her father and I liked Ayase turning good girl like. 

...I can't honestly think of anything else. So much for any kind of coherent thoughts.

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So I literally just started because I need a fap game.  :makina:


5 minutes in and this game already has my ire.  The very first option it gives you is either "Help her" or "Ignore it and leave", I chose to ignore it and leave, and yet still the game decides the main character has to go help her anyway with the typical tsukkomi of "Like I could do that!".  What the actual fuck game.  I found Majikoi boring, but the one thing I liked was that it actually gave you an option to fail or miss some of the scenes, like with the Miyako troll choices.


Graaahhh, that decision actually made me boot chrome to write this post out of ire, good job.  :conspiracy:

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I should probably have skipped the entirety of chapter 0. I know these games do meaningless choices frequently early on to advance the story, but I at least expected them to find some way to hide that fact.  Couldn't I have either gotten either a game over (oh noes, a game will actually let me fail!?) or have her run to me or something like that instead.  The first option would be me being active, and the second option would be me being dragged into it, which is still infinitely better than having all agency taken away from the choice.  What was it even there for then?


The choice felt like a slap in the face  :jinpou:


Totally not posting just because I haven't made any posts outside of the Anime subforum in over a week.

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